- 外文名:creaming
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 發音:['kri:miŋ]
- 釋義:乳狀物之沉澱或上層;乳油化|把…攪成奶油狀物;加奶油於;抽取精華(cream的ing形式)
cream /kriːm/ CET4 TEM4 ( creaming, creamed, creams )
1.N-UNCOUNTCream is a thick yellowish-white liquid taken from milk. You can use it in cooking or put it on fruit or desserts. 奶油
2.N-UNCOUNTCream is used in the names of soups that contain cream or milk. 奶油湯 [N 'of' n]
3.N-VAR A cream is a substance that you rub into your skin, for example, to keep it soft or to heal or protect it. 膏; 霜多和炒符
4.COLOR Something that is cream is yellowish-white in colour. 奶油色
5. → see also ice cream
creaming quality 奶油攪打槳乃仔時發泡能力 ; 稀奶油攪打時吸附空氣的能力 ; 稀奶油頸踏刪攪打時吸附空氣
creaming rate 分層速率
creaming down 冷渾
creaming agent[橡膠] 膏化劑 ; [助劑] 乳狀液澄清劑 ; 乳油分棗企跨層劑 ; 成乳油劑
creaming practics 挑精揀肥
emulsion creaming 乳劑分層
creaming ability 奶油分離束糊能力
creaming detail 分出巴民道漿乳油
creaming mudstone 膏質泥岩