Zulfiqar Ahmad

Zulfiqar Ahmad,男,巴基斯坦籍,1984年9月生,博士學歷,畢業於巴基斯坦費薩爾巴德農業大學土壤與環境科學系,現為武漢大學水利水電學院博士後


  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:受污染土壤與水環境的微生物修復和農業廢物的肥料化再生利用
  • 外文名:Zulfiqar Ahmad
  • 任職院校:武漢大學水利水電學院


分別於2007年7月,2011年7月和2015年12月於巴基斯坦費薩爾巴德農業大學取得學士、碩士和博士學位。2013年8月至2014年5月於美國加州大學河濱分校任Research Associate和Junior Specialist。2016年4月至2017年12月於巴基斯坦拉瓦爾品第農業大學擔任助理教授。




1.Ahmad Z.,M. Imran, S. Qadeer, A. Safray, S. Hussain, A. Khalid. 2017.Biosurfactants for Sustainable Soil Management.Advances in Agronomy(Accepted and under press)
2.Ahmad, Z., Arshad, M., Crowley, D.E, Khoshnevisan, B., Yousefi, M., Imran, M., & Hussain, S. 2015. Comparative efficacy of ANN and ANFIS models in estimating biosurfactant production produced by Klebseilla sp. FKOD36.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 30(1): 353-363
3.Ahmad, Z.,Crowley, D., Marina, N., & Jha, S. K. 2016. Estimation of biosurfactant yield produced by Klebseilla sp. FKOD36 bacteria using artificial neural network approach.Measurement. 81: 163-173.
4.Ahmad, Z.,M. Arshad, H. N. Asghar, M. A. Sheikh and D. E. Crowley. 2016. Isolation, screening and functional characterization of biosurfactant producing bacteria isolated from crude oil contaminated site.InternationalJournalofAgricultureandBiology18(3): 542-548.
5. Riaz B.,Z. Ahmad, M. Imran, S. Hussain, A. Ditta, S. Mahmood, A. Khalid. 2017. Algal bioethanol production technology: A trend towards sustainable.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.71, 976-985.
6. Maqbool, Z., S. Hussain, M. Imran, F. Mahmood, T. Shahzad,Z. Ahmed, Z. F. Azeem... & Muzammil, S. (2016). Perspectives of using fungi as bioresource for bioremediation of pesticides in the environment: a critical review.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(17): 1-22.
7. Li, W., C. Loyola-Licea, D.E. Crowley andZ. Ahmad.2016. Performance of a two-phase biotrickling filter packed with biochar chips for treatment of wastewater containing high nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations.Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 102, 150-158.
8. Imran, M., F. Negm, S. Hussain, M. Ashraf, M. Ashraf,Z. Ahamd, M. Arshad and D.E. Crowley. 2016. Characterization and Purification of Membrane-Bound Azoreductase from Azo Dye Degrading Shewanella sp. Strain IFN4.Clean-soil, Air Water.44(11), 1523-1530.
9. Abbas, N., F. Azeem, M. Imran,Z. Ahmad, Z. Maqbool and M. Abid. 2016. Characterization of a salt resistant bacterial strain Proteus sp. NA6 capable of decolorizing reactive dyes in the presence of multi-metal stress.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.32(11), 181.
10. Samia Q, S. Mahmood, M. Anjum,Z. Ahmad, A. Khalid. 2017. Utilizing oleaginous bacteria and fungi forcleanerenergyproduction.Journal ofCleanerProduction. 168: 917-928
1.Ahmad, Z., M. Imran, M. Arshad, D.E. Crowley. 2015. Biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers for bioremediation of industrial wastes. In: R. Chandra (ed.) Advances in Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Industrial Wastes. CRC Press USA, Boca Raton, FL. 35 manuscript pages
2. Azeem K.,Z. Ahmad,S. Mahmood, T. Mahmood and M. Imran. 2017. Role of Ethylene and Bacterial ACC-deaminase in Nodulation of Legumes.In: Microbes for Legume Improvement, Springer. (Accepted and in publication progress)


