



  • 外文名:airmail
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞




Sending airmail傳送航空郵件吧
airmail receipt[郵]空郵收據 ; 詳細翻譯
by airmail用航空郵寄 ; 航空郵寄 ; 寄航空郵件
Airmail credit郵寄信用狀
airmail envelope航空信封
Worldwide Airmail世界各地航空郵件
airmail centre空郵中心
EMS airmail航空信件 ; 快件
airmail route航空郵政航線


  • 1She sent the letter by airmail.她寄的是航空信。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Goods may be sent by surface mail or airmail.貨物可通過平郵或空運傳送。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Please send this parcel via airmail.請用航空件郵寄這個包裹。
  • 4He sent the letter (by) airmail.他航空郵寄了這封信。
  • 5How long will it take by airmail?我寄航空信了。這個多長時間?
  • 6I'd like ten airmail stamps, please.我要買十枚航空郵票。
  • 7B: Then, I'll just send it by airmail.那我還是寄空運的好了。
  • 8I'd like to send a letter airmail to Paris.我要寄一封航空信到巴黎。
  • 9I'd like to send this letter by airmail.這封信我要寄航空。
  • 10It came by airmail from our London office.是我們倫敦辦事處航郵匯來的。
  • 11What's the postage for an airmail to the UK?寄往英國的航空郵件的郵資是多少?
  • 12Excuse me. I would like to send this letter by airmail.不好意思,我想寄封航空郵件。
  • 13He has promised to send us some samples by airmail.他已經答應空郵一些樣品給我們。
  • 14Oh. By the way, can you give me some airmail labels?喔,對了,給我一些航空郵件標籤好嗎?
  • 15How long does it take to send an airmail letter to China?寄封航空信到中國要多長時間?
  • 16What is the airmail postage on postcards to Singapore?寄到新加坡的明信片航空郵費是多少?
  • 17I'd like to mail this letter to Singapore via airmail.我要把這封信以航空的方式寄到新加坡。
  • 18Do you want to remit the money by airmail or by cable, Sir?您想要航空信還是電匯,先生?
  • 19An airmail envelope is usually made of very thin paper.航空信封一般由非常薄的紙製作的。
  • 20How much does it cost to send an airmail letter to Australia?寄往澳洲的航空信要多少錢?
  • 21The letter must be sent by airmail before this afternoon.這封信必須在今天下午之前用航空方式寄出。
  • 22Yes, I want to send a registered airmail letter to France.是的,我想往法國寄一封航空掛號信。
  • 23I suppose airmail is faster and more expensive than surface mail.我想航空郵寄比平寄要快一些也更貴一些吧。


