

Acknowledge是一個英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時意為“承認;認可; 跟……打招呼,理會;告知收到”等。


  • 外文名:acknowledge
  • 發音: [ək'nɔlidʒ]
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 屬性:英語單詞


英 [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ] 美 [əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ]
v. 承認;認可; 跟……打招呼,理會;告知收到;(公開)感謝
[ 第三人稱單數 acknowledges 現在分詞 acknowledging 過去式 acknowledged 過去分詞 acknowledged ]


acknowledge receipt 證實收到
acknowledge receipt of 收到
acknowledge character [計] 肯定字元 ; [計] 確認字元 ; 肯定符號 ; [計] 承認字元
acknowledge signal [計] 肯定信號 ; 接收完成信號 ; 確認信號 ; 應答信號
interrupt acknowledge 中斷確認 ; 中斷應答 ; 批准中斷 ; 中斷回響信號
negative acknowledge character [計] [通信] 否認字元 ; [計] 否定字元 ; 反確認字元 ; 不認可字元
negative acknowledge 否定應答 ; 否認 ; 負應答 ; 否定回答”信號
acknowledge a debt 人賬
acknowledge an order 確認訂單
acknowledge a deed 公證一項契約 ; 承認證書


  • 1She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.她拒不承認改革的必要性。《牛津詞典》
  • 2I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.我沒有承認他犯了什麼錯。《牛津詞典》
  • 3You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.你不得不承認我們生活在一個有種族歧視的社會。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.漸漸地他開始承認自己對母親的羨慕。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Acknowledge that you hurt her, and then apologize.承認是你傷害了她,並道歉。
  • 6We can't acknowledge that our obsession is more about us than them.我們不能承認,我們的痴迷更多的是關於我們自己,而不是他們。
  • 7Breen did acknowledge that a few isolated boycotts may have taken place in other countries.布林承認,在其他國家可能也發生過一些孤立的抵制行動。
  • 8Parents are more willing to acknowledge their children as adults when they behave like adults.當孩子表現得像成年人時,父母更願意承認孩子是成年人。
  • 9You should pay attention to your breathing and simply acknowledge any bad thoughts or feelings.你應該注意你的呼吸頻率,簡單地承認任何不好的想法和感覺。
  • 10Not to equate German suffering with that of its victims, but simply to acknowledge a terrible tragedy.不是說要把德國人的苦難與受害者的苦難等同,只是要承認一場可怕的悲劇。
  • 11They can acknowledge mistakes, see value in things that are far from perfect and identify areas for improvement.他們能承認錯誤,從遠非完美的事物中看到價值,並找出需要改進的地方。
  • 12One of the first steps in dealing with emotions such as anger or fear is to acknowledge them as normal and human.處理憤怒或恐懼等情緒的第一步,就是承認這些情緒是人之常情。
  • 13What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and then again, like children move on.我們需要做的是找到一種方式來承認和恰當地表達我們的感受,然後再次像孩子一樣繼續前進。
  • 14What we need to do is find a way to acknowledge and express what we feel appropriately, and then—again, like children—move on.我們需要做的是找到一種方式來承認和恰當地表達我們的感受,然後再次像孩子一樣繼續前進。
  • 15It's important to acknowledge that the relationship parameters have changed to avoid falling back into patterns from the teen years.重要的是要承認,決定親子關係的因素已經發生變化,以避免這種關係退回到青少年時期的模式。
  • 16This might not be right, but school-leavers who fail to acknowledge as much risk making the wrong decision about going to university.這不一定是對的,但是那些不承認這一點的中學畢業生有可能會做出關於上大學的錯誤決定。
  • 17Dick Morris suggested that before I made a formal announcement, I should go on television to acknowledge the mistakes and ask for another chance.迪克·莫里斯建議,在正式宣布參加競選之前,我首先要在電視上承認錯誤,請求再給我一次機會。
  • 18I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem, but I'm arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it's too limiting.我也承認我們工作與生活之間存在著問題,我想說的是,平衡工作與生活的概念從來就沒什麼用處,因為它太有局限性了。
  • 19The executives acknowledge that they try to swing national eating habits to food created in America, but they deny that amounts to economic imperialism.高管們承認,他們試圖將國民飲食習慣轉向美國創造的食物,但他們否認這等同於經濟帝國主義。
  • 20Schools acknowledge the rigor of European secondary training, and will give up to a year's credit to foreigners who have passed their high school exams.學校承認歐洲中等教育制度的嚴格,並將給予那些通過了高中考試的外國學生額外的一年學分。
  • 21The researchers acknowledge that since the families they studied were all middle-class Israelis, it's possible the results would be different in different cultures.研究人員承認,由於他們的研究對象都是以色列的中產階級家庭,因此,研究結果有可能不適用於其他文化背景的家庭。
  • 22However, such deterministic arguments fail to acknowledge that local environmental variability in the Southwest makes generalizing about that environment difficult.然而,這種決定性的論點沒有承認,在西南地區的地方環境的變化使得對該環境進行概括是困難的。
  • 23If we want to avoid making similar mistakes in the future, everybody—especially the most intelligent and powerful—would do well to humbly acknowledge their own weaknesses.如果我們想在未來避免犯類似的錯誤,每個人——尤其是那些最聰明、最有權勢的人——都應該謙遜地承認自己的弱點。
  • 24Chinese officials say the expansion in Antarctica prioritises scientific research. But they also acknowledge that concerns about "resource security" influence their moves.中國官員說,在南極洲的拓展以科學研究為重點。但他們也承認,對“資源安全”的擔憂限制了行動。
  • 25Chinese officials say the expansion in Antarctica prioritises scientific research, but they also acknowledge that concerns about "resource security" influence their moves.中國官員表示,在南極的擴張優先考慮科學研究,但他們也承認,對“資源安全”的擔憂影響了他們的行動。
  • 26They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages.他們承認,在一些情況下,家庭學校提供的教育機會要優於大多數公立學校,但很少有父母能提供這樣的優質教育。
  • 27If we acknowledge that human manipulation of the Earth has been a destructive force, we can also imagine that human endeavours can help us build a less destructive world in the centuries to come.如果我們承認人類對地球的操縱是一種破壞,我們也可以認為,人類的努力可以幫助我們在未來幾個世紀建立一個破壞性較小的世界。
  • 28He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her.他看到了她,但甚至都拒絕向她致意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 29I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.我願意承認自己的真實感情。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 30I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.我想向我的老師表達我的感激之情。《牛津詞典》


