



  • 外文名:belay
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[bɪˈleɪ; ˈbiːleɪ]
  • 美式發音:[bɪˈleɪ,ˈbiːleɪ]
  • 釋義:把纜繩拴在系索栓上;拴住,系牢;停止


英 [bɪˈleɪ] 美 [bɪˈleɪ]
v. 把纜繩拴在系索栓上;拴住,系牢;停止
n. 固定活動繩索;固定活動繩索的岩石
n. (Belay)(美、法、俄)貝萊(人名)
[ 複數 belays 第三人稱單數 belays 現在分詞 belaying 過去式 belayed 過去分詞 belayed ]


1.V to make fast (a line) by securing to a pin, cleat, or bitt 把(繩索)拴在繫繩栓上 [nautical]
2.N the attachment (of a climber) to a mountain by tying the rope off round a rock spike, piton, nut, etc, to safeguard the party in the event of a fall 用繩索(把登山者)拴在樁子、岩石上以防其摔落 [mountaineering] → see also running belay


Self belay 自我保護
Dynamic belay 動態保護 ; 制動保護栓 ; 動力防護
Waist belay 腰式保護 ; 腰式維護 ; 腰保護栓
Belay devices 保護器 ; 維護器 ; 下降器
Direct belay 直接保護 ; 間接維護
Shoulder belay 肩式保護 ; 肩式維護 ; 肩保護栓
Belay methods 保護方式 ; 維護方式
Indirect belay 間接保護 ; 直接維護
Belay position 保護位置 ; 維護地位


  • You need to trust your belay stations. 你要信任你的保護站。
  • The most important element of the belay is the anchor. 固定保護繩最重要的部分就是錨點。
  • The belay consists of anchor, friction, and position. 固定保護繩包括錨點、摩擦力和位置。
  • I've got you on belay. I'll hold you if you do slip off. 我已幫你完成確保了,如果你真的失足,我會抓住你的。
  • Most belay accidents are caused through failure of the belayer. 大多數固定保護繩事故都是由於保護者的失誤造成的。
  • At the belay, the rope is stacked so it won't get tangled or stuck. 在保護站,繩子是堆疊在一起的,因此不會纏結在一起或卡住。
  • Avast! Belay the port jib, and scupper the mains 'l on the poop deck! 停住!把繩拴在港口上,用排水管排掉甲板和船尾的水!
  • Small hole can be used with thin ropes if necessary, or as a belay plate. 細孔與幼繩同用或可作保護板用。
  • When you reach a belay station, unzip the pit vents and let off some steam. 當您達到繫繩站,解壓縮維修噴口和放一些蒸汽。
  • Many belay devices aid the belayer in protecting the climber above or below. 有的固定保護繩裝置協助保護者保護上面或下面的攀岩者。
  • I have also been an expert witness at a tragic accident when a belay failed. 我也一直是確保失敗這種悲慘意外發生時的作證專家。
  • A belay device fail - safe device which lets the instructor keep your rope tight. 有一個專門的繫繩索器,讓指導者牢牢的把繩子固定著。
  • Hanging belay - To belay facing the wall while suspended by your harness anchors. 通過安全帶把自己掛在保護點上,面向岩壁做保護。
  • At the top of the routes, the last belay is often placed on the edge of the cliff. 線上路的頂部,最後一個保護站往往設在懸崖的邊上。
  • A redirect on the belay station is for multi-pitch sport climbing, with bolted anchors. 在保護站設定變向保護點是套用於有螺栓錨點的多段結組運動攀。
  • I stand in the building corridor, two elevator mouths have a big window, the square light belay me. 我站在大廈的走廊,兩頭的電梯口都有一個大窗,正方形的光套住我。
  • It is possible to load the rope in wrongly, if this has been done just use it like a normal belay device. 可能把繩子裝錯,假如是,就是把它當作一般確保器去用。
  • Attention: this redirect reduces the fall factor, but increases the potential force on the belay anchors. 注意:這個變向保護點減小了沖墜係數,但增加了確保錨點的潛在衝擊力。
  • Jun: I took a climbing class once and learned how to belay and tie knots, but I've never seen anything like this. 小君:我上過一次攀岩課,學會怎么做制繩確保和綁繩結,但是我沒看過像這樣的。
  • Things get complicated at the belay, where rope management plays a key role in the helping ensure climbing safety. 保護時事情變得有點複雜,這時繩索的處理對確保全全攀爬起了關鍵的作用。
  • Above, a climber from one party has just started a pitch as a climber from another party has just arrived at the belay... 上面一個團隊的攀爬者已開始攀登下一段,同時另一個團隊的一名攀爬者剛到達保護站。
  • The phrase 'back up anchors' is confusing because the belay comprises of all the anchors together not one backed up by the others. 支援固定點”這個詞很混淆,因為確保是由所有固定點一起組成,沒有哪個固定點有其他的固定點做支援。
  • Pay careful attention to the knotsand the correct usage of belay devices - realizing that the set-upmight be the opposite of how it is normally. 非常注意繩結和正確使用保護器--意識到這樣的設定可能和正常情況下正好相反。
  • It is also possible to drop the climber too quickly by squeezing the release arm too far and failing to hold the rope like a normal belay device. 也可能讓攀爬者掉得太快,因為手握得太遠,不能像一般確保器那樣抓住繩子。
  • Petzl's Gri Gri is the most popular auto-locking belay device in use today, most of its problems are to do with the Gri Gri's misuse rather than its design. Petzl的Gri Gri確保器是今天最多人用的自動確保器,大部分的問題在於處理使用上的錯誤而非設計有問題。
  • Upon taking the fall, analyze how well the belay system worked. (It is trustworthy after all! ) Now, climb back up a foot or two higher than before and take another intentional fall. 當繩索制動以後,你向外翻出的身體僅沖墜了一小段距離,分析保護系統是如何工作的。
  • A belay method in which some rope is allowed to slip during severe falls. A dynamic belay can severely reduce the impact force from a serious fall, but can also severely kill you if not done properly. 一種確保的方式,在嚴重的墜落時允許將繩子滑落一些距離,動態確保可以有效的緩和墜落的衝擊力。但是操作不當也可能致命。


