- 外文名:blackness
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式讀音:/'blæknɪs/
- 美式讀音:/'blæknɪs/
- 屬性:英語單詞
來自群星的黑暗(The Blackness from the Stars)是外神之一,初登場於美國混沌元素(Chaosium)出版社1994年發行的COCRPG場景補充書《芝加哥之王與馬賽港的秘密》(King of Chicago & The Secrets of Marseilles)。它是由宇宙本身的結構構成...
《罪無可赦:拳王傑克·強生沉浮錄》是一部紀錄片,整部紀錄片突顯了Jack Johnson追求自由的精神。電影資料 罪無可赦:拳王傑克·強生沉浮錄(2004)Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson 類型:紀錄片/運動/傳記 ...
Delight,波蘭前衛女聲哥特樂隊。樂隊於1997年至1998年間,在臨近于波蘭的Skawina成立。樂隊最初命名為Sator,僅僅在活躍了四個月後,他們就為地下唱片公司”Eternal Blackness錄製了迷你小樣,名為...And Remenber,接下來,Daniel Kaczmar...
《Michael Jackson and the Blackface Mask》是一本圖書。內容簡介 Blackface minstrelsy, the nineteenth-century performance practice in which ideas and images of blackness were constructed and theatricalized by and for whites, ...
The blackness of darkness forever Wandering stars for whom it is reserved The blackness of darkness forever Those who have seen the needles eye now tread Like a husk from which all that was now has fled And the masks...