Winter\x27s Tale(1995年Wordsworth Editions出版的圖書)

Winter\x27s Tale(1995年Wordsworth Editions出版的圖書)

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《Winter's Tale》是Wordsworth Editions出版的圖書,作者是William Shakespeare


  • ISBN:9781853262357
  • 作者:William Shakespeare
  • 出版社:Wordsworth Editions
  • 出版時間:1995年1月5日
  • 頁數:160
  • 定價:GBP 2.50
  • 裝幀:Paperback
  • 叢書:Wordsworth Classics
The Winter's Tale, one of Shakespeare's later romantic comedies, offers a striking and challenging mixture of tragic and violent events, lyrical love-speeches, farcical comedy, pastoral song and dance, and, eventually, dramatic revelations and reunions. Thematically, there is a rich orchestration of the contrasts between age and youth, corruption and innocence, decline and rege...(展開全部) The Winter's Tale, one of Shakespeare's later romantic comedies, offers a striking and challenging mixture of tragic and violent events, lyrical love-speeches, farcical comedy, pastoral song and dance, and, eventually, dramatic revelations and reunions. Thematically, there is a rich orchestration of the contrasts between age and youth, corruption and innocence, decline and regeneration. Both Leontes' murderous jealousy and Perdita's love-relationship with Florizel are eloquently intense. In the theatre, The Winter's Tale often proves to be diversely entertaining and deeply moving. 作者簡介 著者:莎士比亞 W. William Shakespeare(1564~1616),英國文藝復興時期偉大的劇作家、詩人。本•嬌生稱他為“時代的靈魂”,馬克思稱他和古希臘的埃斯庫羅斯為“人類最偉大的戲劇天才”。他的作品全方位展示了當時廣闊的社會場景,具有濃郁的人文主義色彩。 譯者:朱生豪 (1912~1944),浙江嘉興人,詩人、翻譯家。1936年開始翻譯莎士比亞戲劇。為回應某國人因為中國沒有莎士比亞的譯本而對中國文化落後的嘲笑,把譯莎看做“民族英雄的事業”,在譯稿兩度毀於侵略者的戰火,工作和生活條件極其艱難的情況下,堅持譯出了31部莎劇,為譯莎事業獻出了年輕的生命。朱譯莎劇文辭華贍,充分表現了莎劇的神韻,得到讀者和學界的廣泛好評。


