- 外文名:adjective
- 詞性:形容詞、名詞
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 單詞解釋:形容詞的、從屬的
- 1In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.法語中形容詞必須在數和性上與名詞一致。《牛津詞典》
- 2The adjective "inexpensive" used in the name is not without a reason.“低廉”這個形容詞用在名字中也不是沒有理由的。
- 3But you can use it as an adjective to give emphasis to the word that follows it.但是你可以用它作為形容詞來強調後面的單詞。
- 4Thus for example, every noun ends in "o", every adjective in "a", and basic form of every verb in "i".例如,每個名詞以“ o ”結尾,每個形容詞以“ a ”結尾,每個動詞的基本形式以“ i ”結尾。
- 5"Just awesome." She wondered, she later said, what kind of journalist had just one adjective in his vocabulary.“只有棒。”她後來說,她想知道什麼樣的記者的辭彙里僅有一個形容詞。
- 6That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.這是一個有趣的形容詞選擇,出自一個花了數百萬美元試圖克隆一隻13歲名叫米茜的狗的人之口。
- 7If "entitled" is the most common adjective, fairly or not, applied to millennials (those born between 1981 and 1995), the catchwords for Generation Z are practical and cautious.如果說“有權享用”是形容千禧一代(1981年至1995年出生的人)最常用的形容詞——無論恰當與否——那么描述 Z 世代的關鍵字則是“講求實際”和“謹慎小心”。
- 8Anything that merits the adjective "jumbo" is extravagantly large.任何能用“特大”形容的事物都是超大的。
- 9Now observe the Adjective.現在咱來看看形容詞。
- 10Note that objective is a noun, not an adjective.注意目標(objective)是一個名詞,而不是一個形容詞。
- 11How about an adjective without a connecting name?讓我們單用一個形容詞怎么樣?
- 12Also, the possessive adjective yours / yours, e.g.也請記住形容詞所有格yours /你的。 例如:What was yours like?
- 13They're very traditional. He's the noun. She's the adjective.他們很傳統,男人是名詞,女人是形容詞。
- 14The adjective Inexpensive used in the name is not without a reason.“低廉”這個形容詞用在名字中也不是沒有理由的。
- 15The word at first wasn’t a verb but an adjective and meant “joyful.”這個詞起初不是動詞而是形容詞,意思是“歡快”。
- 16The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object.這個形容詞給受到反對的客觀物體注入了新的意義。
- 17"Boy" is a noun, but the ending "-ish" makes it an adjective - boyish.boy這個名詞加上-ish,就成了形容詞boyish。
- 18It's that much closer to Apple's favorite adjective for the iPad: Magical.“神奇”作為蘋果最愛用在iPad身上的形容詞,iPad2讓人離這種感覺又近了許多。
- 19The "modifier" (adverb or adjective in a sentence) is not required, usually.通常不需要“修飾語”(句子中的副詞和形容詞)。
- 20Well, now people can add the word speed as an adjective to the Bentley brand.現在,人們可以把速度加入到形容賓利品牌辭彙的行列里了。
- 21Remember also pretty / pretty before an adjective, when it means quite / quite, e.g.也請記住在形容詞前用pretty /非常相當於quite /很。
- 22O "Long run" (without a hyphen) is a noun. "Long-run" (with a hyphen) is an adjective.“Long run”(沒有連字元)是個名詞,“Long - run”(由連字元)是個形容詞。
- 23Neil Whitman took a look at the literature on adjective ordering, and sums up thus.尼爾·惠特曼研究過有關形容詞詞序的文獻資料,總結出如下結論。
- 24"Facebook," as a noun, verb or adjective, was popular with younger linguists, Glowka said.格洛卡說,年輕的語言學家們更青睞Facebook一詞,Facebook既可用作名詞,也可用作形容詞和動詞。
- 25The adjective hasn't been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.形容詞不能把一個無力、含糊的名詞擺脫自己的困境。
- 26On the command line, the regular expression ACTS as an adjective — a description or qualifier.在命令行中,正則表達式的作用相當於形容詞——一種描述或限定詞。
- 27Without an adjective, general statements about globalism are often meaningless - or misleading.沒有言語可以形容全球主義往往是毫無意義的——或有誤導性。