What I Was

What I Was



  • 書名:我是誰
  • 作者::Meg Rosoff
  • 出版社::Penguin
  • 裝幀:平裝


作 者/Author:Meg Rosoff(梅格·羅索夫) 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Penguin
中文書名/Chinese Title:我是誰
出版時間/Publication Date:2011-01-04
頁 數/Pages:224
裝 幀/Format:平裝
紙 張/Paper:膠版紙
所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Children's Books(兒童圖書)
圖書 > 英文原版書 > Teens(青少年讀物)


I'd been kicked out of two boarding schools and the last thing I wanted was to be here, on the East Anglian coast, in a third. But without St. Oswald's, I would not have discovered the fisherman's hut with its roaring fire, its striped blankets, its sea monster stew. Without St. Oswald's, I would not have met the boy with the beautiful eyes, the flickering half-smile, and no past. Without St. Oswald's, I would not have met Finn. And without Finn, there would be no story. Shall we begin?


Meg Rosoff was born in Boston, USA. She has worked in publishing, public relations and most recently advertising but thinks the best job in the world would be head gardener for Regents Park. Meg lives in Highbury, North London.
現年54歲的梅格·羅索夫(Meg Rosoff)是一位出生於美國,現定居倫敦的女作家。她從小在波士頓郊區長大,1974年由於申請普林斯頓大學(Princeton)被拒轉而於1975年進入哈佛大學(Harvard)學習。三年後她前往英國倫敦的中央聖馬丁藝術設計學院(Central St. Martins)學習雕塑。1980年在該校獲得學位後她回到美國從事出版與廣告工作。在32歲時,羅索夫重新回到倫敦並居住至今。
2004年,羅索夫的首部作品《我將如何生存》(How I Live Now)一經出版就獲得各方讚譽,並隨後獲得了三項圖書大獎,分別為2004《衛報》兒童小說獎(Guardian Children's Fiction Prize),2005普林茲青少年文學獎(Michael L. Printz Award)和, 2005布蘭福博斯獎兒童小說獎(Branford Boase Award ) 並成為2004惠特布萊德年度兒童圖書獎(Whitebread Children’s Book of the Year)的獲獎大熱門。但是生活的道路對她來說並不總是一帆風順,就在這部作品以六位數字的高價賣出時,羅索夫也得知了自己罹患乳腺癌的訊息,當來自各方的祝賀新書出版與獲獎的鮮花與卡片如潮水般湧來時,羅索夫卻躺在病床上進行第一輪的化療。
2005年,羅索夫出版了自己的第一本兒童圖畫書籍:《野豬奇遇記》(Meet Wild Boars),由索菲·布萊克(Sophie Blackall)繪製插圖。羅索夫的第二部小說《以防萬一》(Just In Case)於2006年出版,並獲得2007卡內基兒童文學獎(Carnegie Medal in Literature)和2008德國青少年文學獎(Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis)。第三部小說《我是誰》(What I Was)於2007年8月出版,也獲得多項圖書獎提名。羅索夫的第四部小說《逃跑的新娘》(The Bride's Farewell)於2009年9月出版。在非小說領域,羅索夫還著有《倫敦指南:完美旅行通行證》(London Guide: Your Passport to Great Travel)一書。


"Already a classic' -- Sunday Times 'Mesmerizing' - Daily Telegraph'Mordantly funny and searingly well written."
-- The Times
"Thrilling and sensitively told"
-- The Observer
"Rosoff's most perfect novel...It's already a classic"
-- Sunday Times


