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  • 外文名:Vibration
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]
  • 美式音標:[vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]


英 [vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]
n. 震動,顫動,抖動;<非正式>(情感)感應,共鳴
[ 複數 vibrations ]


vibration control 振動控制;防振
vibration isolation [機]隔振
vibration frequency 頻率;振動頻率;波動頻率
vibration analysis 振動分析
random vibration 隨機振動
torsional vibration 扭轉振動
free vibration 自由振動,自由振盪
vibration mode 振型;振動模;振動方式
vibration test [物]振動試驗
mechanical vibration 機械振動
nonlinear vibration 非線性振動
forced vibration 強迫振動;強制振動
vibration measurement 振動測定,振動測量
transverse vibration 橫向振動
vibration amplitude 振動振幅;振動強度
vibration velocity 振動速度
vibration drilling 振動鑽井;振動鑽眼;振動鑿岩
vibration damping 減振;振動衰減
longitudinal vibration 縱向振動
vibration absorber 減震器;阻尼器;防震材料


  • These can cause vibration and damage the blades of the turbines. 這些(氣泡)會引起振動並損壞渦輪機的葉片。
  • An earthquake is a vibration that travels through the earth's crust. 地震是一種穿過地殼的震動。
  • As snow accumulates on a steep slope, it reaches a critical point at which the slightest vibration will send it sliding into the valley below. 當雪在陡峭的斜坡上堆積時,它會達到一個臨界點,在這個臨界點上,最輕微的震動就會使它滑進下面的山谷。
  • So musical instruments evolved in ways that optimize their acoustical properties, how the instrument vibrates and sends those vibration through the air to our eardrums. 因此,樂器的進化最佳化了它們的聲學特性,且最佳化了樂器振動的方式,並將這些振動通過空氣傳到我們的耳膜。
  • The electricity companies spend a lot of money each year, cutting the harm of transformers, trying to quiet the noise and maintaining equipment that is constantly affected by vibration. 電力公司每年花費大量資金,減少變壓器的危害,試圖降低噪音,維護經常受到振動影響的設備。
  • The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep. 發動機的顫動使得孩子們睡著了。
  • We found the different results of different types of vocal fold vibration. 我們發現了不同類型的聲帶振動的不同結果。
  • The process index of aerobiosis exposural pool treatment method can be selected by aerobiosis vibration bottle. 可以通過好氧振盪瓶培養法來選擇好氧曝氣池處理法的工藝參數。
  • Improve your wealth vibration. 提升財富增幅。
  • Ueberroth felt the vibration. 尤伯羅斯感覺到了這種共鳴。
  • OK, that was the case for vibration. 這是振動的例子。
  • Vibration often springs many parts of the bike. 震動常常引起腳踏車許多零件的鬆動。
  • The modes of vibration in that string are quantized. 在那條弦上的震動模式是量子化的。
  • The vibration of the earthquake lasted two days. 地震的餘波託運費了兩天。
  • This critical step activates the vibration of your desire. 這關鍵性的一步觸發了的願望的振動。
  • The mode of vibration determines the nature of the particle. 振動的模式決定了粒子的性質。
  • The technique essentially measures bond vibration between atoms. 這種技術實際上測量的是原子間鍵的震動。
  • The technique essentially measures bond vibration between atoms. 這種技術實際上測量的是原子間鍵的震動。
  • Condition data, such as temperature, humidity, shock and vibration. 環境數據,比如溫度、濕度、衝擊和震動。
  • This vibration creates an alternating current that can be tapped. 電子振動又產生了可以利用的交變電流。
  • Each person who raises their vibration brings more of Heaven to earth. 每個提升自己振動的人都在給地球帶來更多的天堂。
  • The earthquake sent the vibration to a village a hundred miles away. 地震把震動傳到了一百英里以外的村莊。
  • Quite the contrary: you are assisting in helping to raise the vibration. 恰恰相反:你在協助他們提高震動。
  • This vibration tells the female: “I'm not dinner.I'm one of your kind. 這樣就等於告訴後者:“我不是什麼大餐,我是你的同類!”
  • It automatically switches off the sound and puts itself into vibration mode. 它會自動關閉聲音,進入振動模式。
  • But as the engine size increases, the vibration eventually becomes intolerable. 但是隨著引擎體積的增大,次生振動變得難以忍受。
  • “As you make a vibration more intense, what people hear seems louder,” says Yau. 姚說:“震動越是劇烈,人們聽到的聲音似乎更響亮。”
  • Thi innovative alaram clock is composed by a micro vibration device and a micro-chip. 這款新穎的鬧鐘由微振動裝置和微型晶片組成。


