- 中文名:字元串 參數
- 外文名:create_function
- 套用學科:計算機科學
- 適用領域範圍:計算機
string create_function(字元串 參數,字元串 代碼)從創建一個匿名函式傳遞的參數,並返回一個唯一的名稱。通常,這些參數將傳遞單引號分隔的字元串。使用單引號的字元...
Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As LongCreateCompatibleDC參數 編輯 hdc:現有設備上下文環境的句柄,如果該句柄為NULL,該...
public function long createfile (string lpfilename,long dwdesiredaccess,long dwsharemode,long lpsecurityattributes,long dwcreationdisposition,long dwflagsand...
Private Declare Function CreateFontA Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateFontA" (ByVal H As Long, ByVal W As Long, ByVal E As Long, ByVal O As Long, ...
Declare Function CreateFileMapping Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileMappingA" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileMappigAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByVal ...
CreateMutex()函式可用來創建一個有名或無名的互斥量對象,其函式原型為:CreateMutexVB聲明 Declare Function CreateMutex Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateMutexA" (...
Declare Function CreateDirectory& Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateDirectoryA" (ByVal lpNewDirectory As String, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)...
CreateDesktopA英文原文==CreateDesktop Function 編輯 Creates a new desktop, associates it with the current window station of the calling process,...
Declare Function CreateMetaFile Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateMetaFileA" (ByVal lpString As String) As LongCreateMetaFile參數表 編輯 lpString ------- ...
概述函式原型HANDLE WINAPI CreateWaitableTimer( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTimerAttributes, BOOL bManualReset, LPCTSTR lpTimerName);語法格式聲明Declare Function ...
WindowsAPI函式, 在WinUser.h中根據是否已定義Unicode被分別定義為CreateWindowW和... 1. CreateWindow function .MSDN[引用日期2015-03-27] 2. CreateWindow ....
CreateObject函式是創建和返回對 COM 對象的引用。CreateObject 不能用於在 ...CreateObject 函式 (Visual Basic)Public Shared Function CreateObject( _...
function CreateDir(const Dir: string): Boolean;begin{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Result := CreateDirectory(PChar(Dir), nil);{$ENDIF}...
CreateSemaphore是Declare Function CreateSemaphore Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateSemaphoreA" (lpSemaphoreAttributes AsSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByVal lInitialCount As ...
Declare Function ExtCreatePen Lib "gdi32" Alias "ExtCreatePen" (ByVal dwPenStyle As Long, ByVal dwWidth As Long, lplb As LOGBRUSH, ByVal dwStyle...
HANDLE CreateThread(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,//SDSIZE_T dwStackSize,//initialstacksizeLPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress,//threadfunction...
CREATE FUNCTION NoOfChar (@char1 varchar(20),@char2 varchar(20),@char3 varchar(20))RETURNS varchar(20)ASBEGINDECLARE @newchar varchar(20)...
create function Factorial (@count int) returns int as begin declare @ret int,@index int set @ret = 1 --初始值為 1 set @index = 1 while(@...
1.VarArrayCreate function Creates a variant array. 創建一個變體類型的數組。 function VarArrayCreate(const Bounds: array of Integer; VarType: TVarType): ...
However, a process can create multiple heaps using the HeapCreate function and each heap can be up to 1 MB.For Windows CE versions 1.0 through 2....