- 外文名:afghanistani
- 詞性:名詞、形容詞
- 發音:[æf'gæni,stæni]
- 釋義:阿富汗人(或居民)|(與)阿富汗(人)(有關)的
- 屬性:英語單詞
阿富汗總統(普什圖語:د افغانستان ولسمشر,英語:Presidents of Afghanistan)是阿富汗的國家元首、政府首腦兼武裝部隊統帥。在阿富汗歷史上,共和制是間歇性的,只有在1973-1992年和2001年後才算作共和國。而其它的時間都被各位國王、酋長或塔利班組織成員所統治。職務...
阿富汗四爪陸龜 阿富汗四爪陸龜主要分布在俄羅斯(東裏海地區)、伊朗、哈薩克斯坦、阿富汗、巴基斯坦北部、中國大陸新疆維吾爾自治區。甲 長 15-20cm 解 說 飼養溫度為18-32℃,飼料為野草、菜葉、水果。
阿富汗丁香(學名:Syringa afghanica C.K.Schneid. )是落葉灌木或小喬木。小枝近圓柱形或帶四棱形,具皮孔。冬芽被芽鱗,頂芽常缺。葉對生,單葉,全緣,具葉柄。花兩性,聚傘花序排列成圓錐花序,頂生或側生,花萼小,鐘狀,花冠漏斗狀、高腳碟狀或近幅狀,子房2室,花柱絲狀,短於雄蕊,柱頭2裂。果為...
由於阿富汗戰亂連年,貨幣發行不完全由中央銀行(Da Afghanistan Bank)掌握,北方軍閥杜斯塔姆同時發行阿富汗尼,兩者並不等值。阿富汗尼不斷貶值,2002年,一美元可對換 43,000阿尼。戰後阿富汗進行貨幣改革,發行新的阿富汗尼,實行相對固定的匯率,基本穩定在1美元兌換50 阿尼上下。阿富汗紙幣有七種面值,分別為1000、...
阿富汗盤羊曾經被視為維氏盤羊(Ovis vignei)的一個亞種。2019年版《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)將其視為獨立物種,但截止2021年2月《世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄》(IUCN)仍將其列入維氏盤羊的亞種之一。第一個在亞洲記錄阿富汗盤羊的歐洲人是馬可波羅,他在1271-1274年從歐洲到中國的旅程中,觀察並...
1941年,阿富汗將“歷史學部”改組為“歷史學會”(Anjoman-i Tarikh),負責研究阿富汗歷史,整理和出版原始文獻、政府檔案等。“歷史學會”是阿富汗最重要的官方歷史編撰機構,它創辦了《阿里亞納》(Aryan)和《阿富汗》(Afghanistan)兩本歷史期刊,並組織出版了許多歷史著作。到1975年,“歷史學會”共出版107部歷史...
And if you got it me or if I got it from you If I were you I'd worry about that tooth Well I worry about big business and if they tell the truth I worry about the Commies undermining all our youth I worry about Afghanistan I worry about the Poles O if they drop the big one ...
“You Have Been in Afghanistan,I perceive。”--(“我看得出,您從阿富汗來。”)這句話對於標準的“福迷”們來說是再熟悉不過的了。在《暗紅色研究》中,當福爾摩斯和華生第一次見面時,福爾摩斯那“不朽”的第一句話就是“How areyou?You have been in Afghanistan,I perceive.”(“您好。我看得出...
“You Have Been in Afghanistan,I perceive。”——(“我看得出,您從阿富汗來。”)這句話對於標準的“福迷”們來說是再熟悉不過的了。在《暗紅色研究》中,當福爾摩斯和華生第一次見面時,福爾摩斯那“不朽”的第一句話就是“How areyou?You have been in Afghanistan,I perceive.”(“您好。我看得...
trek west, slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom. It’s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande, pushed women to reach for the ballot, powered workers to organize. It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan ...
1巴爾哈城遺址(Balkh,Afghanistan)2烏茲別克的圓形城堡(Koi—Krylgan—Kala)3尼薩土城遺蹟(Nisa)4艾哈努姆城(Ai-Khanum)5投普拉克加拉城遺蹟(Toprak—Kala)6蘇哈拾塔爾拜火教神殿(Surkh—Kotal)7本吉肯特城市遺蹟(Pendzhikent)8吉茲卡拉城堡(Kyz—Kala)9巴米揚佛教石窟群(Cave Temples,Bamiyan)10阿吉那台貝寺院...
亞眼灰蝶(Polyommatus afghanistana) (Forster, 1972).恩灑眼灰蝶(Polyommatus ainsae) (Forster, 1961).皚眼灰蝶(Polyommatus alcestis) (Zerny, 1932).愛眼灰蝶(Polyommatus altivagans) (Forster, 1956).Polyommatus anticarmon(Koçak, 1983).安提眼灰蝶(Polyommatus antidolus) (Rebel, 1901).Poly...
4.7 Goals Are Same in Afghanistan,Only Details Under Review 美國在阿富汗的目標不變,具體細節有待商榷 4.8 Secretary Hillary to Brief Congress on Libya Mission 希拉蕊就利比亞戰爭向國會作簡要報告 4.9 Us Losing"Intormation War"希拉蕊稱美國喪失"信息戰爭"主導地位 4.10 Hillary Returns 稀拉里高調回歸...
Taking us from Afghanistan in the final days of the monarchy to the present, The Kite Runner is the unforgettable, beautifully told story of the friendship between two boys growing up in Kabul. Raised in the same household and sharing the same wet nurse, Amir and Hassan nonetheless grow up ...
“You Have Been in Afghanistan,I perceive。”——(“我看得出,您從阿富汗來。”)這句話對於標準的“福迷”們來說是再熟悉不過的了。在《暗紅色研究》中,當福爾摩斯和華生第一次見面時,福爾摩斯那“不朽”的第一句話就是“How areyou?You have been in Afghanistan,I perceive.”(“您好。我看得...
Afghanistan Afghanistan Whatever happened to you Afghanistan Afghanistan Whatever happened to you I don't really care but I thought I'd ask in Case it mattered to you – let me hear it They're cutting their heads of in the soccer field Stretching their necks in the goal Taking them out in...
2024年10月15日,據阿富汗記者中心((Afghanistan Journalists Center - AFJC)訊息,因塔利班頒令禁止在照片和視頻報導中展示生物,阿富汗國家和私營電視台在阿富汗 塔哈爾省停播。軍事衝突 2021年2月16日,阿富汗國防部發表聲明說,軍方15日夜間摧毀了北部巴格蘭省一所塔利班“監獄”,並從中解救出42人。聲明說,軍方...
由於機體是超前理念設計的,休伊僅解決了恐龍模式下的行走問題,遠距離操作和控制A.I.的技術還不到套用階段,姿態控制還需要改良,且不能變成直立型模式行走,就被骷髏臉趕走到Afghanistan Central 大本營里研究小型單人用的Walker Gear。在玩家救出休伊後即將離開大本營時,薩赫勒猿人帶著骷髏臉從天而降(這裡是第三子...
她的工作搭檔還有馬可·卡塔內奧(Marco Cattaneo),她出版了很多作品,有Emergency出版的《Afghanistan: le donne, la guerra, l’Islam》(2001),和白星出版的聯合國教科文組織世界遺產名錄的一個三冊書系列 (《The Treasurez of Art》、《Nature Sanctuaries》、《Ancient Civilizations》)以及《Great Cit......
Listening 2 Trafficking in Heroin from Afghanistan IV.Writing V.Integrated Exercises Unit Six Customs and E-Commerce I.Warming up II.Reading Reading 1 What Is E-Commerce?Reading 2 Customs, E-commerce and You Reading 3 Counterfeiting, the lnternet and the Postal Dilemma...a ...
And I've seen it in our men and women in uniform and our proud military wounded warriors who tell me they're not just going to walk again, they're going to run, and they're going to run the young man blinded by a bomb in Afghanistan who said, simply...
Oh whoa I just want your dirty love All I need is to get in between your sheets Oh whoa I just want your dirty love (I just want your dirty love)I just want your dirty love (I just want your dirty love)Cockroaches do it In garbage cans Rug merchants do it In Afghanistan Santorum ...
阿富汗卡姆航空公司成立於2003年8月31日,是阿富汗第一家民營航空公司。主要運營國內及歐洲、中東、中亞各國的國際定期客運航班 經營路線 主要經營從喀布爾到杜拜以及伊斯坦堡之間的航線,以及一些國內航班等。機隊情況 截至2022年10月3日 (數據來源:)主要基地 KBL - Kabul International , Kabul Afghanistan DXB - ...
Laili And Madjnun, Ballad From Kundus》是Sadullah Kunduzi演唱的歌曲,收錄於《World Network Vol. 28: Afghanistan》專輯中。專輯簡介 《World Network Vol. 28: Afghanistan》是World Network Series於1991年9月10日發行的音樂專輯,共收錄15首歌,《Laili And Madjnun, Ballad From Kundus》也收錄其中。
Attacks? & Dangerous Drones I. Warming-Up II. Teaching Suggestions Part A Preview Reading Part B Preview Preparatory Work Part C Viewing and Exercises III. Supplementary Materials Unit 14 Robotic Point Man in Afghanistan &West Nile Virus I. Warming-Up II. Teaching Suggestions ……下冊部分 ...
A veil of gauze protects a patient named Zahara from flies in a burn ward in Herat, Afghanistan. 阿富汗赫拉特一間燒傷病房中,一塊紗布充當面罩為病人扎哈拉擋住蒼蠅。One of his relatives, a pharmacist, was picked up a few days ago carrying gauze and saline solution. 這名醫生的一個藥劑師親戚...