adj. 持溫和政治觀點的;主張溫和政策的
n. 中立派議員;中間派議員;持溫和政治觀點者
He had left the movement because it had abandoned its centrist policies. 他離開了這場已放棄其中間派政策的運動。
Some time later he heard that the ship Beagle was going on a trip to South America and needed a centrist. 過了一段時間,他聽說比格爾號輪船要去南美旅行,需要一位中間派。
What is more, some say their centrist role is overstated. 更甚者還認為其中間派角色不值一提。
He said he would leave to form a new centrist movement. 他表示將自行建立一個新的中間派。
Most of all, though, he showed how tough it is to be a centrist. 儘管他盡力去顯示了作為中間派有難,但沒有人同情他。
While neither is a centrist candidate, they are also not fringe candidates. 他們都不是中立派,也不是邊緣候選人。
Mr Capriles, of the centrist Justice First party, now leads the primary field. 卡普里萊斯在中間派第一正義黨內處於主要領導地位。
Time, a centrist magazine, judged Mr Specter one of America's ten best senators in. 2006年的中位派雜誌時間,評論SPECTOE為2006年美國最佳參議員之一。
They are right that AV would probably favour consensus-seeking, centrist candidates. 他們是正確的,選擇投票制很可能有利於尋求共識、走溫和路線的候選人。
Mr Valls also comes from a party whose left wing considers him unforgivably centrist; 瓦爾斯同樣身在一個把他看做一個不可原諒的中間派的黨內;
Mr Obama also unveiled the main elements of his own centrist reform plan for the first time. 歐巴馬還首次公布了他的折中醫改計畫的主要部分。
He wants Mr Netanyahu to swap his hardline partners for Tzipi Livni's centrist Kadima party. 他希望內塔尼亞胡用齊皮·利夫尼的中間派前進黨換掉他的強硬的合作夥伴。
He urged Livni to bring her centrist Kadima party into the coalition, but she flatly refused. 他敦促利夫尼將她的溫和派前進黨帶進這個聯盟,不過利夫尼斷然拒絕這一要求。
A centrist Conservative MP makes a matching observation about the youthful circle around Mr Cameron. 一個中間派保守黨議員做了一個以Cameron為首的年輕領導圈子的比較觀察。
Even areas where Obama's position is resolutely centrist—stabilizing Social Security to cut deficits; 即使歐巴馬的立場是堅定的中間派——確保社會安全減少財政赤字;
Centrist opinion may rally behind whichever man, Mr Toledo or Mr Kuczynski, seems more likely to win. 中立派將會支持勝算較大的候選人,不管他是托萊多先生還是Kuczynski先生。
Europe makes even centrist voters cross in Britain, yet centrists on the continent are overwhelmingly pro-EU. 歐洲連英國的中間派選民都惹惱了,但歐洲大陸上的中間派都一邊倒地支持歐盟。
She has remodelled herself as an impeccably centrist senator, co-sponsoring bills with prominent conservatives. 她把自己重塑為一個走中間路線的“好好先生”,與重要的保守派共同支持議案。
Her centrist position will be put to the test in new elections that analysts say will be tough for her party to win. 她的溫和派立場將在選舉中經受考驗,分析人士認為她領導的前進黨要想在選舉中獲勝非常困難。
Mr Penn is a committed centrist who thinks elections are won by wooing swing voters rather than revving up the base. 潘恩先生是個堅定忠誠的中間派人士,他認為勝選需要靠拉攏中間選民而非鞏固基本盤來實現。
More support for nuclear power (nearly emissions-free, but controversial) could bring back a few centrist Republicans. 維爾薩克一直忙著推銷氣候法案,像是一種大幅增加農民收入的方法,因為農場主可以通過減少自身的溫室氣體排放而從污染工業那裡賺取“抵消”)更多支持核能(幾乎零排放,但是富有爭議)可以挽回幾個中立派的共和黨人。
She is expected to continue the centrist policies of her predecessor, Oscar Arias, and increase efforts to fight crime. 她預計會延續她的前任,奧斯卡·阿里亞斯的中立派政策,同時加大打擊犯罪力度。
Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger’s return to the centrist persona that got him elected. 共和黨戰略家們將這一轉變歸功於施瓦辛格還原了他的溫和派形象,正是這一點助他當上了州長。
Republican strategists attribute the turnaround to Schwarzenegger's return to the centrist persona that got him elected. 共和黨戰略家們將這一轉變歸功於施瓦辛格還原了他的溫和派形象,正是這一點助他當上了州長。
You see admitting that one side is willing to make concessions while the other isn't would tarnish one's centrist credentials. 大家可以看到,承認只有一方願意做出讓步會損害中間人士的信譽。
You see, admitting that one side is willing to make concessions, while the other isn't, would tarnish one's centrist credentials. 大家可以看到,承認一方願意做出讓步而另一方不願意會損害中間人士的信譽。