



  • 外文名:conveyor
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[kənˈveɪə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[kənˈveɪər]


英 [kənˈveɪə(r)] 美 [kənˈveɪər]
n. 傳送帶,傳送裝置;傳播者,傳達者


belt conveyor 皮帶運輸機,帶式運輸機
conveyor belt 傳送帶
scraper conveyor 刮板式運輸機
screw conveyor 螺旋輸送機
roller conveyor 滾筒(柱)式輸送機;滾動傳送機;輥子輸送機
chain conveyor [機]鏈條輸送機;鏈式傳送機
conveyor chain 輸送鏈;運送鏈
conveyor line 輸送線
bucket conveyor [機械]斗式輸送機
conveyor roller 運輸機托輥;輸送機滾筒
chain scraper conveyor 鏈板輸送機
pneumatic conveyor 風力運輸機;氣力輸送機;氣兩輸送器
feed conveyor 飼料運送器
flight conveyor 鏈板傳送帶;刮板運輸器;梯板運送機


  • The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry. 潮濕的磚塊沿著傳送帶進入另一個棚子進行乾燥。
  • Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt. 從理論上講,這種對流會把大陸板塊帶到一起,好像把它們放在傳送帶上一樣。
  • Additionally, the temperature changes induced by a shutdown in the North Atlantic heat conveyor system are too small to explain the Younger Dryas. 此外,北大西洋熱輸送系統關閉所引起的溫度變化太小,無法解釋新仙女木天氣。
  • Is the conveyor belt working? 傳送帶可以正常工作嗎?
  • I see our bags on the conveyor belt. 我看見我們的包在傳送帶上了。
  • For Sushi Chain, Conveyor Belts Carry profit. 自動化傳輸帶為壽司連鎖店創造利潤。
  • The loosened coal falls onto a conveyor for removal from the mine. 鬆脫的煤塊落到傳送帶上,被運出礦井外。
  • E're faced with analyzing data as it passes by on a high-speed conveyor belt. 我們需要在高速傳送帶傳送來數據後立即進行分析。
  • On average it takes 40 years for the conveyor belts to complete a circuit(see diagram). 平均來說,輸送帶每完成一次循環需要40年。
  • It also actively manages devices such as scanners, conveyor belts, diverters, and so on. 它還積極地管理掃描器、傳送帶、分流器等設備。
  • Everyone else took their luggage off the conveyor belt, but mine didn't seem to be there. 別人都從傳送帶上拿到了行李,但是我的好像不在那裡。
  • They Bob merrily along for a couple of minutes before being collected by a conveyor belt. 甜甜圈歡快地冒泡,幾分鐘後又被放在了收集傳送帶上。
  • I saw the baggage conveyor at the baggage claim every time I traveled. Many people waited there. 每次旅行都能看見行李傳送機前的人群,我也是其中一員。
  • Next the fish go onto a conveyor belt and the process speeds up as workers swiftly fillet the fish. 下面步驟的速度將被加快,魚被放到傳送帶上,工人們快速地將魚肉切片。
  • The boxes move down a conveyor belt and make their way to a loading area, where they are met by a robot. 這些大箱子繼續被傳送帶運送到裝運區域,在那兒有機器人在等待著它們。
  • There everything is automated and sorted on conveyor belts using barcode scanners and sophisticated lifts. 在那裡一切都是自動化的,這裡將使用條碼掃描器和精密電梯,所有的分類都是通過自動輸送帶完成的。
  • It became cheaper still when, after 1906, they could be extruded by perforated conveyor belts a dozen at a time. 1906年,它們可以在有排孔的傳送帶上被壓制生產,一次十二個,此後它變得更便宜。
  • Already, the skeleton of an enormous conveyor belt snakes out of the refinery and up to the foot of the mountain. 巨大傳送帶的架子已經從煉鋁廠外面一路蜿蜒至大山的山腳。
  • The weighed and cut dough pieces are carried by the conveyor belt of the dough divider and is rounded with this machine. 過秤和分切之後的面塊,有麵團分切機的輸送帶傳送,並由本機進行搓圓.
  • If so, it will be seen as a harbinger of a another horror: the prospect of a shutdown of the North Atlantic conveyor. 如果真是這樣的話,這可能就是另一個可怕預言的先兆——北大西洋溫鹽環流將會消失。
  • Did you imagine a conveyor belt carrying live chickens into a giant machine, set to the classic cartoon theme "Powerhouse"? 你是否想像過這一幕:一條傳送帶載滿撲騰著翅膀的活雞,全部送進一個大機器里發電?這一幕常常是老式卡通片的的主題之一。
  • Click here for a summary of the importance of the Atlantic Conveyor, a critical component of the oceanic circulatory system. 點擊這裡看一份關於大西洋輸送帶重要性的概述。大西洋輸送帶是海洋循環系統的重要組成部分。
  • Diners use a touch panel to order soup and other side dishes, which are delivered to tables on special express conveyor belts. 用餐者利用一個觸摸面板來點湯或其它的菜,這些食物再通過特殊的傳送帶送到餐桌。
  • The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless. 規模巨大的伏爾加汽車製造廠的產品包括隨處可見的拉達轎車。 該廠裝配線的傳送帶今年大多數時候都在趴窩。
  • I receive quizzical stares and more than a few raised eyebrows while unloading my cart onto the conveyor belt at the supermarket. 當我在超市里把我的購物車放到輸送帶上時,我會收到許多人探尋的注視。
  • In larger operations pigs move on conveyor systems through scalding tunnels and dehairing machines with rotating rubber fixtures. 大型屠宰場生豬都是通過傳送系統,逐步經過熱燙槽以及裝有旋轉橡膠刮片的脫毛機。


