
absent-minded釋義為心不在焉的,出神的。...... absent-minded釋義為心不在焉的,出神的。absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的, 出神的minded ...
be absent-minded 出處 西漢·戴聖《禮記·大學》 注釋 心思不在這裡,指思想不集中 成語示例 他很期待去春遊,上課心不在焉。 目錄...
be absent-minded and transformed; become spiritualized; be superb; [1] 例句聲波傳播軌跡體現專業性。中國太極意象,體現出神入化的強大能量。雙手象徵團隊...
[absent-minded]∶失意貌。 忽忽如狂。——《漢書·李廣蘇建傳》 [time,pass in a flash]∶時間快速飛逝的樣子。 離開杭州,忽忽又是一年。 [1] 忽忽引證...
(1) [frustratedly;absent-minded]∶失意貌忽忽如狂。——《漢書·李廣蘇建傳》(2) [time,pass in a flash]∶時間快速飛逝的樣子...
Don't be so absent-minded. 不要這么心不在焉。Don't make a noise in the corridor. 不要在走廊里大聲喧譁。 說明: 構成否定祈使句只用do。4...
1977年,他曾因演出<荒唐侍者> (The Absent-Minded Waiter) 入圍最佳男配角。直到進入80年代後,斯蒂夫·馬丁在大銀幕上的表演才越來越受到觀眾們的歡迎。其後他在...
45 An Absent-minded Student 心不在焉的學生46 A Clever Dog 聰明的狗47 A Great Boxer 偉大的拳擊手48 Wet Paint 油漆未乾...
spreading green chrysanthemum garden care, the surrounding vegetation still green, but the green are distracted, green be absent-minded, green be in the ...
1977 The Absent-Minded Waiter 1976 The Sonny and Cher Show …… writer 1976 On Location: Steve Martin 1975 Van Dyke and Company 1974 The Funnier Side...
1. An Absent-minded Professor 2. Father's Motto 3. He Was Caught 4. Drunk 5. A Man to Guard the Clothes 6. A Seaman Who Couldn't Swim 7. ...
1961 The Absent-Minded Professor1961 Greyfriars Bobby1962 Bon Voyage!1962 Big Red1962 Almost Angels1962 Moon Pilot1962 The Legend of Lobo...
I was restless, absent-minded, a dreamer. I wept, I sighed, I longed for a happiness of which I had no idea, and of which I nevertheless felt ...
《 Absent-Minded Waiter, The 》 (1977) ...Susan Cates 《 Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood 》 (1976) ...Fluffy Peters 《新科學怪人/年輕...
◎英譯: absent-minded, confused 惚方言集匯 編輯 ◎ 粵語:fat1 ◎ 客家話:[海陸豐腔] fut7 [梅州腔] fut7 [寶安腔] fut7 [客英字典] fut7 [台灣...
absent-minded 拼音 lèng 部首 忄 筆畫 12 目錄 1 基本字義 ▪ 形聲 ▪ 副詞 ▪ 動詞 2 常用詞組 3 古籍解釋 愣基本字義 編輯 愣 lè...
漢典◎ 走神兒 zǒushénr[absent-minded] 注意力不集中,心不在焉;思想開小差兒。也稱“跑神兒”上課為什麼走神兒 漢...
Absent-minded 1968-皮埃爾·理察 Pierre Richard 女囚犯 Prisonnière, La (演員) Female Prisoner Prigioniera, La 快樂的亞歷山大 Alexandre le bienheureux (演員...
5.Are you always so absent-minded? 你總是這樣心不在焉嗎?[1] 6.I am so happy!我非常高興。 7.It's so cold today. 今天(天氣)很冷。 8.It's...
83 Absent-minded Judge 84 Asking for the Rates 85 Overdone Toast 86 A Civilized Way of Asking for a Tip 87 Three Sons 88 The Dog That Can Do Ari...
Listen for Fun :Absent-Minded Professors Unit 3 Plants and Animals Part I Starters Part Ⅱ Conversations Part Ⅲ Passages Listen for Fun : The ...
33 An Absent-minded Professor 34 l Like Fried Chicken 35 Me Either 36 Come and Catch Mice 37 A Good Box of Matches 38 I Have the Key 39 The Orc...