



  • 外文名:barrage
  • 英式發音:[ˈbærɑ:ʒ]
  • 美式發音:[bəˈrɑ:ʒ]
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞


英 [ˈbærɑːʒ] 美 [bəˈrɑːʒ]
n. 掩護炮火,阻擊火網;接二連三,一連串(的批評、抱怨等);堰,攔河壩
vt. (大批人或事物)包圍,使窮於應付
【名】 (Barrage)(阿拉伯)巴拉傑(人名)
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Marina Barrage 濱海堤壩
barrage jamming 全波段干擾 ; 阻塞式干擾 ; 彈幕式亂真
barrage balloon [航] 阻塞氣球 ; 防空攔阻氣球
artillery barrage 炮火網 ; 掩護炮火 ; 密集炮火 ; 炮火
movable barrage 活動壩


  • He was faced with a barrage of angry questions from the floor. 他面臨著聽眾一連串的憤怒質問。
  • The artillery barrage on the city was the heaviest since the ceasefire. 此次對城市的連續炮擊是自停戰以來最猛烈的。
  • And now this barrage of criticism. 而現在我們得到只有一連串的批評。
  • The Marina Barrage is another case in point. 濱海灣水壩是另一個例子。
  • With a BARRAGE of leaping fire which FLASHES down and. 伴隨著跳躍的火焰,織成了火力網然後。
  • OCT. 1, 2008 | KUNAR PROVINCE Incident Report: barrage. 庫納爾省2008.10.1事故報告:槍林彈雨。
  • That could help defuse the barrage of lawsuits facing it. 上市同時可以緩解目前面臨的法律訴訟。
  • The river above the barrage is several kilometers wider than normal. 這條位於大壩上方的河流水面比以往要寬出幾公里。
  • Our funniest radio AD came in response to a barrage of false charges. 我們製作的最滑稽可笑的廣播廣告是對一堆子虛烏有的指責進行還擊。
  • To support the claim, experts carried out a barrage of scientific tests. 為了支持這種主張,專家們進行了大量科學試驗。
  • I worried whether the barrage of shattering surprises would disorient you. 我擔心一連串令人吃驚的倒閉是否將誤導你。
  • Both of the investors then proceeded to hit us with a barrage of questions. 然後兩個投資者同時提出一大堆問題。
  • But for the more musically literate vandal, an atonal barrage probably works better. 不過對那些在音樂上有點兒修養的壞蛋來說,不成調調連珠炮似的樂曲就會更奏效。
  • In this society of more is better, there is a non-stop barrage of words, images, noise. 在這個越多越好的社會裡,不停的出現各種文字,圖像,聲音的攻勢。
  • Media reports of this latest trick have stirred up an online barrage toward the scammers. 媒體對最新的這個伎倆的報導在網上掀起了對騙子的一片聲討。
  • In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers. 我的腦海里依然迴蕩著槍林彈雨轟然粉碎木質障礙物的聲音。
  • The Kotri Barrage is the final such structure before the river empties into the Arabian Sea. 科特里克大壩是最後一座攔截河流進入阿拉伯海的水壩。
  • The trigger for the latest barrage was the jobs bill Barack Obama submitted to Congress last month. 上個月巴拉克•歐巴馬向國會遞交的就業法案觸發了最近一次的交火。
  • But that's passive relaxation and due to the constant barrage of stimuli it's not relaxation at all. 但那只是一種被動的放鬆,而且因為不斷的,密集的感官刺激,這完全就不是放鬆。
  • There was inexcusable indecision from the England defence as the United States won a barrage of corners. 當美國隊拿到一連串的角球,英格蘭隊的防守出現了不可饒恕的猶豫。
  • Some activists want to pull back, viewing the situation as a dangerously unarticulated barrage of anger. 由於認為現在的情況只是危險的無目的憤怒情緒的宣洩,一些活動份子想要退出。
  • Worse, it faces a barrage of loan-repurchase lawsuits from bond insurers and private mortgage investors. 更糟糕的是它還面對來自包銷商和抵押貸款私人投資者對貸款回購的大量訴訟。
  • They now are facing a barrage of requests for interviews, job offers, world Tours, and film and book deals. 被救礦工現在面對著無數的採訪請求,工作邀請,世界旅遊和電影拍攝和新書發布。
  • The result was a near constant barrage of alarm bells - if your phone rang this often, you would go insane. 裝上外掛程式後的效果,幾乎是一連串持續不停的警告鈴音 ——如果你的電話常常如此響起,你會發瘋的。
  • China's official media have also directed a barrage of criticism at the US for its debt woes in recent weeks. 近幾周,中國官方媒體還對美國的債務困境發出了猛烈批評。
  • Mr Uribe himself capitalised with a barrage of radio interviews calling for the continuation of his policies. alvaro Uribe親自密集接受電台專訪呼籲延續他的安全政策。
  • Children with cognitive irregularities are often already subjected to a barrage of tests, including MRI scans. 認知異常的兒童經常做接二連三的測試,包括磁共振成像掃描。


