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blouse是一個英語單詞,名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“寬鬆的上衣;女裝襯衫”,作動詞時意為“使…寬鬆下垂; 寬鬆下垂”。


  • 外文名:blouse
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 釋義:寬鬆的上衣;女裝襯衫




sleeveless blouse無袖襯衫
RED BLOUSE紅罩衫 ; 紅襯衣 ; 紅杉子
blouse rack婦女上衣架 ; 詳細翻譯
gaucho blouse牧人短罩衫
Silk Blouse真絲上衣
Blouse Tops上裝
Sasha Blouse莎夏·布勞斯
Balkan blouse巴爾幹外套


  • 1The blouse clung damply to her skin.襯衫濕漉漉地貼在她身上。《牛津詞典》
  • 2She had begun to unbutton her blouse.她開始解她襯衫的鈕扣。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3She hurriedly buttoned (up) her blouse.她急忙扣好襯衫。《牛津詞典》
  • 4That blouse sets off the blue of her eyes.那件上衣襯托出了她的藍眼睛。《牛津詞典》
  • 5That blouse shouldn't look like that after only two washes.那件女襯衫只洗過兩水,不應該變成這個樣子。《牛津詞典》
  • 6She was wearing a white, see-through blouse, a red bra showing beneath.她穿著一件白色透明的襯衫,裡面的紅色胸罩透了出來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7This skirt matches my blouse.這條裙子和我的上衣挺配的。
  • 8She bought a blouse yesterday.她昨天買了一件女式襯衫。
  • 9She has a beautiful blouse.她有一件漂亮的襯衫。
  • 10I'm wearing a red blouse.我穿著一件紅色的襯衫。
  • 11I show her my new blouse.我讓她看我的新襯衫。
  • 12She wore a white blouse.她穿著一件白色襯衫。
  • 13Mary's blouse is smart.瑪麗的襯衫很整潔。
  • 14I like this red blouse.我喜歡這件紅色襯衫。
  • 15I think I want to get this red blouse.我覺得我想買這件紅襯衫。
  • 16I wear a blouse today.我今天穿了一件襯衫。
  • 17That blouse comes along with this vest.那件女式上衣和這件背心是一套的。
  • 18I need a new blouse.我需要一件新襯衫。
  • 19That is your blouse.那是你的襯衫。
  • 20Her blouse is blue.她的上衣是藍色的。
  • 21Her mother asked her to put on the blouse.她媽媽叫她穿上襯衫。
  • 22But if she stopped to iron the blouse normally, she would be late.如果她停下手上的工作像平常一樣去熨襯衫的話就會遲到。
  • 23When I tried on a blouse, my mother looked at me, and I knew what was coming.當我試穿一件女式襯衫時,媽媽看著我,我知道接下來會發生什麼。
  • 24She was carefully dressed when she went to clothing stores, and wore white pads called shields under her arms so her dress or blouse would show no sweat.她去服裝店時穿著很講究,腋下夾著一種叫做盾牌的白色墊子,這樣她的衣服或襯衫就不會露出汗跡了。
  • 25Her blouse had come undone.她的襯衫扣鬆開了。《牛津詞典》
  • 26I can't wear this blouse. It's creased.我不能穿這件襯衫,它皺了。《牛津詞典》
  • 27Let's make a blouse together.讓我們一起做件襯衫吧。
  • 28Her blouse slid from the chair.她的短衫從椅子上滑下來。
  • 29It's a hand-made blouse.這是一件手工襯衫。
  • 30Which is TRUE about the blouse?關於這件襯衫,以下正確的是?


