about colours

about colours是一篇關於顏色與性格的英語文章,分別介紹了喜歡藍色、灰色、紅色、綠色、棕色、黑色的人的性格特點,十分有趣。


  • 外文名:about colours
  • 關於:顏色與性格
  • 類型:英語文章
  • 介紹:各色的人的特點


If you like blue,you are a withdrawn person.You don't like to talk with others and you would rather be along in a lonely place.Your self-repression is very strong.Although you meet exciting things,yu will be calm.you can keep a mediocrity heart.You have a good sense of opinion.
You pay attention to details.You don't have very good purpose.It's very good for you to live in a placid life.
If you like purple,you are already a withdrawn person.Red and blue make purple.The meaning of it is not clearly like them.It only have few characteristics of them.You are not interested in social activities.Your feelings are exquisite and colourful,but have sentimentality.You have a thin skin with things.You are not good at controlling your feelings.You often chase mystic life bourn.You not only inebriet in this bourn,but also want others to do so.Sometimes you will even immolate yourself.
If you like grey,you are really cagy.You will think a lot before you do something.You are composed.You never be afraid of the things,you will be calm down whenyou are in trouble.You are good at controlling your moods.Excited or sad,you always be very common.You always have wariness with others and always want to avoid to be very close to them.
If you choose yellow,that means you have satisfaction.But more time,you have your own dream and you often want to develop outside.Sometimes you will feel jealous and not safe.Yellow means relax,also means be away from trouble and danger.You would rather to run a risk.
If you like red,so you are a fervency and free person.You are energetic,staunch and patient.You abound in sensibility and you are active.You are often full of fight,you are brave enough to face exchallge.But sometimes you are impatient,you are too easy to make decisions and sometimes ,your action is rude.
If you like green,you are a natural optimist.You may not know what is trouble because you don't have experiences like that.Even though you have trouble,you can be confident about your future.You always think life is wonderful.You are gentle and friendly,so you are liked by others at times.Your mood is happy.You can lustrate the minds that they disturb you.
If you like brown,you want to have good things,other natural desires also affect you.Your desire will always be your power,so you can reach your purpose.In the instrumentality of doing things,you are not very patient.Sometimes you use some unwelcome forms.You will be nervous from time to time because you will not have enough surenesswith one or two things that you have done.However you can mostly control yourself.
If you are interested in black,you easy to be hurt.You are always not satisfactory with things,you try to get rid off but you are not able todo so.Sometimes the things are not so terrible,but you always think it is not good.So,you are not satisfactory and not happy.
Every clour that means one qualities are typical.In our life, in fact we don't have many people that have typical characteristics.Almost every one has many of them but mostly represent one thing.


如果你對黑色有興趣,你是個“容易受傷的人”。不順心的事總是伴隨著你,你努力擺脫,卻往往做不到;有時候事情並非真的那么糟糕,可你總是往壞的方面想。因此,你經常不如意,不快樂。 每一種顏色所預示的個性都是比較典型的,事實上生活中具有那么典型特徵的人並不太多,幾乎每一個人都是好幾種的綜合而主要表現只傾向於某一種。


