Experts agree that the next few decades will present a puzzle: how to feed nine billion people without wrecking the planet in the process. 專家們一致認為在未來幾十年內將出現一個難題:如何在不破壞地球的情況下養活90億人口。youdao
The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows. 罐子爆炸了,毀了廚房和浴室,也炸掉了窗戶。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
We avoid crime not because we are better people but because we see getting caught as a future-wrecking disaster. 我們避免犯罪不是因為我們是更好的人,而是因為我們把被抓看成是破壞未來的災難。youdao
We are wrecking the world. 我們正在毀滅我們的世界。youdao
This has been wrecking my head. 這已破壞了我的腦袋。youdao
You're wrecking everything I built ! 你破壞了所有我建設的!youdao
You 're wrecking my botany experiment! 你在破壞我的植物學實驗!youdao
Pricking them is even harder without wrecking the economy. 在不傷害經濟的情況下戳破泡沫則更難。youdao
If you like wrecking cars this is the racing game for you! 如果你喜歡搶險車這是賽車遊戲的你!youdao
Fighting raged in Old Gagra, wrecking the city's storied resorts. 激烈的戰鬥在舊加格拉進行,破壞了這座城市傳奇的度假名勝。youdao
Most memorable of all is Toad - rich, vain, childish and prone to wrecking cars. 最無法忘懷的是蟾蜍先生——富有、自負、有點孩子氣,且喜歡擺弄汽車。youdao
WHEN finance is not being blamed for wrecking the economy, it is being attacked for profiteering. 當金融沒有因導致經濟下降而受到指責,就會因牟取暴利而被攻擊。youdao
It succeeded only in wrecking its own future as more agile Japanese competitors took over its markets. 結果它毀了自己的未來,反而是靈活的日本車商接管了它的市場。youdao
The problem is then we'd be so powerful, there'd be no restraint and we'd continue wrecking everything. 但問題是,如果我們的能力強大到如此地步,就不存在什麼限制了,我們會把一切都破壞殆盡。youdao
Another tour operator faces penalties for wrecking coral when it illegally dropped an anchor on a Maui reef. 另一家旅行社則因為在茂宜島一處礁脈違法下錨,破壞了珊瑚礁,所以也面臨罰款處置。youdao
Critics mocked the chaotic launch of that scheme, and feared its huge cost would end up wrecking the budget. 批評者們嘲笑該計畫開展時的一片混亂,而且擔心它的巨額費用會以耗盡預算而告終。youdao
In fact, the Canadian Arctic Archipelago acts as a "drain trap" for ship-wrecking multiyear ice, Howell says. 郝偉說,事實上,加拿大北極群島起到了將能夠毀壞船隻的多年冰引入西北通道的作用。youdao
First, if it made any mistake in assessing the environment, it had a good probability of wrecking the install. 第一,如果在評估環境時犯了任何錯誤,就非常有可能破壞其安裝。youdao
DAY of reckoning has loomed ever since the banking crisis and recession took a wrecking ball to the public finances. 銀行業危機和經濟衰退使公共財政千瘡百孔,盤點指日可待。youdao
A DAY of reckoning has loomed ever since the banking crisis and recession took a wrecking ball to the public finances. 銀行業危機和經濟衰退使公共財政千瘡百孔,盤點指日可待。youdao
Holding grudges: Even when our pets annoy us by wrecking the furniture or soiling the floor, we don't stay mad at them. 記仇:就算我們的寵物弄壞家具,弄髒地板讓我們生氣時,我們也不會氣很久。youdao
The trick for them will be to handle the liberalisation of capital regimes without wrecking interest- and exchange-rate policy. 對於他們而言,更大的問題是如何處理資本的自由化制度,尤其是這些破壞利率和自由兌換的政策。youdao
Visit the World Sea Fishing website for tips on catching a shark, successful Welsh wrecking and how to increase your catches. 訪問世界海釣網站,找些如何釣鯊魚、成功地進行殘骸打撈及增加釣魚數量等方面的提示。youdao
The Germans had no secret signal – they fired at close range, wrecking the Sydney’s bridge and killing most of her senior officers. 德國人沒有出示秘密信號——他們近距離開了火,炸毀了悉尼號的艦橋,炸死了許多悉尼號高級軍官。youdao
Third law of Portal - Stress testing early and continuously is the only way to prevent the first two laws of portal from wrecking your project. 第三門戶定律——早期開始並連續進行壓力測試是防止前兩條門戶定律破壞您的項目的唯一方式。youdao
A calm look at the Numbers, then, suggests that the odds of a collective G20 blunder towards recovery-wrecking austerity this year are low. 靜下心來審視一下數字就會發現,20國集團對破壞復甦的緊縮政策出現集體失策的機率低。youdao
“The demolition process started yesterday, ” said Howard N. Ellman, Mr. Jobs’s lawyer, confirming that the wrecking ball had swung on Monday. “拆除程式在昨天已經啟動,”賈伯斯的律師霍華德·埃爾曼(Howard N.Ellman)證實星期一拆房落錘破碎機已經開工。youdao