



  • 外文名:arched
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[ɑːtʃt]
  • 美式發音:[ɑːrtʃt]


ADJ An arched roof, window, or doorway is curved at the top. 拱形的
ADJ An arched bridge has arches as part of its structure. 拱形結構的


arched girder 拱形梁 ; 拱梁 ; 供桁 ; 拱形桁
arched floor 拱形樓板 ; 拱形樓蓋
arched roof[建] 拱形屋頂 ; 拱形屋頂 ; 弧形洞頂
arched door 拱門 ; 拱形爐門
arched squall 拱形黑雲風暴 ; 弧形颮 ; 拱狀雲颮
arched position 弓背姿勢 ; 弓形姿勢
arched wing 拱形翼
arched construction 拱式構造 ; 拱形建築物
arched palate 拱狀齶


  • 1From the television room an arched doorway leads in to the hall.一個拱形門廊從電視房通向大廳。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2She led them up some stairs and across a little arched stone bridge.她帶他們上了些台階,然後走過了一座小石拱橋。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Tall trees arched over the path.大樹呈拱形遮陰了小道。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The cat arched its back and hissed.貓弓起背發出嘶嘶聲。《牛津詞典》
  • 5An arched back and tucked in elbows helps create that authentic "chook" look.後背弓起,手肘收起,會看起來更像一隻真正的“雞”。
  • 6The wind itself had ceased and a brilliant, deep blue sky arched high over the moorland.風停了,湛藍的天空在荒原上空形成了拱形。
  • 7A prolonged gaze or arched eyebrow gives clues to the person who comes across the bar that you're interested in .一次長久的注視或挑起眉毛暗示你對酒吧里碰到的人很感興趣。
  • 8Between major arched structural framing members are wood muntins.在主要的拱形結構構件之間是木窗格條。
  • 9A rainbow arched across the sky.一道彩虹橫跨天際。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 10The trees arched over the river.這些樹的枝葉成圓弧形, 遮覆河上。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 11The arched roof over the staircase.樓梯上方的拱形屋頂。
  • 12The wind arched the trees over the road.風使樹成拱形覆蓋公路。
  • 13The flaxen brow arched again, You think so.再一次弓形的亞麻眉毛,“你這么認為。”
  • 14He arched over the banister to grab her hand.他拱起身子越過欄桿去抓她的手。
  • 15Ivetta fell silent, arched her neck, and studied him.艾薇塔陷入了沉默,向後仰起脖子,端詳著他。
  • 16Its beautiful arched bridge gate is a sign of this bridge.橋前一道美麗的拱形橋門,是跨海大橋的象徵。
  • 17What were the vast arched entryways and the pink granite detailing?寬闊的拱形入口和粉色的花崗岩裝飾又是什麼?
  • 18Most of the bridges in this garden are stone, including straight, winding and arched bridges.橋大多為石橋,有直橋,曲橋,拱橋。
  • 19Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow.更接近時,您可以展示一些明顯的細節,如雀斑或弓形眉毛。
  • 20Eyebrows are usually arched higher than that of straight men, and eyebrow hair is manicured.眉毛通常比直男彎曲得更高,而且眉毛經過修剪。
  • 21Margaret arched her shoulders, flung one arm over the side, and trailed her fingertips in the water.瑪格·麗特拱起肩膀,將一支胳膊放在一側,指尖垂在水中。
  • 22The high arched roofline, sloping headlights, and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans.那高高拱起的車頂、傾斜的大燈以及親民的個性,都讓老甲殼蟲的車迷們興奮不已。
  • 23Tang women loved to trim their eyebrows into the shape of the half moon or arched willow leaves.唐朝女性喜歡將眉毛修剪為半月形或柳葉形。
  • 24There are no walls, and there is no air-conditioning. Just gracefully arched roofs, concrete floors and bamboo furniture.樓房沒有牆壁,也沒有安裝空調,優雅的拱形棚頂下是水泥地面和竹製家具。
  • 25It had been forced through the gallery's arched doorways on a track so many times that it was now the exact shape of the arches.它已經被迫坐著滑軌在畫廊的拱形門道里穿來穿去好多次,結果現在它都給弄的和拱門一個形兒了。
  • 26Also known as flat feet, the problem can be remedied by wearing a high heel as these shoes force the foot into an arched position.眾所周知的扁足問題可以通過使用高跟鞋來治療,因為高跟鞋會強迫腳處於一個拱形的狀態。
  • 27Finally I heard him coming through the driveway to open the big door, a monstrous, arched portal without a moat in front of it.最後我聽見他沿著車道走過來開大門,這座有頂的大門很古怪,門前沒有壕溝。
  • 28The bare vaulting of trees along the Mall was ceiled with lapis lazuli, and arched above snow that shone like splintered crystals.碧藍的天空襯托著林陰大道上那些樹木光禿禿的圓頂,樹頂下面的殘雪像無數水晶碎片熠熠閃光。


