- 外文名稱:crownless
- 所屬專輯:《Wishmaster》
- 發行時間:2000年
- 歌曲原唱:Nightwish

Crownless again shall be the queen 王后將再次失去冠冕
Trophy on her grave still remains unseen 她墳頭的戰利品意味著陰暗
A boat on the river confessing the sins 河流上的孤舟昭示著罪行
The Riddler revealing the deep hidden things 謎者透露深處隱藏的事物
Crownless again shall be the king 國王將再次失去冠冕
A gull covered in oil with a broken wing 斷翼的海鷗被油所掩
A hitcher on a road alone and lost 孤獨而迷失的阻路者
Iron sharpens iron - a truth that once was 鐵使鐵更鋒利——曾是一個真理
Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone 我的所有是世界和那石中之劍
Mine is the throne for the idol 我是神像的君主
One fleeting moment and it is all gone 一個短暫的瞬間已然逝去
Crownless again 再次失去冠冕
Will I fall? 我會墮落么?
Roaming on razor-sharp castles 漫步於銳不可當的城堡中
Ruling all but myself 裁定除我之外的一切
(Now my night is laid to sleep) 我的夜現已沉入夢鄉
One fragrant rose worth ten times what I am 一朵馥郁的玫瑰十倍於我
A crippled begging a coin braver than I ever was 我甚至沒有勇氣如瘸子乞求一枚硬幣
Reflection from me - Devil dressed in white 我醒悟魔鬼身著白衣
Chasten the being 壓抑著現實
Become what I once was 成為我曾經的