

bade,英語單詞,主要用作動詞、名詞,作動詞時譯為“命令;道別;出價;投標;懇求,努力爭取;叫牌(bid 的過去式)”,作名詞時譯為“(Bade) (美、土耳其)巴德(人名)”。


  • 外文名:bade
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 英式發音:[beɪd]
  • 美式發音:[beɪd]
  • 釋義:命令;道別;出價;投標;懇求,努力爭取;叫牌(bid 的過去式)


bade /bæd, beɪd/
1.Bade is a past tense of . bid的過去式


Bade City 八德市
Bade Pool 水療池 ; 規模的浴池裡
Ryan Bade 瑞安
Bade A 名稱
Andrew Bade 標籤
BADE ID 印度尼西亞
bade cove 冰刀套
Bade B 名稱
altem Bade 舊浴室


  • 1He summoned all the huntsmen together, and bade them go out into the forest with him.他把所有的獵人召集在一起,命令他們和他一起到森林裡去。
  • 2She, however, did everything he bade her, without opposition, silently and with half-shut eyes.然而,他命令她做的每一件事,她都毫不反對,默默地、半閉著眼睛去做。
  • 3I bade all my friends farewell.我告別了所有的朋友。《牛津詞典》
  • 4He bade me come closer.他讓我靠近些。《牛津詞典》
  • 5I bade farewell to all the friends I had made in Paris.我告別了我在巴黎結交的所有朋友。《牛津詞典》
  • 6He bade his wife farewell and set out on his journey.他辭別了妻子便啟程了。
  • 7To such as "bade God save his Grace", he said in return, "God save you all!"對於那些說“願上帝保佑陛下”的人,他回敬道,“願上帝保佑你們所有人!”
  • 8When they bade him good-night, he only ran away, beating the air with his stick.當她們向他道晚安時,他只是跑開了,用鞭子在空中亂打。
  • 9Without adding another word, the Marionette bade the good Fairy good-by, and singing and dancing, he left the house.木偶二話沒說,就向善良的仙女告別,又唱又跳,離開了家。
  • 10They bade him enter.他們叫他進去。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11They bade them up until they reached 10,000 dollars.他們競相出高價, 直到這些拍賣物被哄抬到一萬美元為止。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 12He bade the hostess farewell.他向女主人告辭。
  • 13God bade me go when I would stay.我想停步,神卻要我前行。
  • 14He bade farewell to his sweetheart.他向他的情人告別。
  • 15She bade farewell to me.她向我告別。
  • 16He bade his farewell by waving his hat.他揮動帽子表示告別。
  • 17We bade him farewell.我們向他告別。
  • 18When He bade them sleep and take their rest當祂喚他們去睡覺去休息
  • 19She bade Mrs Murray goodnight and shut her door.她向默里夫人道了晚安便關緊房門。
  • 20Then he bade another genie throw it into the sea.然後,他命令另一個妖怪把罐子扔進大海。
  • 21Emilia. I have laid those sheets you bade me on the bed.愛米利婭我已經照您的吩咐,把那些被褥鋪好了。
  • 22She bade her stay a little, and she would readily fetch one.她爭取她留一小會,她會很快拿回來。
  • 23So he took the fruit, thanked the man, and bade him good-bye.於是他還是收下“鳳梨”,謝過老人,並同他告別。
  • 24They drank a few more cups together, then Kongming bade his leave.飲了數杯,辭去。
  • 25Mrs Linton, who was very much excited, bade me accompany her upstairs.林惇夫人非常激動,叫我陪她上樓。


