Worm.MyInfect.as一種計算機蠕蟲病毒名。 影響系統Win 9x/ME,Win 2000/NT,Win XP,Win 2003。這是"麥英"病毒的變種,該版本的變種與以前的變種變化較大。
- 中文名:計算機蠕蟲病毒
- 外文名:Worm.MyInfect.as
- 類型:蠕蟲
- 系統:Win 9x/ME,Win 2000/NT
Worm.MyInfect.as一種計算機蠕蟲病毒名。 影響系統Win 9x/ME,Win 2000/NT,Win XP,Win 2003。這是"麥英"病毒的變種,該版本的變種與以前的變種變化較大。
有效負載: This worm infects executables, by creating a hidden copy of the original host file, and then by overwriting the original file with itself. The hidden copy is encrypted, but contains no viral data. The name of the hidden file is the same as the original fi 大規模傳送電子郵件:...
別名是Win32.Bugbear.B Computer Asso, W32/Bugbear.b@MM McAfee, PE_BUGBEAR.B Trend, W32/Bugbear-B Sophos, I-Worm.Tanatos.b Kaspersky, W32/Bugbear.B Panda, Win32/Bugbear.B@mm RAV,感染長度為72,192 bytes,受感染的系統是Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, ...
There is a very dangerous virus circulating in the net. It's called RoRo and it's using IRC to infect computers. This virus deletes movies, music and corrupt your windows installation. To prevent from infecting, install McAfee Anti-Script 2002. It's a 30-days demo.. So, how are you?