Unless It\x27s with You

Unless It\x27s with You

《Unless It's with You》是克里斯蒂娜·阿奎萊拉演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於她的第八張錄音室專輯《Liberation》中。

2018年,《Unless It's with You》被《滾石》雜誌評為“2018年度50強歌曲”之一,位列第23。


  • 外文名:Unless It's with You
  • 所屬專輯:Liberation
  • 歌曲原唱:克里斯蒂娜·阿奎萊拉
  • 歌曲語言:英語


Never wanted to feel weak in love give up control
Never wanted to let down my guard be vulnerable
Never wanted to feel helpless or too comfortable
I make it on my own hey
I've been thinking a lot about the way that people change
The most beautiful beginnings can go down in flames
It's inevitable and that's what's got me so afraid
I'd rather be alone
I don't want no white picket fence
Dozen roses and a wedding dress
Fairy tales are fake happiness
But here we are and I must confess
Yeah I'm in over my head feeling confused
I'm losing my mind don't know what to do
'Cause I don't want to get married
Unless it's with you unless it's with you
You came into my life when I wasn't trying to find
Anybody to love hiding what I felt inside
But you opened me up and now I finally realize
I'll be your girl for life
We don't need a big audience
Thousand people we never met
Me and you and a couple of friends
And here we are and I must confess
Yeah I'm in over my head feeling confused
I'm losing my mind don't know what to do


