- 外文名:behalf
- 詞性:名詞
代辦(英文翻譯有 do sth. for sb.;act on sb.'s behalf),指代為辦理;委派使館高級人員做使館臨時負責人(級別次於大使、公使;外交特權及豁免與大使、公使級官員同),稱“臨時代辦”。近義詞有代庖、代勞、代理。基本解釋 1...
甲方代表(First party On behalf)是指受業主(建設單位)委派的工程項目管理人員,職權範圍內代表建設單位對工程項目實施全程監督管理、協調等工作。工作職責 甲方代表應該身具“協調管理”兼“技術管理”的角色,他代表業主對整個工程項目...
請命,漢語辭彙。拼音:qǐng mìng釋義:1、指代人請求保全性命或解除疾苦。2. 請求任命。3. 請求指示。表示願意聽命。釋義 1. [plead on sb.’s behalf]∶代人請求保全性命或解除疾苦。夫際會之間,請命乞身,何哉:欲潔去就之...
以善代刑(By friendly generation of punishment ;With good on behalf of the criminal),也叫以善代罰,是在試行的對輕微犯罪實行“行善代刑”的管教措施,具體就是讓其為社會做義工行善的同時,一邊現身說法,既能夠利於他們自我...
I requested that he should use his influence on my behalf. 我請求他為我施用他的影響。He asked that the message be given to Madame immediately. 他要求把信息立即帶給夫人。They demanded that the right to vote be given ...
(1) 為;給 [for;on behalf of]。(2) 如:替人受罪;替我去商店買東西 (3) 同,和 [and]天下多少“斯文”,若論起肚子裡來,正替你一般哩。——《西遊記》◎ 替 tì 〈量〉(1) 次、批、起。(2) 如:一替兩替(...
Irish Arts Center [美國] thanks Irish Repertory Theatre thanks JG Negative Cutters [美國] negative matching Karma Cuisine catering Kasia's Restaurant thanks Law Offices of Leslie Richards P.C. legal services on behalf of ...
11. N-COUNT A trust is a group of people or an organization that has control of an amount of money or property and invests it on behalf of other people or as a charity. 信託人員; 信託機構 [商業]12. → see ...
(same as 勦) to speak on behalf of another, buzzing in the ears 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䜈【酉集上】【言部】康熙筆畫:18畫部外筆畫:11畫 康熙字典 䜈 《廣韻》《韻會》《正韻》楚交切《集韻》初交切,𠀤音抄。代人...
Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, "Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows." Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf.約拿單對拿兵器的少年人說:“我們不如過到未受割禮人的防營那裡去...
1.N-COUNT A plenipotentiary is a person who has full power to make decisions or take action on behalf of their government, especially in a foreign country. 全權代表; 全權大使 [正式]2.ADJ An ambassador plenipotentiary ...
we build AI systems and the movement to fix them. Today’s “machine-learning” systems, trained by data, are so effective that we’ve invited them to see and hear for us—and to make decisions on our behalf....
On behalf of the Xianggang government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance.對您的大力協助,我謹代表香港政府表示衷心的感謝。The Museum for An Experience of African Lifestyle, which ...