bennewitz quartet的小提琴是Jiri Nemecek ,中提琴是Jiri Pinkas。
- 中文名:貝涅維茨弦樂四重奏
- 外文名:bennewitz quartet
- 國籍:捷克
- 小提琴:Jiri Nemecek
- 小提琴:Stepan Jezek
- 中提琴:Jiri Pinkas
- 大提琴:Stepan Dolezal
String quartets are a breed like no other – after all, few co-workers share so much personal space, not to mention existing in a constant state of compromise. In short, it is a four-way marriage and, let’s face it, some relationships simply run out of things to say. What separates the good from the great is communication, and the Bennewitz Quartet has shades of greatness. This group is electrifying, they breathe as one, and the heat they generate is palpable. Their mental connection goes beyond intuitive to instinctive; they operate as the finest, most beautifully-oiled machine, their dynamics waxing and waning as if by magic.
Better still is their programme – even an old standard such as Schubert’s ‘Death and the Maiden’ sounds reborn (just try not to cry during the second movement, we dare you). But opening with Webern’s ‘Six Bagatelles for String Quartet’, and Janacek’s ‘String Quartet No. 1’ is inspired, proving once and for all that chamber music isn’t just for powdered wigs anymore. Best of all, Bennewitz reminds us that music isn’t only for listening, that it’s also fun to watch. Not to be missed.
The Beijing performance will include guest violinist Petr Strizek from the Zemlinsky Quartet.
Jiri Nemecek - Violin 小提琴Stepan Jezek - Violin 小提琴
Jiri Pinkas - Viola 中提琴
Stepan Dolezal - Violoncello 大提琴
有些室內樂演奏團體的舞台形象是如此的優美而和諧,以至於僅僅觀賞他們演出就是一種純粹的享受 – 他們緊密的音樂協作僅用身體語言就能體現得淋漓盡致。來自捷克的貝涅維茨四重奏就是這樣的一個團體:自1998年在布拉格演藝學院成立,並以著名的捷克小提琴家安東·貝涅維茨(1833-1926)命名以來,同一性始終是4位年輕音樂家的重心。就如四重奏的網站上所寫:“將四種不同的視角整合併融匯成一種獨創的聲音對我們來說是一種挑戰。但這是唯一一種將變化萬端的色彩和音響創作成音樂,並保持其新鮮和活力的方法。”
除了緊湊、平衡、豐富多變的音響和精妙和諧的和弦,演奏家們別具一格的曲目選擇也是貝涅維茨四重奏的一大特點。作為一個相對年輕的演奏團體,貝涅維茨四重奏已經擁有了風格多樣的演出曲目:從巴赫的賦格到古典的卡農,再到現代音樂,包括一系列鮮為人知的作品,很大一部分來自捷克的作曲家,例如很難在其他四重奏的曲目中找到的Olga Jezková和Slavomír Horinka的作品。
貝涅維茨四重奏由維也納的弦樂製作人Thomasik Infeld資助。