



  • 外文名:concentric
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[kənˈsentrɪk]
  • 美式發音:[kənˈsentrɪk]


concentric /kənˈsɛntrɪk/ TEM8
1.ADJConcentric circles or rings have the same centre. 同心的 [ADJ n]


concentric annulus 同心環空
concentric fold[地質] 同心褶曲
concentric arcs 同心弧 ; 同心圓弧
concentric weathering 球狀風化 ; [地質] 同心風化 ; 同心風化
concentric exercise 向心運動 ; [生理] 向心型運動
concentric plug 同心插頭 ; 同心塞
Concentric Nebulizer 霧化器 ; 同心霧化器 ; 同心型霧化器
concentric folding 平行褶皺
concentric charge 集中裝藥


  • 1On a blackboard, he drew five concentric circles.他在黑板上畫出五個同心圓。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Bone growth in reptiles is periodic in nature, producing a series of concentric rings in the bone, not unlike the growth rings of a tree.爬行動物的骨骼生長在本質上是周期性的,在骨頭上產生一系列的同心圓,就像樹木的年輪一樣。
  • 3The same catalogue included a type of two-pole concentric plug and socket.相同的目錄包括一種兩極同心插頭和插座。
  • 4The centres of concentric circles coincide.同心圓的圓心是一個。
  • 5So that's why he thinks it appropriate to call them concentric circles.這就是他將其,稱為同心圓的原因。
  • 6They sit cross legged, in concentric circles... like growth rings in a tree.他們交叉著腿坐成一個個同心圓…就像樹上的年輪。
  • 7Instead tastes are a series of concentric rings, like ripples in a pond.品味這時成了一系列同心圓,如同池塘里的水波。
  • 8Beyond this immediate dilemma, other doubts ripple out in concentric rings.除了這迫在眉睫的困境外,其他疑問也漸漸浮出水面,蔓延開來。
  • 9Women tended to enter in one corner and search in concentric circles or lines.而女人則更傾向於從一個角落開始,然後以此為圓心向外擴張,或者直線向前。
  • 10WIDE SHOT, moving in across the concentric rings of people, all plugged-in and softly chanting.廣角鏡頭——從人們圍成的同心圓中穿過。人們都與聖母之樹相連,輕輕地吟誦著。
  • 11The Earth's axis points toward Polaris, the North Star, near the center of the concentric trails.地軸指向北極星,在這一圈同心圓中心附近。
  • 12Each half-circle is offset by computed x and y coordinates in order to ensure that they are concentric.根據算出的 x 和 y 坐標,各半圓將偏移以保證同心。
  • 13Like trees, stalagmites are often composed of concentric layers that represent annual growth periods.同樹木一樣,石筍通常也有能顯示其年生長周期的年輪。
  • 14The cultures are represented by concentric rings, and the emotions are represented by slices of the circle.同心圓代表不同的文化,而小方片代表了不同的情緒。
  • 15Getting to know the city became a process of wandering in ever larger concentric circles, camera in hand.了解到這個城市正在擴張。當時我手中拿著相機。
  • 16Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center.他們的家園由同心島嶼構成,用寬闊的護城河隔開,並通過一條貫穿至中心的運河相互聯繫。
  • 17His verdict, arrived at after he scoured over 10,000 points on the microwave maps, is that Dr Penrose's concentric circles are real.在搜尋了微波地圖上的10000個點位後,他得出的結論是彭羅斯博士的同軸圓確實存在。他稱其發現了一系列這樣的同軸圓- - -其中一個為插圖所示。
  • 18His verdict, arrived at after he scoured over 10, 000 points on the microwave maps, is that Dr Penrose's concentric circles are real.在去除微波地圖上面的超過10000個點之後,他得出彭羅斯博士的同心圓是真實存在的結論。
  • 19Think of this process as a series of concentric circles beginning with our own individual, spiritual awareness as the innermost circle.可以將這一過程看做一組同心圓,最內層即是每個人獨特的精神認知。
  • 20Simply flanking the piezoelectric layer with thin concentric layers of metal would not work because metals tend to have a low viscosity.僅僅在兩側安放壓電層和薄薄的同心金屬層是起不了多大作用的,因為金屬的粘度很低。
  • 21You learn in grade school that each ring in a tree represents a year. But there's more information hidden away in these concentric rings.我們在國小就已經了解到,樹木的每圈年輪代表一年,不過這些同心圓還隱藏這更多的信息。
  • 22And so then, within this concentric overlay vector other time programs; other dimensional realms can be frequencially accessed more easily.就這樣,這個同心疊加點同時指向著其他時間程式,其他的維度領域就可以更容易地頻繁進入。
  • 23Their proposal is to surround each light aircraft with two concentric, vertical cylinders of airspace that resemble virtual “hockey pucks”.他們的方法是,在每一架小型飛機周圍,以飛機為中心,構想一兩個同軸的垂直圓柱體,像兩個冰球的形狀。
  • 24That can be addressed with multifocal lenses, which have concentric rings of material that offer alternate bands of near and distant vision.這個問題可以使用多焦點人工晶體來解決,它擁有一些同心圓環,該圓環上的物質能提供交替調節近距離和遠距離視力的區帶。
  • 25The concentric circles and spiral patterns indicate the vortex portal of the area, the entry into what the indigenous termed as Spirit world.同心圓和螺旋圖指出了此地的漩渦入口,也就是土著人所稱的靈性世界的入口。
  • 26Dr Yabe's trick is to use relatively small Fresnel lenses-transparent and relatively thin planar lenses made up of concentric rings of prisms.Yabe博士的訣竅是使用比較小的菲涅爾透鏡——稜鏡同心環構成的透明較薄的平面透鏡。
  • 27I think we need to begin developing maps of [picture with concentric circles] these territories so that we can talk about it across disciplins.我認為我們應當描畫出與此相關的領域的地圖,使得跨領域對話成為可能。


