Cassie Curtis 四歲開始學習唱歌和彈琴。Cassie Curtis 的父親是一名牧師,因此她常常得以在禮拜堂展現她的才藝。上學之後,她喜歡在學校表演戲劇和音樂劇,並有著在佛羅倫斯劇院表演唱歌舞蹈的特權。而在最近幾年,她一直致力於推廣敬拜音樂,並在Myspace上上傳自己的歌曲。首張個人專輯在今年的六月份推出。這張同名專輯包括了11首曲目,其中有7首是原創歌曲。
清新怡人的cassie curtis

<I run to you >
i run from hate
i run from prejudice
i run from pessimists
but i run too late
i run my life
or is it running me
run from my past
i run too fast
or too slow it seems
when lies become the truth
that's when i run to you
this world keeps spinning faster
into a new disaster so i run to you
i run to you baby
and when it all starts coming undone
baby you're the only one i run to
i run to you
we run on fumes
your life and mine
like the sands of time
slippin' right on through
and our love's the only truth
that's why i run to you
this world keeps spinning faster
into a new disaster so i run to you
i run to you baby
and when it all starts coming undone
baby you're the only one i run to
this world keeps spinning faster
into a new disaster so i run to you
i run to you baby
and when it all starts coming undone
baby you're the only one i run to
i run to you
i always run to you
run to you