



  • 外文名:brash
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[bræʃ]
  • 美式發音:[bræʃ]


英 [bræʃ] 美 [bræʃ]
adj. 無禮的,傲慢的;倉促的,性急的
n. 驟雨;碎片;胃灼熱
n. (Brash)人名;(英)布拉什


Don Brash 布拉什 ; 布萊士
Brash chopper 枝梢切斷機 ; 枝梢切碎機 ; 枝梢堵截機
Brash Benson 性急的班森 ; 傲慢的本森 ; 魔法師 ; 熱血班森
Scott Brash 布拉什 ; 斯科特·布拉什 ; 手斯科特·布拉斯
brash ice [海洋] 碎冰 ; 碎冰群
Brash Tool 筆刷工具 ; 畫筆工具
water brash 心灼熱 ; 胃灼熱
weaning brash 斷奶腹瀉 ; 翻譯
brash bread 燕麥黑麵包


  • On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising. 在舞台上,她顯得冷酷、自以為是而且不妥協。
  • Beneath his brash exterior, he's still a little boy inside. 他外表盛氣凌人,內心裡還是個孩子。
  • He behaves in a brash way. 他總是草率行事。
  • He was wearing a rather brash tie. 他繫著一條頗為顯眼的領帶。
  • This is the way we brash our teeth. 這是我們刷牙的方式。
  • We could not carry out that brash plan. 我們不能執行那個輕率的計畫。
  • You'd better avoid doing anything brash. 你最好做事別那么倉促。
  • It's easy to mock that brash forecast now. 現在,對這樣衝動的預測大加嘲諷是很容易的事。
  • Aseca was a cunning and brash individual. 阿塞卡是一個狡猾自大的人。
  • Avoiding the "brash white foreigner" tag is key. 避免“自負的白種人”標籤是重點。
  • And they're unbelievably brash about everything. 而且對於任何事她們都帶有令人難以置信的率直。
  • UBL: The brash youth on a quest for the universe UBL:急於探索宇宙的年輕人
  • Her initial confidence can seem brash and naive. 她最初的自信看來是一種輕率和幼稚。
  • The city of high-rises, proud and loud, big and brash. 一個大廈林立、妄自尊大、繁雜喧鬧、傲慢無禮的城市。
  • It was never quite so brash, so shameless, so obvious. 它沒有那么傲慢,那么無恥,那么張揚。
  • Blue, for example, is peaceful, and yellow is brash. 例如,藍色表示寧靜,黃色表示急躁。
  • Don't you think that suit's a bit brash for a funeral? 難道你不認為那套衣服對於葬禮而言有點無禮嗎?
  • The media establishment regards him as a brash outsider. 傳媒界將他視作魯莽粗俗的外行人。
  • It is a brash goal, admits Inkuk Hahn of Samsung's strategy team. “這確實是個大膽的目標”,三星策略小組的InkukHahn承認。
  • I would like to be wise before my time and yet be foolish and brash and bold. 我想要在大限到來之前變得聰明並且愚蠢傲慢勇敢。
  • Jane: Well, I was surprised by your reaction. It's not like you to be so brash. 阿珍︰我對你的反應感到很驚訝。你平常不會這么無禮的。
  • Only 6.5 percent of people prefer it and they are usually brash and gregarious. 只是有6.5%的人喜歡這樣睡,他們通常性情急躁,愛社交。
  • Her fiance's stepmother famously accused her of acting like a brash celebrity bride. 她未婚夫的繼母直接了當地說她是一個舉動輕率,傲慢無禮的新娘。
  • Big, brash Karachi vies with more staid Lahore as the heart of Pakistan's art scene. 更大更激進的喀拉蚩(市)一直都在與更加一本正經的拉合爾(市)較勁誰才是巴基斯坦的藝術中心。
  • Ignoring social pressure - you walk right up to her, ignore everybody else extremely confident and brash. 無視社會的壓力-你要非常自信和傲慢地忽視周圍任何人,直接走到她身邊。
  • Everybody knows the brash and obnoxious "hot-shot" type at work that needs to validate his worth publicly. 每個人都在工作中認識一些又無禮又討嫌的“萬事通”,總是要公開地確認他的價值。
  • The brash young First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation. 年青而性情急躁的海軍大臣溫斯頓·邱吉爾對海軍航空特別關心。
  • He did well on the publicity side when he first came because he was brash, young and brave with his comments. 他剛來的時候在輿論報導方面做的很成功,因為他是如此的傲慢,年輕,勇敢的發表他的意見。
  • Start brave and brash: you can always make things more conservative, but it's hard to make things more radical. 學著勇敢與魯莽:你通常做一些更為保守的事情,但你卻難以讓事情變得更理性。


