Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love

Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love

《Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love》是布萊恩·亞當斯演唱的歌曲,收錄在專輯《Room Service》中。


  • 外文名:Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
  • 所屬專輯:Room Service
  • 歌曲時長:0時2分58秒
  • 歌曲原唱:布萊恩·亞當斯
  • 音樂風格:搖滾
  • 歌曲語言:英文
  • 發行時間:2014年11月25日


Was it some man that didn't treat you right
Left you reaching out for him in the middle of the night
Is there some heartache that you can't out run
That makes you so afraid to get close to anyone
You're so - easy to look at
You're so easy to hold
It's so easy to touch you - but so hard to let go
It's so easy to want you - that I can't get enough
Tell me why do ya have to be
Why do ya have to be so hard to love
Is it some hurt from long ago
That makes it so hard to let your feelings show
Is it the ghost of who you used to be
That makes you so afraid to bear your soul to me
You're so - easy to look at
You're so easy to hold
It's so easy to touch you - but so hard to let go
It's so easy to want you - that I can't get enough
Tell me why do ya have to be
Why do ya have to be so hard to love


Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love是《Room Service》里曲目之一,這張專輯由Bryan與Bob Clearmountain合力監製,瘋狂席捲全球30多國,長青問鼎樂壇20餘載,抒情搖滾天王傾力三年全新大碟。
以Here I Am和(EVERYTHING I DO) I DO IT FOR YOU為廣大中國樂迷所熟悉的情歌王子布萊恩-亞當斯(Bryan Adams)蟄伏數年,2004年帶著他的全新創作大碟《客房服務》再次強勢回歸,帶給世界巨大的情感衝動,成為歐美樂壇04年的大事件!已然47歲的布賴恩亞當斯還像19歲的少年一樣痴情,11首情歌經過他的滄桑演繹,讓人不能不為之動情。而此次布賴恩亞當斯更擔綱製作人,為的就是把自己的感動原汁原味的傳達給聽眾。11首歌雖然都是情歌,卻風格多樣,不落俗套,顯示了他厚實的創作功底。是一首典型的“布賴恩”歌曲,吉他明亮卻很有節制,而歌者就像一位老者,淡淡的講述著一個“東區故事”。是一首注定要流行起來的歌,旋律輕盈且容易上口。是專輯中的第三首歌,絕望的歌詞寫盡了人生的種種無奈,最後一句“We are not Romeo,not Juliet.NO we are not,that’s a fact”更讓你難免心生對命運無能為力的唏噓感嘆。是專輯的同名曲目,風格明快的硬搖滾曲風難掩鐵漢柔情。


