- 外文名:completion
- 詞性:名詞
- 單詞發音:英[kəmˈpliːʃn];美[kəmˈpliːʃn]
- 1The project is nearing completion.這項工程就要竣工了。《牛津詞典》
- 2The new library is close to completion.新圖書館快要竣工了。《牛津詞典》
- 3The project is due for completion in the spring.這項工程預定在明年春季竣工。《牛津詞典》
- 4All payments are contingent upon satisfactory completion dates.所有的付款須視是否如期完成而定。《牛津詞典》
- 5We congratulated them on the successful completion of the project.我們祝賀他們工程順利竣工。《牛津詞典》
- 6The final section of road is programmed for completion next month.最後一段道路計畫於下月竣工。《牛津詞典》
- 7Satisfactory completion of the course will lead to the award of the Diploma of Social Work.合格完成此課程者將獲得社會福利工作文憑。《牛津詞典》
- 8The building is nearing completion.這座大樓差不多快完工了。《新英漢大辭典》
- 9Completion of this bridge is expected in a year or so.這座橋一年半載可望竣工。《新英漢大辭典》
- 10The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.工程師的過早去世推遲了工程的完工期。《新英漢大辭典》
- 11It is found that people are more creative following the completion of a tedious task.研究發現,人們在完成一項乏味的任務後,會更有創造力。
- 12Members of the 4-H club agreed to follow the project through to completion, because they receive satisfaction from the results of constructive work.4-H 俱樂部的成員同意跟進這個項目直到完成,他們能從建設性的工作成果中得到滿足。
- 13The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.哈芙納牌機器的維修工作已接近尾聲。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 14Satisfactory completion of the course does not ensure you a job.課程學習的圓滿完成並不能保證你能得到工作。《牛津詞典》
- 15Comparing Pepper's actions with and without inner speech, Pipitone and Chella discovered the robot had a higher task-completion rate when having self-dialogue.皮皮托內和凱拉對比了佩珀有內心語言和沒有內心語言時的行為,發現機器人有自我對話時的任務完成率更高。
- 16The vast majority of American parents who pay allowance tie it to the completion of housework.絕大多美國父母把給零花錢同做家務掛鈎。
- 17The latest deaths have come after the completion of Operation Panther's Claw in central Helmand.最近死亡事件是在在赫爾曼德中心執行豹爪行動之後才出現的。
- 18In March 2010, Bilfinger Berger announced that the estimated completion date would be in 2014.2010年3月,比爾芬格·伯傑宣布預計完工日期為2014年。
- 19These faculties have the highest abandon rate and the biggest average time for degree completion.這些教員的放棄率最高,完成學業的平均時間最長。
- 20The hydroelectric station is nearing completion.水電站即將竣工。《新英漢大辭典》
- 21You will be regarded as one of the family, long after the completion of your time here at Takapuna Grammar School.在你結束塔卡普納語法學校的學業很久之後,他們還是會把你看做是家庭成員。
- 22Estimated completion date:?預計竣工時間:?
- 23Each path is worked on to completion.每一個路徑都正在完成當中。
- 24Pursue that experience to completion.追去的經歷完成了。
- 25The new carrier is nearing completion.新航母目前接近完工。
- 26Wait for completion.等待運行完成。
- 27Perfectionism is the enemy of completion.完美主義是你完成任務的大敵。
- 28Let the installation run to completion.運行安裝,直到完成。
- 29There is no code completion to help you here.在這裡沒有完成的代碼來幫助您。