- 外文名:Updesign
- 行業:家具
- 含義:靈動的設計理念和豐富的創新意識
- 所在國家:義大利
U-UP尤嘉的P·P Design精準定位設計理念,又在輕戶外的方向上,根據國人體型精準設計和精確製作合身、穩定、舒適的戶外服裝。不同族群的人型態差異很大,人類型體大致分為白色族群、有色族群和弧洲族群,主要表現為肩寬、臂長、身長、腿...
1月,CIGA design璽佳機械錶U系列·藍色星球GPHG獲獎紀念限量特別版正式發售。2021年 12月,CIGA design璽佳全球首家線下概念體驗空間於上海潮流本土文化的地標——新天地廣場盛大開幕。7月,CIGA design璽佳與國內頂級說唱賽事IP《ListenUp》...
2009/ 合肥向上品牌設計機構成立(Updesign Office);2009/ 向上設計機構網站開通,同時被國內頂尖設計資訊平台ad110 收錄,安徽首例;2010/ 向上設計機構被《愛創意網》評為“中國平面設計公司100強”,安徽唯一;2010/ 向上設計機構作品...
China VI design process to promote advocacy and disseminators.Creatup致力於發現形象的力量。意想不到的、中斷的、引人注目的、新穎的、難忘的亦或是感知的,我們的形象講述著我們的品牌故事。我們的形象具有勇爭第一的感覺或外觀,...
The Design Training for Chinese Traditional Operas and Western Operas Material Modeling and Image——A Talk on the Basic:Training for Stage Design Distorted Fairies——0n the Make—up Design of“Lucky Per's Journey”Resea...
Over four years, YiChao, from scratch, growing; from excellent to go beyond, honor harvest, the quality of well-known design. Over the years, we always focus on "creative achievements of the brand,Integrity Win the ...
a toolbox of methods for everything from coming up with an idea to refining and executing it. Just like today's real world of design, the tools freely cross boundaries between graphic, product and interaction design. ...
never time to do it right, but there’s always time to do it over.” That pretty much sums up this model. A team using this approach usually starts with a rough idea of what they want, does some simple design...
and professionals. The firm stresses communication and cooperation with units of Artman Organization that a group of young desingers can realize their passion and talent and grow rapidly, following up the renewal of design ...
We advocate the business philosophy that we develop with our client. Creative design let us know each other, and high-quality service let us acquaint each other. High social and economic benefits make us grow up together...
for the Design and Understanding of Information Systems,Management Wrap-Up Summary Key Terms Review Questions Group Project Case Study: Greyhound Seeks Salvation in a Strategic Reservation System Case Study Questions References In...
標籤系統設計(the Label System Design)導航設計(Navigation Design)站點地圖(Site Map)6.3 設計 紙上原型(Paper Prototyping)實物模型(Mock—Up Model)高保真原型(High—fidelity Prototyping)隱喻設計(Metaphor Design)界面風格...
Guiding Design Principles / 設計原則指導 187 Architecture of the MAC Framework / MAC框架的架構 188 Framework Startup / 啟動框架 189 Policy Registration / 策略註冊 190 Framework Entry-Point Design Considerations / 191 框...
Urban Design 2基於城市設計的大尺度城市空間形態研究 Research on Large Scale Spatial Form of Cities Based on Urban Design 3 自上而下,還是自下而上現代城市設計方法及 價值觀的探尋 Top·-down or Bottom-·up·---·——Re...
BA (Hons) Graphic Design 平面設計 BA (Hons) Photography 攝影 BA (Hons) Arts & Design Media Practice (One year Top-up) 藝術與設計傳媒實踐(一年制專升本課程)BA (Hons) Animation 動畫 學生通過不同的平面媒介學習視覺傳播...
華盛頓大學藝術設計學院(The School of Art + Art History + Design)位於華盛頓大學-西雅圖。院校分為三個部門--藝術,藝術史,設計。本科階段共有BA、BFA與BDes三種文憑。研究生提供MA、MFA、MDes以及PhD學位。學院簡介 華盛頓大學...
英國普利茅斯大學(Plymouth University, UnitedKingdom)提供的:“服務設計碩士課程(MA Design: Service Design)”;英國雷文斯本大學(Ravensbourne University, UnitedKingdom)提供的:“設計學碩士服務課程(Master of Design in Service...
up a professional lighting design company. Company to undertake professional architectural lighting design, interior lighting design, landscape lighting design, bridges, roads, lighting design, Urban Landscape Planning and Design ...