《Wind Wave》是America演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Warner Bros. Years 1971-1977》。
- 外文名:Wind Wave
- 所屬專輯:The Warner Bros. Years 1971-1977
- 歌曲原唱:America
- 發行日期:2015年7月17日
《Wind Wave》是America演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Warner Bros. Years 1971-1977》。
《Wind Wave》是America演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《The Warner Bros. Years 1971-1977》。歌曲歌詞 Sometimes when I'm down On my luck Feeling dizzy My mind reels back to Those days in the city When early in the morning Take a trip It's so pretty I could never understand Why it wasn't so ...
v. 蜿蜒而行;纏繞,卷繞;被彎曲(wind 的現在分詞)【名】 (Winding)(美)溫丁(人名)[ 複數 windings ]短語搭配 winding machine 繞線機;提升機;卷切機 stator winding 定子繞組,定子線圈 filament winding 纖維纏繞;燈絲繞阻;燈絲電源繞組 winding up 清算;停業清理 winding tension 纏繞張力 windi...
風之舞(WIND WAVE)風都的一個廣播電台。園咲家的小女兒園咲若菜也在這電台裡面工作,負責主持廣播節目的“療愈公主(Healing Princess)”鳴海偵探事務 所一間調查摻雜體(Dopant)犯罪活動的偵探社,地址為風都風花町1丁目2番地3號。創立者為“鳴海莊吉”,本劇一開頭在調查摻雜體事件中前往解救菲利普,卻...
風浪槽 風浪槽(wind wave channel)是2005年公布的航天科學技術名詞。公布時間 2005年,經全國科學技術名詞審定委員會審定發布。出處 《航天科學技術名詞》第一版。
10、S C Wen,Improved Form of Wind Wave Frequency Spectrum, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 1989,8:467~483.人才培養 文聖常是中國海浪學科的開拓者,也是中國海洋教育事業的推動者,20世紀80年代,文聖常創建物理海洋學重點學科和基礎研究與人才培養基地,培養出中國海洋學界在國內第一位得到博士學位的研究生。2...
”(第15頁)在這種情況下,麥蒂自然不會有一個準確的姓,因而先後被人稱為“Windy, Wandgrave, Windrap, Wildrap, Wildwort, Windwort, Wildwave, Windgrove, Windgraff, Windrave”等等。從構詞成分來看,這些被強加在他頭上或被誤讀的姓都與“風”、“野”、“瘋”、“漫遊”等義有關。從神秘象徵的...
8.Yu Ma, Zhiqiang Hu, Longfei Xiao, Wind-wave Induced Dynamic Response Analysis for Motions and Mooring Loads of a Spar-type Offshore Floating Wind Turbine, Journal of Hydrodynamics, series B. 2014,26(6):865-874.9.Yan Gao, Zhiqiang Hu, Jonas Ringsberg. “Research on structural response ...
波浪精靈:盧比(wave)旋風精靈:特維斯蒂(whirdpool)漩渦精靈:愛迪(whirdwind)沙漠精靈:珊蒂(desert)重力精靈:格拉比(gravity)磁力精靈:柏拉瑙、馬伊瑙(雙胞胎兄弟)(magnetic force)霹靂精靈:森德(thunder)夢幻精靈:潘斯(dream)鳥精靈:波地(bird)蛇精靈:碧姆(snake/wisdom)製作人員 出品人:...
Liu,Y. and X.-H, Yan, 1995: The wind-induced wave growth rate and the spectrum of the gravity–capillary waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, p3196-3218.Liu,Y. and X.-H, Yan, 1994: On the directional behavior of the gravity-capillary waves. 1994 AGU Spring Meeting, Abstract...
(3) 繚繞;纏繞 [curl upward;twine;wind]台上爐香裊翠煙。——王明清《揮塵後錄》(4) 又如:裊腳(繞腿布);裊絲(香灰的別稱);裊篆(指香的煙縷)(5) 搖曳 [wave in the wind]。如:裊窕(影子動搖的樣子);裊軃(搖曳下垂的樣子)(6) 吹拂 [sway]荷花落兮江色秋,秋風裊兮夜悠悠。——李白《...
Guan, C. and J. Sun, 2004. Similarities of some wind input and dissipation source terms.China Ocean Engineering,18(4), 629-642 Guan, C. and Q. Sun, 2002. Analytically derived wind wave growth relations.China Ocean Engineering,16(3), 359-368 Luo, Y.,C. Guanand D. Wu, 2002. An ...
3.Daoru Wang,Yi Yang,Jia Wang,Xuezhi Bai,A modeling study of the effects of river runoff, tides, and surfacewind-wave mixing on the Eastern and Western Hainan upwelling systems of the South China Sea, China. Ocean Dynamics, June 2015 4.Experimental study on the dynamic response of a water...
[1] Nianxin Ren*, Yugang Li and Jinping Ou. Coupled wind-wave time domain analysis of floating offshore wind turbine based on Computational Fluid Dynamics method,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6(2), 106-118, 2014. (SCI)[2] Nianxin Ren*, Yugang Li and Jinping Ou. The ...
楊暘, 高抒, 汪亞平, 2008. 杭州灣北部潮流深槽區細顆粒物質輸運與再懸浮過程. 海洋學報,30(2): 92-101. 楊暘, 高建華, 汪亞平, 潘少明, 王愛軍, 2007. 長江口南港底部邊界層特徵的觀測與分析. 海洋科學, 31(3): 58-65. Liu Xiujuan, Gao Shu, Yang Yang, 2007. THE CORRECTION OF WIND WAVE EFFECT...
風力 wind Power 伏特 volt 浮 float 輻射 radiation 腐爛 decay 腐蝕 corrosion G 乾冰 dry ice 感覺sense 鋼steel 槓桿 lever 隔絕insulate 公式formula 公制 metric system 功率 power 汞mercury 固體 solid 光light 光合作用photosynthesis 光譜spectrum 光線ray 矽silicon 軌道orbit H 海王星Neptune 氦helium 毫克...
1.N-COUNT A breeze is a gentle wind. 微風 2.N an easy task or state of ease [非正式]3.V-I If you breeze into a place or a position, you enter it in a very casual or relaxed manner. 輕而易舉 4.V-I If you breeze through something such as a game or test, you cope with ...
TM 62 銀色旋風 ぎんいろのかぜ Silver Wind 蟲 特殊 60 100 5 選擇 10%提升自身攻擊力,防禦力,特殊攻擊力,特殊防禦力和速度 TM 65 暗影爪 シャドークロー Shadow Claw 鬼 物理 70 100 15 選擇 易打出會心一擊 TM 66 回擊 しっぺがえし Payback 邪惡 物理 50 100 10 選擇 當回合後制攻擊則傷害...
(26) The low resilience of the particle-attached bacterial community in response to frequently wind-wave disturbance in freshwater mesocosms, Microbes and Environments, 2013, 第 1 作者 (27) Structural changes of the sediment bacterial community in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu, China, during ...
4. Fu Xinghe, Wang Jianhao. Design and Analysis of Linear Rotary Permanent Magnet Generator for Wind-Wave Combined Power Generation System. ICEMS2017 5. Fu xinghe, Xu Da, Lin Mingyao, Zou Jibin. Analytical and FEM Analysis of Air-gap Magnetic Field in Homopolar Inductor Alternator, IEEE ...
〖wave〗∶風和波浪。比喻生活或命運中所遭遇的不幸或盛衰變遷 世路風波 惹出風波 〖disturbance〗∶亂子;糾紛 風波迭起 風伯 Fēngbó 〖godofwind〗神話傳說中稱主司颳風的天神 風采 fēngcǎi 〖elegantdemeanor;gracefulbearing〗美好的儀表舉止;神采 風采動人 風餐露宿 fēngcān-lùsù 〖eatinthewindandsleep...