《You All Over Me》是由泰勒·斯威夫特與瑪倫·莫里斯錄唱的一首歌曲,於2021年3月26日釋出,歌詞版MV同時發布。收錄於專輯《Fearless (Taylor’s Version)》。
- 外文名:You All Over Me
- 所屬專輯:Fearless (Taylor's Version)
- 歌曲時長:3分40秒
- 歌曲原唱:泰勒·斯威夫特、瑪倫·莫里斯
- 填詞:泰勒·斯威夫特、Scooter Carusoe
- 譜曲:泰勒·斯威夫特、Scooter Carusoe
- 音樂風格:鄉村音樂
- 發行日期:2021年3月26日
- 歌曲語言:英語
英文歌詞 | 中文歌詞 |
Once the last drop of rain, has dried off the pavement Shouldn't I find a stain but I never do The way the tires turn stones on old county roads They leave'em muddy underneath, reminds me of you You find graffiti on the walls Of old bathroom stalls You know, you can scratch it right off, it's how we used to be But like the dollar in your pocket, that's been spent and traded in You can't change where it's been, reminds me of me I lived, and I learned, had you Got burned Held out, and held on God knows, too long, and wasted time Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here But no amount of freedom, gets you clean I've still got you all over me The best and worst day of June Was the one that I met you With your hands in your pockets And your "don't you wish you had me" grin But I did, so I smile, and I melted like a child Now every breath of air I breathe reminds me of then And I lived, and I learned, had you Got burned Held out, and held on God knows, too long, and wasted time Lost tears, swore that I'd get out of here But no amount of freedom gets you clean I've still got you all over me I lived, and I learned, and found out what it was to turn around And see that we were never really meant to be So I lied, and I cried, and I watched a part of myself die Cause no amount of freedom gets you clean I've still got you all over me I've still got you all over me Still got you all over me | 當路面上最後的雨滴被風乾 可為何我未見 雨漬殘留 你車輪試紙影駛過老村路微察漏 翻捲起石塊 留下臘葛應泥濘 此景不禁令我再度碑頁旋探想起你 舊浴室隔間牆上 有著曾經繪上的塗鴉 你很清楚 自己能夠輕以將其抹去 猶如斬斷你我牽連 猶如你兜里錢幣 交易間入囊置出 你難以改變其位置 正如你無法奪定我的價值 經歷感情 從中吸取教訓 也曾因你心碎無比 也曾付諸真心臘遷員恥 為愛堅守過 唯有上帝知曉 你將我長久青春白白浪費 以淚洗面 只盼自己能夠走出陰影 可無論我再怎么自由 也無法將你抹去 關於你的記憶 仍縈繞腦海 難以揮散 六月最糟糕的一天 該是你我相遇那日吧” 你雙手揣兜 面帶微笑道:“難道你不想擁有我嗎” 我心被俘獲 天真微笑著 就這樣被他所感化 如今絲縷氣息 令我回首過往 歷經感情 吸取教訓 終面臨結局 因你心碎 也曾付出驗記漿狼滲真心 為愛堅守 唯有上帝知道 你將我長久青春白白浪費 無盡淚水 只盼自己能夠走出陰影 我再怎么自由 也無法將你抹去 你仍然縈繞腦海 歷經感情 吸取教訓 終面臨結局 其實我們本就無緣無分 我為此撒過謊 竭力爭取過 心痛過 我再怎么自由 也無法將你抹去 你仍然縈繞腦海 難以揮散 我難以將你忘懷 |