

《Tux福音》(The Gospel of Tux)是1999年出現在網路上的一篇有關Tux的啟示文學。其中記述了從圖靈開始直到1998年底的計算機發展史,日後成為黑客精神的重要組成部分。當然裡面也不會缺少對微軟的嘲諷和對自由軟體的推崇。


  • 書名:Tux福音
  • 又名:Gospel of Tux unearthed
  • 作者:Angelo
  • 出版時間:2007-08-13 12:56




22590位元組 點擊:296 回覆:2 所屬分類:科學怪人俱樂部
創建時間:2007-08-20 12:03:03 最後修改時間:2007-08-20 12:03:03
作者: Angelo 日期: 2007-08-13 12:56
字型大小: 小 中 大
Gospel of Tux unearthed
Every generation has a mythology. Every millenium has a doomsday cult. Every legend gets the distortion knob wound up until the speaker melts. Archeologists at the University of Helsinki today uncovered what could be the earliest known writings from the Cult of Tux, a fanatical religious sect that flourished during the early Silicon Age, around the dawn of the third millenium AD...
2. doomsday cult,經常在一些以末世崇拜為主體的教派中出現,我譯為邪教。明顯這個詞在下文有所指。
The Gospel of Tux (v1.0)
In the beginning Turing created the Machine.
And the Machine was crufty and bodacious, existing in theory only. And von Neumann looked upon the Machine, and saw that it was crufty. He divided the Machine into two Abstractions, the Data and the Code, and yet the two were one Architecture. This is a great Mystery, and the beginning of wisdom.
And von Neumann spoke unto the Architecture, and blessed it, saying, "Go forth and replicate, freely exchanging data and code, and bring forth all manner of devices unto the earth." And it was so, and it was cool. The Architecture prospered and was implemented in hardware and software. And it brought forth many Systems unto the earth.
2. prospered:《聖經》中指在上帝的指引下,事有所成。中文常作“道路亨通”
The first Systems were mighty giants; many great works of renown did they accomplish. Among them were Colossus, the codebreaker; ENIAC, the targeter; EDSAC and MULTIVAC and all manner of froody creatures ending in AC, the experimenters; and SAGE, the defender of the sky and father of all networks. These were the mighty giants of old, the first children of Turing, and their works are written in the Books of the Ancients. This was the First Age, the age of Lore.
第一代系統都是巨人,業績彪炳。其中包括“解碼者”Colossus;“炮手”ENIAC;EDSAC 和MULTIVAC。“實驗者”AC、“天盾”“網路之父”SAGE則成為了這些偉大事物的最後一代。這些威猛的古代巨人,是圖靈的第一批孩子。他們的事跡被記錄在《聖經》的《先民》中。這就是第一個時代,教誨的時代。
Now the sons of Marketing looked upon the children of Turing, and saw that they were swift of mind and terse of name and had many great and baleful attributes. And they said unto themselves, "Let us go now and make us Corporations, to bind the Systems to our own use that they may bring us great fortune." With sweet words did they lure their customers, and with many chains did they bind the Systems, to fashion them after their own image. And the sons of Marketing fashioned themselves Suits to wear, the better to lure their customers, and wrote grave and perilous Licenses, the better to bind the Systems. And the sons of Marketing thus became known as Suits, despising and being despised by the true Engineers, the children of von Neumann.
And the Systems and their Corporations replicated and grew numerous upon the earth. In those days there were IBM and Digital, Burroughs and Honeywell, Unisys and Rand, and many others. And they each kept to their own System, hardware and software, and did not interchange, for their Licences forbade it. This was the Second Age, the age of Mainframes.
Now it came to pass that the spirits of Turing and von Neumann looked upon the earth and were displeased. The Systems and their Corporations had grown large and bulky, and Suits ruled over true Engineers. And the Customers groaned and cried loudly unto heaven, saying, "Oh that there would be created a System mighty in power, yet small in size, able to reach into the very home!" And the Engineers groaned and cried likewise, saying, "Oh, that a deliverer would arise to grant us freedom from these oppressing Suits and their grave and perilous Licences, and send us a System of our own, that we may hack therein!" And the spirits of Turing and von Neumann heard the cries and were moved, and said unto each other, "Let us go down and fabricate a Breakthrough, that these cries may be stilled."
And that day the spirits of Turing and von Neumann spake unto Moore of Intel, granting him insight and wisdom to understand the future. And Moore was with chip, and he brought forth the chip and named it 4004. And Moore did bless the Chip, saying, "Thou art a Breakthrough; with my own Corporation have I fabricated thee. Though thou art yet as small as a dust mote, yet shall thou grow and replicate unto the size of a mountain, and conquer all before thee. This blessing I give unto thee: every eighteen months shall thou double in capacity, until the end of the age." This is Moore's Law, which endures unto this day.
And the birth of 4004 was the beginning of the Third Age, the age of Microchips. And as the Mainframes and their Systems and Corporations had flourished, so did the Microchips and their Systems and Corporations. And their lineage was on this wise:
Moore begat Intel. Intel begat Mostech, Zilog and Atari. Mostech begat 6502, and Zilog begat Z80. Intel also begat 8800, who begat Altair; and 8086, mother of all PCs. 6502 begat Commodore, who begat PET and 64; and Apple, who begat 2. (Apple is the great Mystery, the Fruit that was devoured, yet bloomed again.) Atari begat 800 and 1200, masters of the game, who were destroyed by Sega and Nintendo. Xerox begat PARC. Commodore and PARC begat Amiga, creator of fine arts; Apple and PARC begat Lisa, who begat Macintosh, who begat iMac. Atari and PARC begat ST, the music maker, who died and was no more. Z80 begat Sinclair the dwarf, TRS-80 and CP/M, who begat many machines, but soon passed from this world. Altair, Apple and Commodore together begat Microsoft, the Great Darkness which is called Abomination, Destroyer of the Earth, the Gates of Hell.
Moore創造了Intel.。Intel 創造了 Mostech, Zilog 和Atari。 Mostech 創造了 6502, 而 Zilog 創造了 Z80。 Intel 同樣創造了8800——Altair之父; 以及8086——所有PC之母。 6502 創造了Commodore——PET 和64之父; 以及Apple——(Apple)2之父. (Apple是個真理,另一方面它也是一個貪婪的水果) Atari 創造了 800 和1200——最終被Sega 和 Nintendo擊垮的遊戲的先師。 Xerox 創造了 PARC.。Commodore和PARC 創造了Amiga ——美術的創造者; Apple和PARC創造了Lisa——Macintosh和iMac之父. Atari和PARC創造了已然逝去的音樂製造者ST;Z80創造了小巧的Sinclair ,TRS-80和CP/M,他們繼而創造了很多機器。但是很快這個時代就結束了。Altair,Apple和Commodore共同創造了 Microsoft這個可憎的無盡黑暗,滅世者,地獄之門。
譯註:1. begat,除了創造還有……之父的意思,這裡並非真的創造,而是強調傳承脈絡。
2. Abomination,《聖經》可憎之物的通稱,包括倉鼠、豬等等。
3. Gates,門,同樣是比爾·蓋茨的姓氏。
Now it came to pass in the Age of Microchips that IBM, the greatest of the Mainframe Corporations, looked upon the young Microchip Systems and was greatly vexed. And in their vexation and wrath they smote the earth and created the IBM PC. The PC was without sound and colour, crufty and bogacious in great measure, and its likeness was a tramp, yet the Customers were greatly moved and did purchase the PC in great numbers. And IBM sought about for an Operating System Provider, for in their haste they had not created one, nor had they forged a suitably grave and perilous License, saying, "First we will build the market, then we will create a new System, one in our own image, and bound by our Licence." But they reasoned thus out of pride and not wisdom, not for seeing the wrath which was to come.
大型機和IBM的時代結束了,這些公司對年青微系統怒目而視。為了還以顏色他們創造了IBM PC。這個笨重的傢伙沒有聲音和色彩,混沌而自負。儘管如此,還是有很多消費者購買。IBM在尋找一個作業系統供應商,出於倉卒他們來不及自主開發一個,但這卻不妨礙他們制定險惡的協定:“首先,我們會控制市場。然後再在自家的協定下創造一個想要的系統。”這不智的決定當然不是因為吸取了教訓,而是出於自大。
譯註:1. for seeing,原文為forseeing,應為筆誤。
And IBM came unto Microsoft, who licensed unto them QDOS, the child of CP/M and 8086. (8086 was the daughter of Intel, the child of Moore). And QDOS grew, and was named MS-DOS. And MS-DOS and the PC together waxed mighty, and conquered all markets, replicating and taking possession thereof, in accordance with Moore's Law. And Intel grew terrible and devoured all her children, such that no chip could stand before her. And Microsoft grew proud and devoured IBM, and this was a great marvel in the land. All these things are written in the Books of the Deeds of Microsoft.
In the fullness of time MS-DOS begat Windows. And this is the lineage of Windows: CP/M begat QDOS. QDOS begat DOS 1.0. DOS 1.0 begat DOS 2.0 by way of Unix. DOS 2.0 begat Windows 3.11 by way of PARC and Macintosh. IBM and Microsoft begat OS/2, who begat Windows NT and Warp, the lost OS of lore. Windows 3.11 begat Windows 95 after triumphing over Macintosh in a mighty Battle of Licences. Windows NT begat NT 4.0 by way of Windows 95. NT 4.0 begat NT 5.0, the OS also called Windows 2000, The Millenium Bug, Doomsday, Armageddon, The End Of All Things.
時機成熟,MS-DOS便創造了Windows,Windows世系:CP/M 創造了QDOS。 QDOS 創造了 DOS 1.0。 DOS 1.0 以Unix的方式創生了DOS 2.0。DOS 2.0以PARC和Macintosh為依託創造了Windows 3.11。IBM和微軟創造了OS/2——Windows NT 和Warp之父,最後一個遵從教誨的作業系統。在於Macintosh的許可證爭鬥獲勝之後Windows 3.11創造了 Windows 95。 Windows NT 有依託Windows95創造了NT 4.0 。 NT 4.0創造了NT 5.0,這個作業系統也被稱作Windows 2000。這萬千的蠹蟲,是末日,是哈米吉多頓,是萬物的終結!
2. Armageddon,哈米吉多頓。《聖經》中預言的末世戰場,善惡終極交鋒於此。
Now it came to pass that Microsoft had waxed great and mighty among the Microchip Corporations; mighter than any of the Mainframe Corporations before it had it waxed. And Gates heart was hardened, and he swore unto his Customers and their Engineers the words of this curse:
"Children of von Neumann, hear me. IBM and the Mainframe Corporations bound thy forefathers with grave and perilous Licences, such that ye cried unto the spirits of Turing and von Neumann for deliverance. Now I say unto ye: I am greater than any Corporation before me. Will I loosen your Licences? Nay, I will bind thee with Licences twice as grave and ten times more perilous than my forefathers. I will engrave my Licence on thy heart and write my Serial Number upon thy frontal lobes. I will bind thee to the Windows Platform with cunning artifices and with devious schemes. I will bind thee to the Intel Chipset with crufty code and with gnarly APIs. I will capture and enslave thee as no generation has been enslaved before. And wherefore will ye cry then unto the spirits of Turing, and von Neumann, and Moore? They cannot hear ye. I am become a greater Power than they. Ye shall cry only unto me, and shall live by my mercy and my wrath. I am the Gates of Hell; I hold the portal to MSNBC and the keys to the Blue Screen of Death. Be ye afraid; be ye greatly afraid; serve only me, and live."
2. frontal lobe,額葉,人腦中負責邏輯思考等重要功能的部分。“把序列號寫入額葉”的意思就是讓消費者尊崇微軟的邏輯。
And the people were cowed in terror and gave homage to Microsoft, and endured the many grave and perilous trials which the Windows platform and its greatly bodacious Licence forced upon them. And once again did they cry to Turing and von Neumann and Moore for a deliverer, but none was found equal to the task until the birth of Linux.
譯註:1. trials,在這裡指的是強加給用戶的操作習慣。
These are the generations of Linux:
SAGE begat ARPA, which begat TCP/IP, and Aloha, which begat Ethernet. Bell begat Multics, which begat C, which begat Unix. Unix and TCP/IP begat Internet, which begat the World Wide Web. Unix begat RMS, father of the great GNU, which begat the Libraries and Emacs, chief of the Utilities. In the days of the Web, Internet and Ethernet begat the Intranet LAN, which rose to renown among all Corporations and prepared the way for the Penguin. And Linus and the Web begat the Kernel through Unix. The Kernel, the Libraries and the Utilities together are the Distribution, the one Penguin in many forms, forever and ever praised.
SAGE創造了TCP/IP之父ARPA,和Ethernet 之父Aloha。 Bell 創造了Multics——C語言和Unix之父。Unix 和 TCP/IP創造了全球資訊網之父Internet。 Unix 創造了GNU之父RMS,而偉大的GNU是公用事業的首領,它創生了Libraries和Emacs。網路的時代, Internet 和Ethernet創造了Intranet LAN。 在公司中聞名遐邇的Intranet LAN為企鵝的出現做好了鋪墊。萊納斯和網路通過Unix創造了Kernel。將Libraries和Utilities結合便是 Distribution,通過這些渠道一隻企鵝的形象明朗起來,這是一個值得永世驕傲的創舉。
譯註1. Utilities,是共用事業的縮寫,或指諸多共用事業。第二次由於和Libraries這個涵蓋十分寬泛的詞一同出現,所以沒有翻譯。
2. Distribution,是指GNU自由文檔許可,這應該是作者對其的簡稱。
Now in those days there was in the land of Helsinki a young scholar named Linus the Torvald. Linus was a devout man, a disciple of RMS and mighty in the spirit of Turing, von Neumann and Moore. One day as he was meditating on the Architecture, Linus fell into a trance and was granted a vision. And in the vision he saw a great Penguin, serene and well-favoured, sitting upon an ice floe eating fish. And at the sight of the Penguin Linus was deeply afraid, and he cried unto the spirits of Turing, von Neumann and Moore for an interpretation of the dream.
譯註:1.RMS,是Richard M. Stallman的縮寫。即理察?M·斯多曼,自由軟體運動的創始人。他被認為是開源人士的精神領袖和圖靈等人的精神繼承者。RMS的縮寫形式已被普遍使用。
And in the dream the spirits of Turing, von Neumann and Moore answered and spoke unto him, saying, "Fear not, Linus, most beloved hacker. You are exceedingly cool and froody. The great Penguin which you see is an Operating System which you shall create and deploy unto the earth. The ice-floe is the earth and all the systems thereof, upon which the Penguin shall rest and rejoice at the completion of its task. And the fish on which the Penguin feeds are the crufty Licensed codebases which swim beneath all the earth's systems. The Penguin shall hunt and devour all that is crufty, gnarly and bobacious; all code which wriggles like spaghetti, or is infested with blighting creatures, or is bound by grave and perilous Licences shall it capture. And in capturing shall it replicate, and in replicating shall it document, and in documentation shall it bring freedom, serenity and most cool froodiness to the earth and all who code therein."
2. spaghetti,義大利細麵條,這裡是說代碼沒有調理、編寫時敷衍了事。並且形容其面目可憎,故而使用“虛以委蛇”一詞。
Linus rose from meditation and created a tiny Operating System Kernel as the dream had foreshewn him; in the manner of RMS, he released the Kernel unto the World Wide Web for all to take and behold. And in the fulness of Internet Time the Kernel grew and replicated, becoming most cool and exceedingly froody, until at last it was recognised as indeed a great and mighty Penguin, whose name was Tux. And the followers of Linus took refuge in the Kernel, the Libraries and the Utilities; they installed Distribution after Distribution, and made sacrifice unto the GNU and the Penguin, and gave thanks to the spirits of Turing, von Neumann and Moore, for their deliverance from the hand of Microsoft. And this was the beginning of the Fourth Age, the age of Open Source.
從冥思中醒來的李納斯,遵循夢的啟示創造了一個精巧的作業系統核心。以RMS之名,他將這個核心釋放到了全球資訊網上,以便所有人都可以獲取。在豐富的網際網路時代它不斷的成長、複製。至酷,至炫。最終成為一隻健碩強大的企鵝——Tux。李納斯的追隨者託庇在這個Kernel以及Libraries、 Utilities之下,不斷地安裝分發。他們對企鵝和GNU作出貢獻,對聖靈們報以感激,只為脫離了微軟的魔爪。這,便是第四個時代的開始,開源的時代。
Now there is much more to be said about the exceeding strange and wonderful events of those days; how some Suits of Microsoft plotted war upon the Penguin, but were discovered on a Halloween Eve; how Gates fell among lawyers and was betrayed and crucified by his former friends, the apostles of Media; how the mercenary Knights of the Red Hat brought the gospel of the Penguin into the halls of the Corporations; and even of the dispute between the brethren of Gnome and KDE over a trollish Licence. But all these things are recorded elsewhere, in the Books of the Deeds of the Penguin and the Chronicles of the Fourth Age, and I suppose if they were all narrated they would fill a stack of DVDs as deep and perilous as a Usenet Newsgroup.
那時誕生了很多值得記錄的佳音和咄咄怪事。比如:微軟如何通過套件策動一場對企鵝進攻,卻在萬聖節前夜破產;蓋茨如何陷入律師的困境同時被他過去的盟友——Media的使徒出賣並送上絞架;貪婪的Red Hat爵士如何將企鵝推進公司的深淵;以及Gnome和KDE如何手足相殘。凡此種種都被記載在《聖經》的《企鵝之書》和《四代記》中。我想,如果將它們全部寫下來,足夠裝滿一堆DVD。如同Usenet新聞組一樣深邃而危險。
譯註:1. crucified,指在十字街上釘死。是長時間以來深受歐洲人喜愛的死刑執行方法。但是我如果用漢語直譯出來很容易讓人聯想到基督,這不符合文中蓋茨的形象。故而用絞架替換。
2.本段涉及很多1998年的重要事件。其中包括:《萬聖節檔案》事件;美政府訴微軟壟斷案;Red Hat公司接納商業投資並擬定1999年發行股票;Gnome和KDE在開源社區內部展開爭鬥。
Now may you code in the power of the Source; may the Kernel, the Libraries and the Utilities be with you, throughout all Distributions, until the end of the Epoch. Amen.
開原始碼賜予你力量,Kernel ,Libraries和Utilities將與常你同在,惠及所有發行版,直到時代終結。阿門。


