國家理科基地創建名牌課程項目”教學研究課題,2004年至2005年主持了“山東省高等教育精品課程項目” 一項省級教學研究課題和三項校級教學研究課題。
Liu, Y., X.-H. Yan, and M.-Y. Su, 2003: Directional spectrum of wind waves: Part I – model and derivation, Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, Vol.2,1-12.
Liu, Y., X.-H. Yan, and M.-Y. Su, 2003: Directional spectrum of wind waves: Part II – comparison and confirmation, Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao, Vol.2,13-24.
Liu, Y., M.-Y. Su, X.-H. Yan, and W.T. Liu, 2000: The mean-square slope of ocean surface waves and its effects on radar backscatter. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 17, p1092-1105.
Liu, Y., P.A. Hwang, M.-H. Su, and T.W. Liu, 1998: A new model on equilibrium spectrum of wind waves, Proceedings of the Eight International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. III, p216-221.
Liu, Y., X.-H. Yan, W.T. Liu, and P.A. Hwang, 1997: The probability density function of ocean surface slopes and its effects on radar backscatter. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 27, p782-797.
Liu,Y. 1996: The spectrum of Gravity-capillary waves, the probability density function of ocean surface slopes and their effects on radar backscatter. Ph.D. Dissertation, published by University Microfilms International, ANN ARBOR, MI, 140pp.
Liu,Y. and X.-H, Yan, 1995: The wind-induced wave growth rate and the spectrum of the gravity–capillary waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 25, p3196-3218.
Liu,Y. and X.-H, Yan, 1994: On the directional behavior of the gravity-capillary waves. 1994 AGU Spring Meeting, Abstract Supplement to EOS, p196.
Liu,Y. and W.J. Pierson, Jr. 1994: Comparisons of scatterometer models for the AMI on ERS-1: The possibility of systematic azimuth angle biases of wind speed and direction. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32, p626-635.
Liu,Y., D,Wang and Q.Zhang,1991: The methods of data compression and their application to storage of oceanographic station data. Collect Oceanic Works, 14(1), p38-47.
Liu,Y., Z. Yu, and S.Jiang, 1990: Sea current rotary spectrum estimation by the maximum entropy method. Physics of Shallow Seas, p121-129.
Liu, Y., Z. Yu, and S.Jiang, 1990: Cospectrum and quadrature spectrum estimation by the maximum entropy method. Physics of Shallow Seas, p114-120.
Liu, Y., and P. Xiu 2004:Preliminary analysis of ocean-color data observed in the Bohai sea,Serial International Symposium during 80th anniversary of Ocean University of China,Oct. 25-27, 2004, Qingdao, China. p21.
Xu,Q., and Y. Liu, 2004:A new formula on the Fresnel reflectance and its application in microwave remote sensing. Science in China,Ser. D Earth Sciences, 2004, 47 (11), 1045-1052.
Xu,Q., Y. Liu, and Lü X., 2005:Adjoint assimilation in marine ecosystem models and an example of application, Journal of Ocean University of China, 4 (1), 14-20.
Xu,Q., Y. Liu, Lü X. and Cheng Y., 2005: Data assimilation of remote sensed data in a coupled physical-biological model of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Advances in Marine Ecosystem Modelling Research Symposium, 27-29 June 2005,Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), Abstract Book p51, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, UK.
Xu,Q., and Y. Liu, 2003:Impact of a New Formula on the Fresnel Reflectance of Microwave Remote Sensing. Proceeding of ACRS 2003 ISRS, The 24th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing & 2003 International Symposium on remote Sensing. ISSN 1226-8743, Vol.1, p372-374. 3-7, November 2003, Busan, KOREA.
Yin X., Liu Y., Zhang H.,2005: Removing Wind Direction Impacts on Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity. Chinese Science Bulletin(accepted).
Yin X., Liu Y.,Wang Z., and Xiu P., 2005:A new algorithm for sea surface salinity retrieval of microwave radiometer. Science in China,Ser. D Earth Sciences(accepted)
徐青、劉玉光,2003: 菲涅耳反射率的一個新公式及其在海洋遙感中的套用, 中國科學(D輯),第33卷,p1103-1111.
徐青,劉玉光, 程永存, 呂鹹青,2005:伴隨同化技術在渤、黃海生態模式中的套用:控制變數的選取與孿生實驗。高技術通訊(錄用)。
周良明、劉玉光、郭佩芳,2003:多感測器水體參數觀測儀AAQ1183及其在海洋水質監測中的套用。氣象水文和海洋儀器,第70卷(第4期), p44-57。
周良明、劉玉光,2003:利用地物光譜儀數據研究水汽對太陽輻射的吸收。海洋技術, 23(4),p109-112.
周良明、劉玉光、郭佩芳,2004:關於赤潮水色研究的探討,海洋湖沼通報, No4, p61-67.
張軍、徐德倫、劉玉光和周良明,2003:ISI921VF水陸兩用地物光譜輻射計。高技術通訊,, 2003年第13卷增刊, p33-38。
劉玉光、汪德元、張芩,1990:數據壓縮方法及其在海洋數據存儲中的套用,海洋預報,7(2), p65-73。
劉玉光、余宙文,1988:旋轉譜理論探討,山東海洋學院學報,18(2), p17-22。
同相譜和異相譜,海洋學報,9(6), p685-689。
余宙文、劉玉光、蔣松年,1987:使用最大熵方法估計海流旋轉譜,海洋學報,9(5), p544-549。
劉玉光、張冬生,1987:海洋氣象數據編碼轉換初探,海洋通報,6(3), p81-89。