歌詞原文 | 中文大意 |
In the middle of the nightWhen our hopes and fears collide In the midst of all goodbyes Where all human beings lie Against another lie Whisper broken promises There we hide Try to make it seem alright What goes around again We'd be running from the pain Finding shelter in the rain Lovers straying seasons changing Strangers to lovers What comes around again You'd fall asleep in my embrace Steal a kiss on your little face Would have always been that way But hey You're never coming back Never coming back I'll be waiting anyway I'll be waiting anyway Until the day In the middle of the night Lonely souls travel in time Familiar hearts start to entwine We imagine what we'll find In another life Whisper broken promises There we hide Try to make it seem alright What goes around again We'd be running from the pain Finding shelter in the rain Lovers straying seasons changing Strangers to lovers What comes around again You'd fall asleep in my embrace Steal a kiss on your little face Would have always been that way But hey You're never coming back Never coming back I'll be waiting anyway I'll be waiting anyway Till it comes around again We'd be playing in the sand Holding hands just one last chance No more hurts no more goodbyes We'd dance We're never going back Never turning back Won't you wait with me anyway Won't you wait with me anyway Until the day What comes around goes around What goes around comes around Until the day | 在夜深人靜之時 我們的希望和恐懼摩擦碰撞 只能分道揚鑣 所有人都在說謊 一個個謊言接連不斷 輕聲呢喃我們破碎的誓言 我們隱藏自己的內心 竭力讓一切安好如初 當一切繞回原地 我們就會從痛苦中逃離 在大雨中尋找避難之地 戀人們在不斷變遷的愛里迷失 從形同陌路到形影不離 一切循環往復 你會在我的懷抱里安然入夢 在你臉頰上偷偷的一吻 會永遠在我腦海揮之不去 但是 你再也不會回心轉意 再也不會回心轉意 無論如何 我會為你守候 無論如何 我會為你守候 直到天荒地老 在夜深人靜之時 孤獨的靈魂在四處遊蕩 兩顆熟悉的心開始慢慢纏繞 我們想像著 在來生 我們會找尋到什麼 輕聲呢喃我們破碎的誓言 我們隱藏自己的內心 竭力讓一切安好如初 當一切繞回原地 我們就會從痛苦中逃離 在大雨中尋找避難之地 戀人們在不斷變遷的愛里迷失 從形同陌路到形影不離 一切循環往復 你會在我的懷抱里安然入夢 在你臉頰上偷偷的一吻 會永遠在我腦海揮之不去 但是 你再也不會回心轉意 再也不會回心轉意 無論如何 我會為你守候 無論如何 我會為你守候 直到你再次回到我身旁 我們會在沙灘上玩耍嬉鬧 手牽著手 握緊最後一次機會 再也不會傷痕累累 再也不會分道揚鑣 我們會縱然起舞 我們再也不會重蹈覆轍 再也不會回頭 無論如何 你是否願意和我一起守候 無論如何 你是否願意和我一起守候 直到天荒地老 付出總有回報 付出總有回報 直到天荒地老 |