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  • 外文名:beggar
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈbeɡə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ˈbeɡər]


英 [ˈbeɡə(r)] 美 [ˈbeɡər]
n. 乞丐,叫花子;<英,非正式>傢伙
v. 使貧窮,使匱乏;難以相信,無法相容
[ 複數 beggars 第三人稱單數 beggars 現在分詞 beggaring 過去式 beggared 過去分詞 beggared ]


clever beggar 聰明的乞丐
abject beggar 可鄙的乞丐
Britain Beggar 英國乞丐
time Beggar 全職的乞丐
Beggar Said 乞丐說
beggar weeds 山綠豆屬
Luckly beggar 幸運兒
Beggar Necklace 相關標籤
beggar child 一個討飯小孩


  • 1He tossed a penny to the beggar.他扔給乞丐一便士。
  • 2A beggar came up to us and ask for money.一個乞丐走過來向我們要錢。
  • 3If no one helps him, he may end up being a beggar.如果沒有人幫助他,他最終可能會成為一個乞丐。
  • 4He was an old beggar with a heavy bag on his shoulder.他是一個肩上背著一個沉重袋子的老乞丐。
  • 5The soldier said, "Mind thy manners, thou young beggar!"士兵說:“注意你的舉止,你這個小乞丐!”
  • 6Instead of being a beggar in the streets, why don't you look for work and earn your own bread?與其在街上當乞丐,你為什麼不找個工作,自己掙錢餬口呢?
  • 7The new security, taking him for a beggar or a vendor, didn't allow the dean to enter the building.新的保全把院長當成乞丐或小販,不允許他進入大樓。
  • 8Why should I beggar myself for you?我為什麼要為你受窮?《牛津詞典》
  • 9Aren't you dressed yet, you lazy beggar?你這個懶漢還沒穿好衣服嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 10The beggar agreed without thinking.乞丐沒有考慮就同意了。
  • 11"No way!" the beggar shouted at once.“沒門!”乞丐立刻喊道。
  • 12He gave his last few coins to the beggar.他把最後幾枚硬幣給了那個乞丐。
  • 13You might think he was a beggar, but actually he was an artist.你可能認為他是個乞討者,但實際上,他是個藝術家。
  • 14Dirty shorts and old shoes gave him the appearance of a real beggar and his convincing dialect soon won him the trust of the beggars.骯髒的短褲和舊鞋子使他看起來像一個真正的乞丐,他那令人信服的方言很快贏得了乞丐們的信任。
  • 15A beggar and a thief!一個叫花子和一個小偷!
  • 16I gave the beggar a few coins out of pity.出於同情,我給了那乞丐幾個硬幣。
  • 17What would you write, on the pavement, if you were a beggar?如果你是個乞丐,你會在人行道上寫些什麼?
  • 18Of all the beggar-men that I had seen or fancied, he was the chief for raggedness.在所有我見過或想像出來的乞丐中,他是穿得最破爛的。
  • 19A beggar can never be bankrupt.乞丐永遠不會破產。
  • 20A beggar often wanders this street.一個乞丐常在這條街上遊蕩。
  • 21The rich man waved the beggar away.那個有錢人揮手把乞丐趕走了。
  • 22Is Hareton to be a beggar?哈里頓是不是要作一個乞丐呢?
  • 23Beggar: Can you help me?乞丐:您能幫幫我嗎?
  • 24I have not come as a beggar.我不是來求乞的。
  • 25Why did you decide to become a beggar?您為什麼會淪為一個乞丐?
  • 26O beggar, to come beg at thy own door!喔乞丐,到自己家門前乞討!
  • 27The beggar accosted the lady for money.那乞丐上前向貴婦人討錢。
  • 28One day, an old beggar went to the village.一天,一個老乞丐來到一個熟悉的村子裡。
  • 29A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.健康的乞丐比有病的國王幸福。
  • 30Mock the naughty boys mocked the blind beggar.頑皮的孩子嘲笑瞎眼的乞丐。


