



  • 中文名:avail
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 單詞發音:英 [əˈveɪl] 美 [əˈvel]


英 [əˈveɪl] 美 [əˈvel]


Circulating Avail 流通效用
avail absorption 助吸
avail function 效用函式
avail analysis 效用分析
avail model 效用模型
avail evaluation 效用評估
avail area 有利區帶
customer avail 顧客效用
maximal avail 最大效用


  • 1The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail.醫生千方百計想使他活下來,但無濟於事。《牛津詞典》
  • 2His efforts were to no avail.他的努力是徒勞的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Your ability to argue is of little avail if the facts are wrong.如果論據是錯的,你的辯才也就沒有什麼用了。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Guests should feel at liberty to avail themselves of your facilities.客人們應可以隨意使用你們的設施。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5He had the receptionist almost jumping through hoops for him. But to no avail.他讓接待員為他幾乎飽經折磨,但根本沒有用。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6Guests are encouraged to avail themselves of the full range of hotel facilities.旅館鼓勵旅客充分利用各種設施。《牛津詞典》
  • 7She found him sleeping heavily, and all her efforts to awaken him were of no avail.她發現他睡得很沉,她想喚醒他的一切努力都無濟於事。
  • 8Of what avail is it?何濟於事?《新英漢大辭典》
  • 9I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts.恐怕我的雄辯也無補於事實了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10Now it's done, regrets are of no avail.; It's no use crying over spilt milk.事已如此, 後悔也是枉然。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11I pleaded, but to no avail.我苦苦哀求,但無濟於事。
  • 12Her powers of persuasion were to no avail.她的說服力沒有起到作用。
  • 13All to no avail.但這一切都無濟於事。
  • 14The video tutor also has a couple of avail aments.視頻輔導也有一些缺陷。
  • 15Mr Pan deleted his original blog post but to no avail.潘石屹先生後來刪除了原先的微博,但於事無補。
  • 16His strength did not avail against the hostile onslaught.他的力量阻擋不住敵方的衝擊。
  • 17Weapons are of no avail without the people who use them.只有武器而沒有使用它們的人,武器是空的。
  • 18America has invited the Russians to join in, to no avail.雖然美國已經邀請俄羅斯參加,但是被拒絕了。
  • 19I searched everywhere, including in the car, to no avail.我到處都找遍了,連車裡都找過了,但是什麼也沒找到。
  • 20Nicola: I've proposed to four different men without avail.Nicola:我向四個不同的男人求過婚都沒有成功。
  • 21Usually, they have tried all proven therapies, to no avail.一般來說,他們已然嘗試過所有經過驗證的療法,卻徒勞無功。
  • 22Both of them have searched for jobs for months, to no avail.對於工作,這對夫婦已經尋覓了數月之久,但是依然沒有收穫。
  • 23I would like to avail this opportunity to propose the following.我願藉此機會,提出以下幾點建議。
  • 24To avail these facilities from outside is often too expensive.從“工寮”外面得到這些設施一般是極為昂貴的。
  • 25We try to help, giving our time and soul, but it's to no avail.我們試圖付出時間和靈魂來幫助,但一切都無濟於事。
  • 26He also called the New York police and asked, to no avail, for help.他也給紐約警署報警並且要去其幫助,完全無用。
  • 27I want to avail myself of this opportunity to make a bit explanation.我想借這個機會略加解釋。
  • 28And I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to further explain it.我想借這個機會略加解釋。
  • 29Banking consolidation has long been talked about in the gulf-to little avail.銀行業的整合可能無濟於事的問題已經在海灣地區討論了很久。
  • 30Hood had been laboring to automate DNA sequencing for years, to no avail.這些年來,Hood一直努力實現DNA測序自動化,但一直徒勞無功。

