abolition,英文單詞,[英][ˌæbəˈlɪʃn][美][ˌæbəˈlɪʃən],意思為廢除; 廢止等。
- 中文名:abolition
- 類型:英文單詞
- 同義詞:persecution
- 釋義:廢除; 廢止
- 屬性:英語單詞
- 1The abolition of slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed the pattern of the United States.巴西和加勒比海地區對奴隸制的廢除很大程度上遵循了美國的模式。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 2Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.島民們已經發起了運動,要廢除該島3級市政權力中的1級。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3We are not advocating its abolition but rather calling for the adaptation of its characteristics to meet the needs of today.我們不是主張廢除它,而是呼籲調整其特性,以滿足現今的需要。
- 4A recent report makes several recommendations, including the abolition of most post-conviction penalties, except for those specifically needed to protect public safety.最近的一份報告提出了幾項建議,包括罪後懲罰的廢除,但那些為了維護公共安全而特別需要的刑罰除外。
- 5The abolition of incomes unearned by work.第十一條,取締不勞而獲的收入。
- 6None of this justifies a call for NATO's abolition.所有這些都不能成為要求廢除北約的理由。
- 7Polls suggest that 81% of the Swiss oppose abolition.民意測驗表明,81%的瑞士人反對取消這一模式。
- 8This year it took in three, and it is now suspended, pending abolition.今年只有三人,並以宣布暫停而且即將被取消。
- 9He argued with more passion than heretofore for the abolition of the tax.他用了迄今為止的最大熱情,竭力爭辯取消此稅的主張。
- 10Hamas's official one-state preference for the Jewish state's abolition easily prevailed.哈馬斯官方的廢除猶太各國,實行一國主張得到贊同。
- 11The idea now is to use the abolition of the tax shield to sweeten the end of the wealth tax.這種方法在現在正是利用稅盾的廢除來減輕財產稅最後的負擔。
- 12But capital crimes are also repulsive. And so hopes for abolition are probably still unrealistic.但死罪依然令人憎惡,因此廢除死刑很可能依然不現實。
- 13The device was used in Spain until it was outlawed in 1978 with the abolition of the death penalty.西班牙曾使用這個裝置來執行死刑,直到1978年死刑被廢除。
- 14Even calling for the Fed’s outright abolition was longer unheard of on the television news networks.在全國的電視媒體上,公開要求廢除美聯儲的呼聲已經很久很久沒有出現過了。
- 15The disastrous abolition of the educational maintenance allowance will make many wrongly opt out altogether.對教育補貼錯誤的廢除將會使得眾多的錯誤的選擇同時發力。
- 16Under another set of proposals due to be unveiled in May, the present House of Lords is earmarked for abolition.在其他將於5月揭曉的一系列提案中,當前的上議院又被打上了待廢止的標籤。
- 17Ultimately it was not the eloquence of the arguments against the Corn Laws that led to their abolition—and more's the pity.最終並不是口若懸河的辯論廢止了《穀物法》,更多的是同情。
- 18The first of these waves is, you remember, the restrictions on private property, even the abolition of private property.第一波是,記得是什麼嗎,限制私產,甚至要廢除私產制。
- 19How closely America follows the global trend towards abolition will depend less on academic arguments than on emotional ones.美國如何緊密跟隨全球廢除死刑的潮流,與其說取決於學術原因,不如說是由情緒原因決定。
- 20Yet Piers Bannister, the lobby group's death-penalty specialist, believes that the world is gradually inching its way towards abolition.然而,該遊說組織的死刑專家皮埃爾斯·班尼斯特(Piers Bannister)認為全球正逐步向廢除死刑緩慢前進。
- 21"The Olympics symbolize the abolition of nuclear arms and world peace, and we want to work to realize our plan to host the games," Akiba said.秋葉忠利表示:“奧運會是廢除核武和世界和平的象徵。我們希望就實現申奧計畫共同努力。”
- 22Most useful is the abolition of a rule that said, bizarrely, that once you had returned a bike you couldn’t borrow another one for tenminutes.最有用的一條是,廢除了原本非常怪誕的一條,就是一旦你歸還了腳踏車,那么10分鐘內你不能借另一輛。
- 23A series of agreements were made between the two countries, including the abolition of visas. A free-trade deal will come into force in September.兩國簽訂了一系列的協定,包括廢除簽證,九月份即將施行的自由貿易。
- 24The potato promoted free trade by contributing to the abolition of Britain's Corn Laws—the cause which prompted the founding of The Economist in 1843.馬鈴薯導致了英國《穀物法》的廢除,從而推動了自由貿易—而這也促成了1843年《經濟學家》的創立。
- 25While IE6 criticism is not a new phenomenon, last week's events give those of us who advocate for the abolition of IE6 (myself included) new ammunition.雖然,批評IE6瀏覽器已經不是哪門子新鮮事了,不過上周的事件還是給了我們這些提倡拋棄ie6的批評者一些猛料。
- 26Mark Fox, the BSA’s current director, said his members had not lobbied for the scrapping of the code, while adding that they would not oppose its abolition.BSA現任理事長Mark Fox說他的會員還沒有對廢除這項條款進行遊說,他還說,他們也不會反對廢除這項條款。
- 27The judge told him that he was lucky that the capital punishment had been abolished and that it was only due to this abolition that he would not be executed.法官告訴他,他該慶幸極刑已被廢除,並且由於該項懲罰的廢除,他將免遭處決。
- 28Proponents of the abolition bills describe the death penalty as an expensive programme with few benefits. There is little evidence that the death penalty deters.廢除死刑提案的支持者們認為死刑花費高昂卻收效甚微——很少有證據表明死刑起到了什麼顯著作用。