《Water in Environmental Planning》是W. H. Freeman出版的圖書,作者是Thomas Dunne,Luna B. Leopold
- ISBN:9780716700791
- 作者:Thomas Dunne、Luna B. Leopold
- 出版社:W. H. Freeman
- 出版時間:1978年8月15日
- 頁數:818
- 定價:$ 142.10
- 裝幀:Hardcover
《Water in Environmental Planning》是W. H. Freeman出版的圖書,作者是Thomas Dunne,Luna B. Leopold
《Water in Environmental Planning》是W. H. Freeman出版的圖書,作者是Thomas Dunne,Luna B. Leopold 內容簡介 A classic advanced undergraduate/graduate level text showing how knowledge of hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, and ...
Conservation17 Planning of River Channel and Estuary Regulation18 Other Planning19 Key Water Projects Planning20 Integrated River Basin Management Planning21 Recommendations for Implementation and Effect Evaluation22 Environmental ...
在地貌學、水文學、河流泥沙等領域的研究成果卓越,先後在Nature、Geophysical Research Letters、Nature Geoscience等SCI期刊發表論文150餘篇,論文他人引用總計2.1萬餘次,並著有水文環境領域經典教材《 Water in Environmental Planning 》...
Dr.Lucia Rigamonti , Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) of Politecnico di Milano, Italy 大會暫定議程 Conference Program (Provisional)Attention: The final version of the Conference Program will be announced...
The objective of waterenvironmental control is: to turn the water system within the first and second ring road into garden landscape watercourse, and make the water clean and flow merrily; to enhance the flood control ...
[16] Huang K, Guo HC, Liu Y, Yu YJ, Wang Z. Water environmental planning and management at watershed scale: a case study of Qilu,China. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 2008, 2(2): 157...
scientific exchange, and offers a great opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and professionals from the industry, academia and government to discourse on research and development, professional practice in Environmental ...
1. Zakari Mahamadou Mounir, Adamou Mahaman Moustapha, Cheng Shenggao, Shi Yi. Impact of droughts and irrigation technique on water resources in the Lower Valley of the Tarka, Niger.Journal of environmental hydrology. ...
1.1.3 Environmental Pressures On Bohai Sea and Bohai Bay 1.2 HAI RIVER BASIN 1.2.1 Socio-economic Profile 1.2.2 Environment 1.2.3 Evapotranspiration (ET)1.2.4 Social and Economic Situation in Hai River Basin ...
PartAEngineeringeconomyinwaterresourcesplanning(Ⅰ)PartBEngineeringeconomyinwaterresourcesplanning(Ⅱ)Unit9 PartAHydrology PartBCurrentproblemsofstochastichydrology Unit10 PartASummaryofEIA PartBInadequaciesincurrentmethodsforenvironmental...
Comprehensive Environmental Assessment; Circular Economy ; Sustainable Development and Environmental Planning 主講課程 空氣污染氣象學(Air Pollution Meteorology)產業生態學(Industrial Ecology)清潔生產與安全評價(Cleaner Production and ...
[9]Sheng, J.,Webber, M.*, Han, X., 2018. Governmentality within China’s South-North Water Transfer Project: tournaments, markets andwater pollution.Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning20 (4), 533-549.(SSCI)[...
17. El Haraoui, Naoufel, Tao Tao,Kunlun Xin, and Qiuhua Wang, Analysis of Heavy Metals and Ions in Tap Water: a Case of Shanghai P District. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 23(2): p. 395-399.18. Dong, Xiao...