



  • 外文名:acquirement
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ə'kwaɪəm(ə)nt]
  • 美式發音:[ə'kwaɪrmənt]
  • 屬性:英語單詞


Knowledge acquirement 知識獲取
acamorphousd acquirement 應計收益
amiss acquirement 來料不良
equipment acquirement 裝備採辦
image acquirement 圖像採集
carbone acquirement 財政收入
acquirement Ǖ 造詣
legal acquirement 合法獲取
acquirement adjustment 訂購單


  • 1Acquirement of singing ability is the most important activity.演唱能力的獲得是最重要的活動。
  • 2Principle of data acquirement and its application in our system.數據採集的一般原理及其在本系統中的套用。
  • 3Document transmitting; Original document acquirement; Network environment.文獻傳遞;原文獲取;網路環境。
  • 4The innocent acquirement in commercial law is only applied to commercial dealing.商法上的善意取得,只能適用於商事交易領域。
  • 5This system can stably achieves the dependable access and rapid acquirement of data.設計出的系統能穩定地實現數據的快速獲取與給定。
  • 6Objective to discuss the action that the acquirement gallstone taken from the abnormal gall shape.目的探討膽囊形態異常對膽囊結石形成的作用。
  • 7These limit the acquirement of SARS research materials and baffle the expansion of research for SARS.這使得SARS研究的出發材料來源受到限制,從而阻撓了對SARS進行廣泛、深入的科學研究。
  • 8The free right of information acquirement is a fundamental right that all countries approbate in the law.信息獲取的自由權利,是各國法律普遍認可的人的一項基本權利。
  • 9Methods: Animals were induced memory acquirement disorder by scopolamine, assayed by dark evading method.方法:以東莨菪鹼造成動物記憶獲得障礙,採用避暗法測定;
  • 10The building of new social network has remarkable effect on college students' acquirement of career status.新的社會網路資本的建立對高校貧困生職業地位獲得具有顯著作用。
  • 11The sufficient and necessary condition of possession justice is the both justice of acquirement and transfer.持有正義的充要條件是獲取與轉讓同時是正義的。
  • 12A wireless data acquirement system applying in wind farm wind distribution research is presented in this paper.討論了研製一套風電場風況無線數據採集系統的基本原理和電路設計。
  • 13Furthermore, the relationship between feature acquirement or selection and white blood cell classification is discussed.對特徵的提取和選擇與白細胞分類之間的關係進行了一些探討。
  • 14The traffic parameters acquirement prototype system has already implemented on PC, and achieves ideal result in experiment.基於超聲的交通流參數獲取原型系統已經在PC機上實現,並在現場實驗中取得了比較理想的結果。
  • 15ASP model has many potential benefits, such as cost benefit, improvement of service quality, acquirement of expertise, etc.ASP外包模式有許多潛在收益,包括成本收益、改善服務、獲取專門知識等。
  • 16Restriction of jurisdiction is primarily carried out through the acquirement of jurisdiction, its circulation and consequence.對司法權制約要從司法權的取得、運行以及運行之結果等環節來進行。
  • 17Requirement engineering can be considered a process of knowledge representation, knowledge acquirement and knowledge analysis.需求工程可以認為是一個知識表示,知識獲取和知識分析的過程。
  • 18The function and acquirement of E-MAP, and the design and update technique of navigation database are also put forward in detail.詳細敘述了電子地圖的作用、獲取以及導航資料庫的設計與更新技術。
  • 19This method sacrifices the computer memory for the acquirement of the order preserving and real time of the spectral pretreatment.此法以增加計算機記憶體為代價,獲得對譜數據預處理的保序性及實時性的要求。
  • 20Their goals, contents, methods of acquirement, fostering approaches, realm realization etc, show the possibility of their interaction.二者在目的、內容、習得方式、培養途徑及境界實現等方面具有互動的可能性。
  • 21An incremental learning method for EHW based on knowledge acquirement was proposed and EHW-oriented learning mechanism was constructed.本文構造了一種基於知識的遞增式學習模式,研究了一種面向EHW的自適應學習機制。
  • 22This thesis discusses the legal acquirement of Competitive Intelligence in grey belt which is between legal boundary and moral boundary.本文論述了競爭情報活動中介於法律邊界和道德邊界之間的灰色地帶競爭情報的合法獲取。
  • 23In terms of the enterprise, it involved the acquirement, development, using, guarantee, dismission and other aspects of the human resource.就企業而言,涉及到人力資源的獲取、開發、使用、保障和離職等方面的內容。
  • 24Based on the basis of the concept and acquirement of the software component, the paper mainly presents management and reuse of software component.在簡要介紹軟體構件的概念和獲取途徑的基礎上,詳細介紹了構件的管理和復用。
  • 25An effective approach of knowledge acquirement supporting design process is to establish the relation between design process and product knowledge.建立設計過程與產品知識間的關聯,是實現產品設計過程中知識獲取的有效途徑。
  • 26Knowledge representation, acquirement, in fe rence engine of the expert system are presented and diagnosis re-porting as outcome is explained to user.主要介紹了本專家系統的知識表達、獲取及推理機等,並以診斷報告的形式將診斷的結果解釋給使用者。
  • 27As an important component part of the idiomaticity in the language, the acquisition of idioms has a direct effect on the acquirement of target language fluency.習語作為慣用表達法的一個重要組成部分,其習得的成效必然影響目的語流利性的培養。
  • 28This paper presents the method of multi information acquirement and the theory of multi parameter testing in intelligent analyzing station for gear drive system.本文論述了齒輪傳動系統智慧型分析站中複合信息的獲取方法及動態參數的測試原理。
  • 29Another either in the pit, you can acquirement and accretion on and off, the armamentarium admeasurement access can be bargain, we are alleged open - graded funds.另一類既可在場內交易,也可以在場內外申購贖回,基金規模可增可減,我們稱為開放式分級基金。

