What can China\x27s Road Contribute to the World

What can China\x27s Road Contribute to the World



  • 中文名:中國道路能為世界貢獻什麼(英文版)/“認識中國·了解中國”書系·“十三五”國家重點出版物出版規劃教材
  • 作者:韓慶祥、黃相懷
  • 出版時間:2017年6月1日
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787300245485


Since China’s reform and opening-up, the China’s Road with its remarkable practice has drawn wide attention all over the world. It has become an issue for scholars at home and abroad to describe the contributions of the China’s Road systematically and comprehensively. The book clearly focuses on the China’s Road through which “the subsistence contribution” “the developmental contribution” “the institutional contribution” “the cultural contribution” and “the peace contribution” have been successfully made. And it is based on the Chinese realities with internal logic, profound analysis, powerful arguments and unique perspectives by revealing the historical background and carrying out a comprehensive theoretical interpretation.


Introduction What can the China’s Road Contribute to the World
Chapter One The Historical Background of the China’s Road
Chapter Two The Theoretical Interpretation of the China’s Road
Chapter Three The Subsistence Contributions of the China’s Road
Chapter Four The Developmental Contributions of the China’s Road
Chapter Five The Institutional Contributions of the China’s Road
Chapter Six The Cultural Contributions of the China’s Road

