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  • 外文名:appreciation
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 單詞發音:英[əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn]美[əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn]


英 [əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃn] 美 [əˌpriːʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 欣賞,鑑賞;感激,感謝;理解,領會;升值,增值;(讚賞性的)演講,文字
[ 複數 appreciations ]


Appreciation Index 欣賞指數 ; 電視節目欣賞指數 ; 欣賞指數
Stock Appreciation Right 股票增值權 ; 股票溢價權 ; 股票升值木又
Picture Appreciation 貼圖部落
appreciation of money 貨幣 ; [金融] 貨幣增值 ; 錢幣增值
cumulative appreciation 累積升值 ; 累積增值
Appreciation of Master Pieces 名篇賞析 ; 佳作欣賞 ; 名篇分析
Appreciation of Sculptural Art 雕塑藝術欣賞 ; 雕塑藝術觀賞 ; 雕塑藝術賞識
Appreciation of Chicese Art 中國美術欣賞
aesthetic appreciation 審美
capital appreciation 資本增值
music appreciation 音樂鑑賞
currency appreciation 貨幣升值
artistic appreciation 藝術欣賞
appreciation of the rmb 人民幣升值
appreciation tax 增值稅
stock appreciation 股票升值,存貨升值;庫存增值


  • 1You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account.你得將那個房產的資本增值考慮進來。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The aim is to inculcate businesspeople with an appreciation of different cultures.其目的是教導商界人員學會欣賞不同的文化。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They differ in their appreciation of music.他們對音樂的鑑賞力不同。
  • 4Yeah, I've taken film appreciation in high school.是的,我在高中曾上過電影欣賞課程。
  • 5There's a lack of appreciation for trial and error.缺少對嘗試和失敗的欣賞。
  • 6It is possible to combine entertainment with appreciation of serious art.將娛樂同鑑賞嚴肅文藝結合起來並非不可能。
  • 7This can help develop understanding, acceptance and appreciation of diversity.這有助於培養他們對多樣性的理解、接受和欣賞的能力。
  • 8It would, however, be foolish to reduce art appreciation to a set of scientific laws.然而,將藝術欣賞歸結為一套科學規律是愚蠢的行為。
  • 9This showed that they were awaking to an appreciation of life and its joys once more.這表明他們正再次醒悟,開始欣賞生活及其樂趣。
  • 10I'm writing to show my sincere appreciation for the book you gave it me before you left China.你在離開中國之前給我送了那本書,謹寫此信以表達我衷心的感謝。
  • 11In this way, people can gain a better understanding and appreciation of peoples all over the world.這樣,人們可以更好地了解和欣賞世界各地的人民。
  • 12China's soft power grows in line with the increasing appreciation and understanding of China globally.隨著全球對中國的日益了解和欣賞,中國的軟實力也隨之增強。
  • 13This is particularly distressing because time seems to be a vital factor in the appreciation of all art forms.這是特別令人苦惱的,因為在所有藝術形式的鑑賞過程中,時間是一個至關重要的因素。
  • 14When I applauded, I guess I was showing my appreciation for his skill, the hours of practicing he must have put in.當我鼓掌的時候,我想我是在表達對他技巧的欣賞,他一定花了很多時間來練習。
  • 15I should convey my appreciation to my high school teachers, without whose help I wouldn't achieve such a big success.我應該向我的高中老師表示感謝,沒有他們的幫助我不可能取得如此巨大的成功。
  • 16To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dahrendorf's assertion that social change exists everywhere.今天生活在美國,是對達倫多夫關於社會變革無處不在的主張的讚賞。
  • 17In the eyes of Fudan University's Mr. Yu, foreign visitors to the Expo will accept the pajama fashion with tolerance and appreciation在復旦大學的於先生看來,來參觀世博會的外國人將以寬容和欣賞的態度接受睡衣時尚。
  • 18I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.我想感謝所有支持過我的朋友,特別感謝馬丁·米勒,感謝他在我需要的時候在我身邊。
  • 19It is easy to imagine that this mentality would have even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong answer.很容易想像到,這種心態會對像藝術欣賞這樣的模糊概念產生更大的影響,因為它沒有正確或錯誤的答案。
  • 20The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".該史詩包含了藏民族文化的全部原始核心,具有很高的學術價值、美學價值和欣賞價值,是研究古代藏族社會的一部百科全書,被譽為“東方的荷馬史詩“。
  • 21Examples of factual writing include notes on a book jacket, or album cover and longer pieces, such as an article describing a style of music, which you might read in a music appreciation course.紀實寫作的例子包括書皮上或專輯封面上的筆記,以及篇幅較長的文章,比如一篇你可能在音樂鑑賞課上讀到過的描述某種音樂風格的文章。
  • 22She shows little appreciation of good music.她感受不到美好音樂的妙處。《牛津詞典》
  • 23I had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我沒有體諒到他們所面臨的困難。《牛津詞典》
  • 24They had rushed in without adequate appreciation of the task.他們沒有充分了解這項任務就倉促行動了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 25Please accept this gift in appreciation of all you've done for us.承蒙鼎力相助,不勝感激,謹備薄禮,敬請笑納。《牛津詞典》
  • 26This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.這種絕對主義的信念被規則可以變通的認識所取代。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 27They have a stronger appreciation of the importance of economic incentives.他們對經濟激勵的重要性有了更深的了解。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 28He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.他表達了對他所稱的沙烏地阿拉伯溫和而務實的石油政策的感激。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 29Students usually show their respect and appreciation with games, competitions, dramas, dance or little presents.學生們通常通過遊戲、比賽、戲劇、舞蹈或小禮物來表達他們的尊敬和感激。
  • 30The day is celebrated by students to show their appreciation for their teachers with flowers, thank-you cards and other gifts.在這一天,學生們用鮮花、感謝卡和其他禮物來表達對老師的感激之情。


