Working Identity

Working Identity

《Working Identity》是Harvard Business School Press出版的圖書,作者是Herminia Ibarra


  • ISBN:9781591394136
  • 作者:Herminia Ibarra
  • 出版社:Harvard Business School Press
  • 出版時間:2004年1月1日
  • 頁數:199
  • 定價:USD 25.00
  • 裝幀:Paperback
This book presents a powerful model for career reinvention that reverses conventional wisdom. It includes fascinating case studies of personal and professional reinventions - from literature professor to stockbroker, from psychiatrist to Buddhist monk, and from investment banker to fiction writer, among others. It gives readers a new way to understand change in their lives. Car...(展開全部) This book presents a powerful model for career reinvention that reverses conventional wisdom. It includes fascinating case studies of personal and professional reinventions - from literature professor to stockbroker, from psychiatrist to Buddhist monk, and from investment banker to fiction writer, among others. It gives readers a new way to understand change in their lives. Career change is not a step-by-step linear process - it's crooked and takes much longer than we think. Nor is change the result of one big event. Rather, many small steps add up to a successful change. 埃米尼亞·伊瓦拉 (Herminia Ibarra) 歐洲工商管理學院的組織行為學教授。在2002年進入歐洲工商管理學院之前,她曾在哈佛商學院任教13年。伊瓦拉博士曾被《哈佛商業評論》評選為"21世紀最重要的50位管理思想家之一"。 伊瓦拉博士在頂級學術和套用期刊上發表了很多學術文章,包括《哈佛商業評論》《行政科學季刊》《管理學會評論》《管理學會學報》和《社會心理學季刊》。她也教授企業行政管理類課程,在世界各地開辦有關人力資源、職業發展和組織變革的研討會。 伊瓦拉博士本科畢業於邁阿密大學,並且獲得耶魯大學的碩士和博士學位。


