



  • 中文名:麵包店
  • 外文名:bakery
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞
  • 釋義:麵包店




bakery product[食品]焙烤食品 ; 烘培產品 ; 焙烤製品
ABC Bakery美語烘焙屋 ; 烘焙屋 ; 英語晨間廣播 ; 美而廉餅家
bakery spices焙烤食品用香辛料 ; 麵包石用得辛料
bakery filling焙烤食品餡
Wash Bakery窩士麵包
bakery oven麵包烘烤爐
German Bakery德國麵包店
Diamond Bakery鑽石餅家 ; 蒙市分店


  • 1The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.住在麵包店附近的人都很熟悉這種氣味。《牛津詞典》
  • 2It was a small shop sandwiched between a coffee shop on one side and a bakery on the other.這家小店被一個咖啡店和一個麵包房夾在中間。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Start her own bakery.開辦她自己的麵包店。
  • 4Imagine the economy is a bagel bakery struggling through a slow week.構想經濟是一家百吉餅麵包店正掙扎著度過緩慢的一周。
  • 5She was ready to build the fastest, most automated bakery in the world.她準備建造世界上最快、最自動化的麵包店。
  • 6Today, however, she is one of the proud owners of a bakery specializing in sweet cakes.然而如今,她是一家專門做甜品蛋糕的麵包店老闆,她感到很自豪。
  • 7Harrington studied the bakery business and made sure she was never off executives' radar.哈林頓研究了麵包店的業務,確保她永遠不會脫離主管們的視線。
  • 8She still called me Ca-Coo and served my children Viennese crescent cookie from the best bakery in New York.她還是叫我卡酷,還給我的孩子們吃紐約最好的麵包店做的維也納式新月形餅乾。
  • 9You make the best cake in the world, Betty, and I like to eat your cake better than have one from the bakery.貝蒂,你做的蛋糕是世界上最好吃的,相比麵包店的蛋糕,我更喜歡吃你做的蛋糕。
  • 10The factory had its own hospital, bakery and food stores. And everything was connected with kilometers of tunnels.工廠有自己的醫院、麵包店和食品店。並且每樣東西都是通過數公里的隧道連線的。
  • 11Sylvain Bailly, his master, displayed these luxuriant creations—often as large as 4 feet tall—in his bakery windows.他的僱主西爾萬·拜伊在麵包房櫥窗里展示了這些通常有4英尺高的華麗作品。
  • 12By 1814, people crowded outside the bakery, straining for a glimpse of the latest sweet food created by the young chef who worked inside.到了1814年,人們都擠在麵包房外面,爭先恐後地想一睹在店裡工作的年輕廚師最新推出的甜食。
  • 13She brought me a cookie – a Viennese crescent she got from the best bakery in New York – and initiated the first of a life time of serious talks.她給了我一塊餅乾——她從紐約最好的麵包店買的維也納式新月形餅乾——開始了一生中第一次嚴肅的談話。
  • 14When McDonald's decided it wanted a new bun supplier, Harrington became determined to win the contract, even though she had no experience running a bakery.當麥當勞決定它想要一個新的麵包供應商時,哈林頓決心贏得契約,儘管她沒有經營麵包店的經驗。
  • 15By age 15, he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris' most fashionable neighborhoods.從15歲開始,他就成為了西爾文·貝利的學徒。西爾文·貝利是一位著名的甜點師,在巴黎最時尚的街區之一經營著一家成功的麵包店。
  • 16By age 15, he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris's most fashionable neighborhoods.從15歲開始,他就成為了西爾文·貝利的學徒。西爾文貝利是一位著名的甜點廚師,在巴黎最時尚的街區之一有一家成功的麵包店。
  • 17Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much "re-engineering" has been crude.納德·施萊辛格是哈佛大學學者及發展迅速的烘焙咖啡連鎖店 Au Bong Pain 的前執行長,他表示,很多“再設計”都很粗糙。
  • 18In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders—he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.在這家小麵包房的後屋裡,他對設計的興趣和他在烘焙方面的天賦結合在一起創造了奇蹟——他用麵粉、黃油和糖做出了美味的大師級作品。
  • 19All that came to his bakery should go over a flyover first.所有來他店的人都必須先經過一座立交橋。
  • 20Tempted as I was by the chocolate-flavored cigarette wrappers, my only purchase was some mediocre pork buns and pastries from the Wonder Bakery.儘管我被朱古力味的捲菸紙吸引住了,但我只買了一些普通的豬肉包和 Wonder Bakery 的糕點。
  • 21There's another good bakery on rue des Abesses.阿布塞斯街上還有一家不錯的麵包店。
  • 22Where is the bakery section?麵包店部分在哪裡?
  • 23Be careful of bakery items, too.同時也要注意麵包店的產品。
  • 24The bakery… is owned… by the baker.麵包店...是麵包師傅經營的。
  • 25There is a bakery in our community.我們小區有一個麵包房。
  • 26You say you're looking for the French bakery?你是說你在找那個法式麵包店嗎?
  • 27Bakery muffin, large bagel with cream cheese.麵包店鬆餅,奶油乾酪百吉餅。
  • 28Browse local markets, grocery stores and bakery cafes.逛逛當地的市場,留意一下食品雜貨店和烘焙咖啡店。
  • 29My first real job was in a big, industrial bakery.我的第一份真正的工作是在一家大型的麵包廠。


