



  • 外文名:competitor
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[kəmˈpetɪtə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[kəmˈpetɪtər]


英 [kəmˈpetɪtə(r)] 美 [kəmˈpetɪtər]
n. 競爭者,對手;選手,參賽者
[ 複數 competitors ]


competitor analysis 競爭者分析
Fellow competitor 同伴競技者 ; 搭檔競技者 ; 火伴體育競賽者 ; 錯誤競技者
Fellow-Competitor 同伴比賽者 ; 同組競賽者 ; 搭檔競賽者
Competitor Tracking 競爭對手跟蹤
strategic competitor 戰略競爭者 ; 戰略競爭者
Competitor comparisons 競爭對手對比
Imperfect competitor 不完全競爭者 ; 不完全競爭者購買量或銷售量足以影響所在市場的價格水平的廠商
Predatory competitor 非常強大的競爭對手 ; 掠奪性競爭對手
competitor system 競爭機制
Competitor Profile 競爭者檔案 ; 競爭對手文檔


  • 1The opposite of an opportunist is a competitor.與機會主義者對立的是競爭者。
  • 2His success was beyond belief since his competitor was so experienced.他的成功令人難以置信,因為他的對手非常有經驗。
  • 3The girl I viewed as a competitor congratulated me on my contest results.那個被我視為競爭對手的女孩就我取得的競賽成績向我表示祝賀。
  • 4I am certain of it, especially if it's difficult for a competitor to copy.我對此非常確信,尤其是當競爭對手很難抄襲的時候。
  • 5Parkrun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock.“公園跑”不是速度競賽,而是計時賽:你唯一的競爭對手是時鐘。
  • 6In this game, you only have one starting point, one destination, and one competitor.在這個遊戲中,你只有一個起點、一個終點和一位競爭對手。
  • 7What if a competitor company proposes to do business with them in a "traditional" way?如果一個競爭對手公司提出和他們用“傳統”的方式做生意呢?
  • 8A tough competitor, bracken reduces the value of grazing land by crowding out other vegetation.作為一個強有力的競爭者,蕨類植物排擠了其他植被,從而降低了放牧地的價值。
  • 9Renault's competitor PSA Peugeot Citroen is "extremely vigilant" about the risks of industrial espionage.雷諾的競爭對手標誌雪鐵龍“極其警惕”工業間諜的風險。
  • 10If you have a product and your competitor has a product and you put sugar in yours, people are going to like it better.如果您有產品,而你的競爭對手有產品,並且你的在其中放了糖,人們會更喜歡你的產品。
  • 11It can also be antagonistic, such as when a political candidate turns toward their competitor during a debate and makes eye contact that signals hostility.它也可以是對抗性的,例如,當一個政治候選人在辯論中轉向他們的競爭對手,並進行眼神交流,表明敵意。
  • 12Suppose a United States-owned company establishes an overseas plant to manufacture a product while its competitor makes the same product in the United States.假設一家美國公司建了一個海外工廠生產一種產品,而其競爭對手在美國國內生產同樣的產品。
  • 13A thirty-nine-year-old competitor collapsed half-way through the marathon.一位39歲的參賽者在馬拉松賽跑的中途癱倒了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14In the second race, the American competitor edged out the Ethiopian runner by less than a second.在第二場賽跑中,美國選手比衣索比亞選手快不到1秒鐘。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15As long as your competitor is up for the challenge, you might as well go for it.只要您的競爭對手願意接受挑戰,您也可以堅持下去。
  • 16The most mentally positive competitor might be chosen as the captain in order to lead the team to victory.為了帶領球隊取得勝利,最積極向上的運動員可能被選為隊長。
  • 17Without predators, the species that is the best competitor for food, shelter, nesting sites, and other environmental resources tends to dominate and exclude the species with which it competes.在沒有捕食者的情況下,那些在食物、庇護所、巢穴據點和其他環境資源方面最具競爭力的物種往往會占據主導地位,並拒絕接納那些與之競爭的物種。
  • 18The market-orientated strategy divides into customer orientation, competitor orientation, and interfunctional coordination.以市場為導向的策略分為以客戶為導向,以競爭對手為導向和部門間協調。
  • 19The first prize was awarded to the youngest competitor.一等獎授給了最年輕的比賽者。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 20The Olympiad jury did not misestimate any competitor.奧林匹德評審團沒有錯估任何選手。
  • 21A: They are a great competitor.曾啟山:他們是非常優秀的競爭對手。
  • 22He's just that fierce competitor.作為一個競爭者,他是如此兇猛。
  • 23Subsidiary or Competitor?子公司還是競爭者?
  • 24Time is our top competitor.他說“時間是我們的首要競爭者。
  • 25Understand competitor performance gaps.理解與競爭對手的績效差距。
  • 26Who is likely to be their main competitor?主要競爭對手可能是誰?
  • 27So, no, I wouldn't say she's my competitor.所以,我不會說她是我的競爭對手。


