Web操作: 保持數據的實時性

《Web操作: 保持數據的實時性》是2010年06月28日發行的一部圖書,作者是John Allspaw、Jesse Robbins。


  • 中文名:Web操作: 保持數據的實時性
  • 外文名:Web Operations:Keeping the Data On Time
  • 資源格式:PDF
  • 作者:John Allspaw、Jesse Robbins
  • 圖書分類:軟體
  • 版本:英文文字版
  • 出版社:O'Reilly
  • ISBN:978-1449377441
  • 發行時間:2010年06月28日
  • 地區美國
  • 語言英文


Learn what it takes to build and maintain high-traffic websites with Web Operations. Featuring essays from today's top web veterans, this insightful book shows you how to run your web ops as reliably and effectively as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo run theirs. Even if your site never gets that big, you'll profit from the experience and knowledge of the people who created sites for these and other industry giants.


Chapter 1 Web Operations: The Career
Chapter 2 How Picnik Uses Cloud Computing: Lessons Learned
Chapter 3 Infrastructure and Application Metrics
Chapter 4 Continuous Deployment
Chapter 5 Infrastructure As Code
Chapter 6 Monitoring
Chapter 7 How Complex Systems Fail
Chapter 8 Community Management and Web Operations
Chapter 9 Dealing with Unexpected Traffic Spikes
Chapter 10 Dev and Ops Collaboration and Cooperation
Chapter 11 How Your Visitors Feel: User-Facing Metrics
Chapter 12 Relational Database Strategy and Tactics for the Web
Chapter 13 How to Make Failure Beautiful: The Art and Science of Postmortems
Chapter 14 Storage
Chapter 15 Nonrelational Databases
Chapter 16 Agile Infrastructure


