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  • 外文名:adulthood
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈædʌlthʊd; əˈdʌlthʊd]
  • 美式發音:[əˈdʌlthʊd,ˈædʌlthʊd]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


N-UNCOUNTAdulthood is the state of being an adult. 成年


Later Adulthood 成年晚期
early adulthood 成年早期 ; 早期成年期
Middle Adulthood 成年中期
adulthood rite 冠笄禮
Emerging Adulthood 始成年期
Adulthood diseases 成年期疾病
mental health in adulthood 成年期心理衛生
psychology of adulthood 成年心理學


  • 1Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood?童年與成年之間有分界線嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 2Few people nowadays are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.現今很少有人能夠把友誼維持到成年。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.父母們想了解把他們的孩子養育成人的最好方法。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The transition from youth to adulthood can be a painful process.從青年過渡到成年可能會是非常痛苦的一個過程。
  • 5Now researchers are discovering that this effect continues into adulthood.現在研究人員發現這種影響會持續到成年期。
  • 6To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of occupation.對於皮亞傑這樣的認知研究人員來說,成年意味著一份職業的開始。
  • 7To cognitive researchers like Piaget, adulthood meant the beginning of an occupation.對於皮亞傑這樣的認知研究人員來說,成年意味著一份職業的開始。
  • 8In adulthood, looking someone else in a pleasant way can be a complimentary sign of paying attention.成年後,以一種友好的方式看著別人可能是一種關注他人時表示敬意的信號。
  • 9What has changed, instead, is the relative share adopting different ways of living in early adulthood.相反,在成年時期採用不同生活方式的相對比例發生了改變。
  • 10Being in transition to adulthood requires teenagers to think and make choices independently, so they might sometimes feel lost.青少年處在向成年階段轉型的過渡期,這一階段需要他們進行獨立思考並獨立做出選擇,因此他們有時候會感到迷茫。
  • 11When we talk about Americans barely into adulthood who are saddled with unbearable levels of debt, the conversation is almost always about student loan debt.美國人剛成年就背負著難以承受的債務,談及他們時,話題幾乎總是關於助學貸款。
  • 12They also focused on important rituals that appeared to preserve a people's social structure, such as initiation ceremonies that formally signify children's entrance into adulthood.他們還注重於那些似乎能保存一個民族社會結構的重要儀式,比如正式標誌著孩子進入成年的入會儀式。
  • 13If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death.如果第二年有足夠的雨水形成另一個湖泊,卵就會孵化,小蝦會再次快速地經歷生長、成年、產卵和死亡的循環。
  • 14He has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age.他從青年時代到晚年一直保持著強烈的社會良知。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15Inhibition in adulthood seems to be a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.成年期的壓抑似乎是一個人童年經歷的一種反映。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16Many people all around the country work very hard to help falcons live to adulthood.來自全國各地的許多人都付出了巨大努力幫助獵鷹活到成年。
  • 17Globally, a third of Sumatran cubs in zoos don't make it to adulthood, so I decided to give them round-the-clock care at home.在全球範圍內,動物園裡三分之一的蘇門答臘老虎幼崽活不到成年,所以我決定在家裡全天候照顧它們。
  • 18But when John reached adulthood, he was better off than his childhood playmates.但當約翰長大後,他比兒時的玩伴們過得更好。
  • 19Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kids.父母可以做很多事來確保孩子在剛進入成年期時有不錯的發展。
  • 20It peaks in young adulthood, levels out for a period of time, and then generally starts to slowly decline as we age.它在青年時期達到頂峰,在一段時間內趨於平穩,然後普遍會開始隨著年齡的增長而緩慢下降。
  • 21What about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to be struggling and wandering aimlessly through early adulthood?那么,那些長大了卻還在與命運抗爭、找不到人生方向的青年男女們呢?
  • 22At the same time, we recognize that children might have an interest in entering adulthood free to create their own digital footprint.同時,我們認識到,孩子們可能對成年後能自由創造自己的數據足跡感興趣。
  • 23Hearing and telling stories about events may help children store information in ways that will endure into later childhood and adulthood.聽和講述關於事件的故事可能會幫助孩子們以一種持續到童年後期及成年的方式儲存信息。
  • 24None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.這些法律條文沒有規定什麼時候已經到了成年期,但是他們確實指出了延長的青春期。
  • 25Determining the functions of play is difficult because the functions may be long-term, with beneficial effects not showing up until the animal's adulthood.定義玩耍的功能是困難的,因為這些功能可能是長期性的,其積極影響要到動物成年後才會顯現。
  • 26With this study, researchers examined early academic attention and socio-emotional skills and how each contributed to academic success into young adulthood.通過這項研究,研究人員調查了早期的學術關注和社會情感技能,以及它們分別是如何影響青少年學術成就的。
  • 27Declining mental function is often seen as a problem of old age, but certain aspects of brain function actually begin their decline in young adulthood, a new study suggests.心智功能衰退通常被視為老年問題,但一項新的研究表明,大腦功能的某些方面實際上在青年時代就開始衰退了。

