



  • 外文名:computerize
  • 詞性:及物動詞
  • 英式發音:[kəmˈpjuːtəraɪz]
  • 美式發音:[kəmˈpjuːtəraɪz]


computerize /kəmˈpjuːtəˌraɪz/ CET4 ( computerizing, computerized, computerizes )
1.V-T To computerize a system, process, or type of work means to arrange for a lot of the work to be done by computer. 使計算機化


computerize fina 金融電子化
Computerize Use 電子化利用
computerize tomography ct層析成像
accounting computerize 會計電算化
automobile computerize 汽車電子化


  • 1Let's totally computerize the operation.讓我們把操作都電腦化吧。
  • 2We want to computerize the current manual system we have.我們希望目前的電腦化系統,我們有手冊。
  • 3The firm has decided to computerize its wages department.公司已決定在工資科實行電腦操作。
  • 4With on the job training the workers train on the new computerize machines.在職訓練是在電腦化設備前訓練職工。
  • 5Very grateful to be in his busy schedule to read my computerize its control!非常感謝能在百忙之中閱讀我的來件!
  • 6OBJECTIVE To build up computerize management system of hospital preparation.目的建立醫院製劑電腦化管理系統。
  • 7Their decision five years ago to computerize the company is now paying dividends.五年前他們作出的使公司電腦化的決定現在正產生出效益。
  • 8RESULTS The computerize management system of hospital preparation has been set up.結果建立了醫院製劑管理系統。
  • 9System implementation is introduced to computerize accountancy and finance in industry and business.本文介紹了工業企業財務會計電算化系統的具體實現。
  • 10The system is helpful to automatize and computerize the assessment and management of locomotive attendants.該系統有助於實現機車乘務員考核管理自動化和微機化。
  • 11Experimental research work is conducted to computerize the instrument of internal magnetic field measurement of metal.對金屬內部磁場測量儀的智慧型化作了實驗研究。
  • 12By means of the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), an expert system is developed in this paper to computerize the inspection.運用面向對象程式設計技術(OOP),本文開發了一個滑油檢查專家系統。
  • 13Most small companies use off-the shelf computerized accounting packages, and the very smallest businesses might not computerize at all.大多數的小交易使用現貨供應計算機會計程式包,非常小的公司可能根本不用計算機。
  • 14The operation principle, main performance parameters of the computerize automatic measurement system for bellows characteristic are analysed and discussed.分析討論了智慧型膜盒特性自動測試系統的工作原理和主要性能參數。
  • 15The mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and the computerize ANT software were performed in the patient and controls, to evaluate intelligence and record the reaction time (RT).受試者接受簡易智慧型量表(MMSE)評估智慧型及使用注意網路測試(ANT)軟體進行警覺功能行為學測試,記錄反應時間(RT)。
  • 16This paper expounds how to computerize the management of package freights and selecting freights for the loading of hazardous goods so as to raise efficiency on the basis of safe transportation.用計算機實現對零擔危險貨物配裝工作的管理,可在保證危險貨物安全運輸的基礎上,提高工作效率。
  • 17A computerize system for testing the geometrical performance of grids are developed for fast and precisely controlling medical X-ray grid ability for absorbing scattered ray and its utility effect.為快速、準確地檢測X線濾線柵的對散射X線的吸收能力和使用效果,研製了游線材幾何性能測試系統。


